SOMI 2024 Ties and Tennies Event
By: Ken Warzybok -
Sat, Nov 2, 2024 6:56 AM
The Michigan Special Olympics Ties and Tennies event took place on November 1st, 2024 at Ford Field. Attendees were elegantly dressed in black tie (optional) attire, and wearing tennis shoes as a show of support for the Special Olympics Athletes. The Ties and Tennies Gala is the flagship event for Michigan Special Olympics, with southeast Michigan boasting the largest athlete population in the state.
This annual event aims to raise funds for more than 22,000 individuals with intellectual disabilities in Michigan. These funds support year-round sports and training, health and wellness programs, and anti-bullying education initiatives.
The Special Olympics Movement has the power to inspire communities worldwide to embrace and include individuals with intellectual disabilities, fostering a culture of acceptance and celebration of diversity.

“Let me win. But if I cannot win, let me be BRAVE in the attempt” – Special Olympic Athlete Oath
St Francis Camp Fundraiser
By: Russ Smith -
Mon, Oct 28, 2024 7:06 PM
Mark your calendars for the St Francis Camp 40th Anniversary Gala on Friday February 28th 2025!

2024 Prep Bowl pt 2
By: Ken Warzybok -
Sat, Oct 26, 2024 4:08 PM
On October 26th, the Catholic High School League hosted the 52nd Prep Bowl, presented by the Knights of Columbus and held at the fabulous home of the Detroit Lions, Ford Field!
All of our State Officers were present, along with many District Deputies, Grand Knights, State Directors, Diocesan Directors, State Deputy Regional Representatives, Faithful Navigators, and (of course) our Fourth Degree Color Corps did a magnificent job!

66th Annual Detroit Bishops Dinner pt 2
By: Ken Warzybok -
Fri, Oct 25, 2024 9:18 AM
The 66th Annual Detroit Bishop’s Dinner was held on October 8th at Lovett Hall in Dearborn. This year's theme, "From Silence to Support: Advocacy, Education, and Hope," highlights Guest House's commitment to providing hope for individuals in recovery, those experiencing isolation, families facing challenges in silence, and for a society free of stigma.
Michigan State Deputy, Barry Borsenik, delivered a poignant address to the attendees on the importance of supporting individuals dealing with mental health and addiction issues.
See the State Deputy's presentation by clicking here

The Gift of Knighthood pt 2
By: Douglas Kokot -
Fri, Oct 25, 2024 6:21 AM
Brothers, Vivat Jesus!
Today marks two months until Christmas Day! While two months may seem like a lot of time, the holiday season has a way of sneaking up on us with all the shopping, decorating, cooking, gift wrapping, and festive music that comes along with it.
And speaking of gifts, this year we can all give our Catholic friends a unique and meaningful present that will be cherished forever: the Gift of Knighthood!

The Gift of Knighthood is a long-standing gift that holds its value indefinitely. This printable card serves as a useful tool when engaging with potential members, allowing you to showcase the Order's accomplishments while offering them the gift of Free Membership.
Below are links to downloadable PDF files for your convenience. It is recommended that you use card-stock for printing purposes. The single PDF file can be easily shared via email with friends, family, and prospective members. Alternatively, the four-per-page format can be printed, cut into individual gift cards, and distributed accordingly.
Link to single per page
Link to four per page
Suggestions for Use:
1) Distribute these cards among your Brother Knights so they can present them as gifts to their Catholic friends and neighbors.
2) Share these cards with your wife so that she may pass them along to her Catholic acquaintances to give to their husbands.
3) Remember to include your name, council number, and contact information on the back of the card for easy reference.
Keeping with the holiday spirit, encourage Catholic men to become a “Knight Before Christmas”!

Download this .jpg file by clicking here; the possibilities are endless!
1) Use this resource on your council's webpage and/or social media platforms to encourage your audience to select your council # as their preferred choice when joining online.
2) Include this information in your parish bulletin, urging readers to designate your council # as their council of choice when joining online.
3) If your parish uses projection screens, please be sure to provide the parish media director with the .jpg file to display this message before Mass.
Also, please be sure to visit the Michigan Knights of Columbus Facebook and Instagram pages between now and Christmas Eve for additional “Knight Before Christmas” messages that you can share to your council’s social media pages.
Brothers, we sincerely appreciate your efforts in utilizing these membership recruitment tools. As we approach the holiday season, let us reflect on the true essence of giving and the profound impact that the Gift of Knighthood can have.
Thank you for your dedication to the Knights of Columbus and for spreading the spirit of generosity during this joyous time of year.
SOAR With Us!
Douglas D. Kokot
State Membership Director