2025 Special Olympics Michigan Champions Walk Detroit

By: Robbie Waclawski - Wed, Mar 19, 2025 8:38 AM

Hello Brother Knights,

There is a brand new event in Southeast Michigan to support our Special Olympics Michigan AthletesChampions Walk Detroit


This is an inexpensive way to show your support, get outside and enjoy mingling with volunteers, corporate sponsors, community leaders, and of course – Athletes!  Please see the attached flyer, and use the QR code to learn more and/or register.  You can also set up a fundraising page when you register and send a link to family and friends if you choose.  All participants receive a Champions Walk Detroit t-shirt.


Let me know if you have any questions.  NOTE - there are corporate sponsorship opportunities available - Contact me directly for details.

State Director of Special Olympics
Robbie Waclawski
C 810-444-8277


2025 State Spelling Bee Winners

By: Larry Herman - Wed, Mar 19, 2025 8:32 AM

The State Spelling Bee finals was held at Fr. Van Rooy Council 2740 in Essexville, MI on Saturday, March 1, 2025. Twenty-four competitors from around the State competed in the two different levels (Grades 4,5,6 and Grades 7,8,9). Following a challenging competition, both the winners and runners-up achieved success. They are pictured below with State Deputy Barry Borsenik and State Community Director Larry Herman.
Please join me in congratulating the winners and continue to encourage future champions to compete in the Michigan State Spelling Bee.
Larry J Herman
State Community Director


Welcome Archbishop Weisenburger

By: Ken Warzybok - Wed, Mar 19, 2025 8:10 AM

In February, Pope Francis appointed Edward J. Weisenburger as the new Archbishop of Detroit, replacing Allen Vigneron who had served in the position since 2009. Weisenburger was previously serving as the bishop of the Diocese of Tucson, Arizona.
The Mass of Installation took place on March 18th, officially transferring authority over the Archdiocese of Detroit from Archbishop Vigneron to Weisenburger.
In a statement, Archbishop Weisenburger expressed his gratitude for the opportunity to serve the Archdiocese of Detroit, a Church with a rich history and vibrant ministries. He acknowledged the challenge of leaving his previous home in the Diocese of Tucson but promised to give his all to the people of Detroit.
Archbishop Weisenburger also thanked Archbishop Vigneron for his warm welcome and support, expressing his hope for Vigneron's retirement to be filled with blessings and good health.
Overall, Archbishop Weisenburger's appointment marks a new chapter for the Archdiocese of Detroit, with a leader dedicated to serving the community with passion and commitment.


2025 Detroit St Patricks Day Parade

By: Ken Warzybok - Wed, Mar 19, 2025 7:56 AM

The City of Detroit celebrated St. Patrick's Day with the 67th Detroit St. Patrick's Parade on Sunday, March 16, 2025 in Corktown.

Thank you to all of our Brother Knights and Sir Knights who represented the Order with honor and distinction!


See the video here


2025 Detroit West Free Throw

By: William Corey - Tue, Mar 18, 2025 9:51 AM

On Sunday February 9,2025, the Archdiocesan-West Free-Throw took place at St. John Neumann. There were 48 participants from ages 9-14, both boys and girls. Congratulations to the winners:


9-year-old – Olivia J.                

10-year-old – Maggie J.                    

11-year-old – Isabella Rose S.         

12 -year-old – Layla M.                     

13-year-old – Isabella J.                    

14-year-old – Jadan K.                    



9-year-old – Jacob G.

10-year-old – Nate G.

11-year-old – Frederick O.

12-year-old – Jacob A.

13-year-old – Colin L.

14-year-old – Axle Jose V.



Thank you to the volunteers that showed up to help,

SDRR Ray Bilyk, State Family Life/Archdiocesan West-North Program Director Jim Kelly, District Deputies – Ed Hurst, Joe Zeolla, Ernie Renaud, Michael King, Dan Timmerman, and Mark Garcellano. Special thanks to the members of Council 16169 – Larry Redman, Larry O’Hara, Dave Kubinski, Keith Laurin, Roger Birnat, and Ron Kretshmer.


