Religious Freedom - Spreading the Gospel featuring John Bursch
By: Ed Strach -
Fri, Dec 13, 2024 8:23 AM
John Bursch, Michigan State Council Legal Advisor, recently spoke at the 2024 Winter Leadership Conference on Religious Freedom and Alliance Defending Freedom's (ADF) mission to Spread the Gospel. ADF is the world's largest legal organization committed to those in need.

To view John's speech click here
100th Funded Ultrasound Unit
By: Ed Strach -
Wed, Dec 11, 2024 8:41 AM
Friday, December 6, 2024, marked a milestone for the Michigan State Council at the Winter Leadership Meeting where the announcement and presentation was made for the 100th funded Ultrasound in Michigan.

This milestone was on behalf of the Oxford Pregnancy Center who received funding from the Fr. Thomas R. Carey Council #4764, Lake Orion, its supporting councils, the Livingston County Ultrasound Initiative and the Supreme Council Knights of Columbus.

The introduction of the presentation noted the first Ultrasound unit placement in Michigan by the Knights of Columbus took place at the Center for Women Pregnancy Services in Jackson in 2009 by the leadership of Former District Deputy Stephen Artz, along with now Deacon Tom Arehart and then Life Couple Paul and Sue Thorn. Past State Deputy (deceased) John R. “Bob” Moody and Former Supreme Director Tom Wegener were both key in its placement.

Jeanne Tuski, Executive Director, of Oxford Pregnancy Center received honorary checks totaling $18,536 from Tom Tiffany, Grand Knight; Jim Roback, Ultrasound Chairmen from Fr. Thomas R. Carey Council and $18,536 from Christopher Kolomjec, Supreme Director and Steve Cohen, Supreme Territorial Growth Director. All totaled a donation of $37,072 marking this milestone. Jeanne Tuski shared an emotional example of how this Ultrasound placement has played an important part in the saving of baby’s life since its use.

State Deputy Barry Borsenik concluded with his comments which included gratitude for all the council support for this and all Ultrasound placement, recognition of the past state deputies support Defending Life initiatives as well as that of the Livingston County
Ultrasound Initiative.
SOARing for Life!
Ed Strach, Life Director
Michigan State Council
Knights of Columbus
Baptismal Blankets and Bears are a Big Hit
By: Larry Herman -
Sun, Dec 8, 2024 12:38 PM
Attention Council Program Directors,
We are excited to present a special opportunity for you to enhance the baptism experience for your fellow parishioners. We suggest that councils consider providing a Casey Bear and an "Image of God" baptismal blanket to families during baptisms.
To obtain the bears, please reach out to State Community Director Larry Herman ( or go straight to the Order Form by clicking here.
For the blankets, please contact State Life Director Ed Strach ( or go straight to the Order Form by clicking here.

Thank you for considering this thoughtful gesture to support families during such a significant moment in their lives!
Second Year of the Cross Catholic Outreach Food Packing Program
By: Garret Kelenske -
Sun, Dec 8, 2024 5:51 AM

My Brother Knights,
I am excited to share with you the news of our upcoming Food Packing Program, now entering its second year. This program promises to be both fun and impactful, as we work together to provide meals for those in need. Our goal is to pack 60,000 meals in less than four hours, at a cost of just 33 cents per meal. While there is a cost associated with this program, the rewards of making a difference in the lives of many are immeasurable.
To make this program a success, we need your support and teamwork. Each council within their respective District and Dioceses will be asked to contribute a small amount towards the program. A portion of the meals packed will also be distributed to our local communities, benefiting food banks and pantries.
Based on the success of our first year, we have determined that a donation of just two dollars per member from each council should cover the costs of the program. I urge you to encourage your councils to participate when the opportunity arises in your Diocese.
And here's the best news - by donating $500 to this program, your council will also qualify for the FOOD FOR FAMILIES Program. This means not only will your council members be supporting a life-changing initiative, but your council will also receive $100 back from Supreme for your contribution.
To contribute, please send your checks payable to the Michigan State Council, with "CCO Program" indicated in the memo line for your council to receive proper credit. Checks should be mailed to the current SCCO Director, Garret A. Kelenske, at the address below. Please note that donations made directly to Cross Catholic Outreach will NOT count towards our goal.
Let's once again come together as Brother Knights to make a difference in the lives of those in need. Your support and participation in this program are greatly appreciated!
Your Brother in Christ
Garret A Kelenske
State Cross Catholic Outreach Director
1439 Maple Ridge Street
Muskegon, MI 49445
By: Ken Warzybok -
Fri, Nov 29, 2024 11:42 AM
The holiday season is upon us once again, bringing with it out-of-town guests, the hustle and bustle of gift shopping, and the familiar holiday tunes playing endlessly on radio stations around the clock.
“I’ll get Susie just one more toy”
need just one more roll of wrapping paper”
“Oh mom, I’m so stuffed…but…but…of course, I’ll have just one more slice of ham!”
“Honey, the tree needs just one more ornament”
“Just one more”… three simple words. As Knights of Columbus, our commitment to charity is unwavering and we know that no matter how busy we are, we can ALWAYS find "just one more" charitable act to implement. As we approach CHRISTmas, let us consider ways to extend our charitable efforts even further in our communities. While your council or assembly may already be involved in various charitable activities, we encourage our Brother Knights, as part of a group or by yourself, to explore the possibility of adding "just ONE more" act of kindness this CHRISTmas season. (And some of these suggestions won’t cost any money!)
Consider programs such as starting a food pantry at your parish if one does not already exist, organizing clothing drives for those in need of warmth for another Michigan winter, “adopting a family” that needs a little extra help to get by, delivering baby items to a local pregnancy center, or hosting community meals to bring people together.
As an individual, perform simple acts of kindness, whether it's shoveling a neighbor's driveway, assisting someone at the grocery store by reaching an item on the top shelf, or holding the door for a mother struggling to manage her children. These small gestures can go a long way in brightening someone's day.
Additionally, the "Gift of Knighthood", offering free membership into the Knights of Columbus, can provide a sense of belonging and support. AND, of course, we can always welcome “just one more” Brother Knight!
One particularly impactful way to spread joy this holiday season is by visiting those who may be feeling lonely or isolated. Many elderly or ill individuals in assisted living facilities long for companionship and connection. A simple pre-planned visit from members of your parish, complete with CHRISTmas carols, small gifts, and perhaps a visit from "Santa Claus," can bring immense joy to these individuals and provide a most cherished gift: to be reminded that they are not forgotten!
And through all of this, let us not forget the greatest gift of all:
“Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.”
Our Lord came into a broken world to save us and forgive our sins. Jesus always has room in His heart for "just one more!”