Bill Corey

Archdiocesan West-South Program Director


Pie Day after Pi Day

By: District Deputy 312 - Mon, Mar 17, 2025 7:03 PM

One day after Pi Day, it was Pie Day! On Saturday, March 15, brother Knights and family members from Ionia Council 944, Greenville Council 2084, Pewamo Council 8071, Saranac Council 11113 and Lake Odessa Council 14404 gathered in the gym at St. Joseph's School in Pewamo to make 1,900 pies in five hours -- 6.3 pies per minute! The councils sell the pies -- apple, cherry and blueberry varieties -- as fundraisers to help pay for their charitable service throughout the year.
Vivat Jesus!
Mike Karpus
District Deputy 312


It's Getting Close - Respect Life Dinner

By: Ed Strach - Mon, Mar 17, 2025 6:46 PM

It's Getting Close - Respect Life Benefit Dinner, Wednesday, April 2, 2025
By: Ed & Lynn Strach, Saturday, March 15, 2025
For 47 years councils, families and individuals have traveled close and far to attend the Annual Respect Life Benefit Dinner. Your attendance and continued support is greatly appreciated and important in our continued partnership with Right to Life Michigan. 
We'll have several bishops and religious attending to join us in this special evening and hear a personal testimony by Lisa Gigliotti and her work to safeguard Michigan from physician-assisted sucide. 
If you haven't registered yet, do so now! If you have registered, thank you and look forward to seeing you on Wednesday, April 2nd.  


A Battle with Planned Parenthood

By: Robert Bagley - Thu, Mar 13, 2025 7:12 AM

Brothers and Sisters

We are being Called into an intense Spiritual Battle. Brother John Bursch, Legal Counsel for the Michigan Knights of Columbus, on April 2nd will be arguing Medina v. Planned Parenthood in the U. S. Supreme Court. Below is John's statement:

“On April 2nd, I will be arguing Medina v. Planned Parenthood in the U.S. Supreme Court. I represent the State of South Carolina, which tried to defund Planned Parenthood as part of the State's Medicaid program because Planned Parenthood provides abortion. Planned Parenthood and a former client sued and obtained a permanent injunction that compels South Carolina to keep Planned Parenthood in the Medicaid program. If successful, the decision in this case will open the door for many more states to defund Planned Parenthood without the risk of federal-court litigation.

I'm hoping that we can ask our Michigan Knights (and all U.S. Knights, if that's possible) to pray for the legal team in its preparation, for the Justices in their deliberation, and for all those impacted by the evil of abortion.

Many thanks, and God bless!” – John Bursch

Brothers and Sisters this is a Battle that we are called to fight! We must stop the funding of Planned Parenthood which murders the innocent. We stand out in front of these abortion clinics and pray the Rosary for the life of God's Children. Brother John Bursch is taking this fight to the Supreme Court. We need to help John and the legal team through intense prayer. We have the ability and strength to fight and WIN this Spiritual Battle through the intercession of our Holy Mother.

Our State Chaplain Father Andrew LaFramboise has suggested we begin with praying a rosary together for this intention on April 2nd.

In the month of May, traditionally dedicated to Mary, we will embark on a collective effort starting on May 6th. Each day, we will unite in prayer by reciting the Rosary for this intention until the conclusion of the Supreme Court Battle. For those who possess the book on Spiritual Warfare, I recommend focusing on the Mysteries contained within. These Mysteries offer a profound journey into the unknown, allowing us to immerse ourselves in contemplation alongside Christ.

By supporting John and his legal team in this Spiritual Battle, we aim to initiate the dismantling of Planned Parenthood by cutting off their funding. This will provide God's precious children with the opportunity to thrive and overcome the Evil forces threatening their existence. A victory against Planned Parenthood in the Supreme Court of South Carolina will pave the way for similar triumphs in every state across the nation.

Let us join forces in this noble cause and work towards a future where the sanctity of life is upheld and protected!

Get in the FIGHT!


Bob "Ace" Bagley
State Faith Director Michigan Knights of Columbus
International President Knights on Bikes