This CHRISTmas, let’s do "just one more" for Jesus!
Happy Thanksgiving from your Michigan State Officers Board
By: Ken Warzybok -
Thu, Nov 28, 2024 12:09 PM

The Knights Priest
By: Christy Miron -
Thu, Nov 28, 2024 8:02 AM
As we celebrate Thanksgiving, let us pause to express our gratitude for the life and commitment of our Knights of Columbus Founder, Blessed Michael J. McGivney. Below, you will find an excerpt from an article shared by Christy Miron, the wife of our esteemed Worthy State Treasurer, Vern Miron.

"If you know anything about Fr. Michael McGivney, it is that he founded the Knights of Columbus, when he gathered a number of the men of his parish for a meeting to discuss what could be done to help fatherless families. The preeminent Catholic fraternal organization of this country was born. One hundred forty-plus years of fish fries, coat drives, and honor guards have resulted. But 134 years after Fr. McGivney’s death, it can become obscured what made the young curate so special, and so holy."
Blessed Michael McGivney, pray for us!
Read the full article by clicking here
Help Marie Find A Kidney
By: Lawrence Grabowski -
Fri, Nov 22, 2024 5:35 PM
Thank you for all your prayers! Marie Grabowski, the wife of our Executive Secretary Lawrence Grabowski, received a Kidney Transplant on November 21st and is doing great!
Please continue to keep the Grabowski Family in your prayers as she continues her recovery!
Brother Knights, Marie Grabowski, wife of State Executive Secretary Larry Grabowski, is in urgent need for a kidney. Please read "Marie's Story" below, spread the word to help find a donor, and most importantly, keep Marie in your prayers.

My name is Kathryn and I am writing because my mother, Marie Grabowski, needs a kidney. My mom donated a kidney to her brother over 30 years ago when his kidney health was compromised from medication. I know this decision was one she did not make hastily, as I was only 5 years old and my sister was 11 when the transplant took place.
For many years, my mom’s kidney health was great. Unfortunately, a few years ago, it became evident that she herself has chronic kidney disease, and in the last year, the function of her single kidney has decreased dramatically. At 11% kidney function, my mom is hopeful that she can receive a transplant before ever having to get on dialysis, which will greatly limit the things she is able to do on a daily basis.
The waiting list in Michigan for a kidney donation is generally 5 to 7 years. A living donor coming forward would allow her to receive a kidney much sooner. Her quality of life would dramatically improve, and with two young grandchildren, she has a lot to live for. We all wish that she could gain her energy again that she once had; a kidney would be life-changing.
The evaluation to be a kidney donor is very thorough and paid for by the recipient’s (in this case, my mom’s) insurance. The transplant team won’t let you donate unless they determine you are healthy. Most living donors have laparoscopic surgery and are in hospital for only 1-2 nights.
I hope you’ll consider sharing my mom’s story as we search for a donor, or maybe you’ll even consider contacting a transplant center yourself to be evaluated! Thanks so much for reading this. For more information, please do not hesitate to contact me at or 586.925.3369.
Assembly 2050 awarded with To Be A Patriot
By: Joseph Yekulis -
Wed, Nov 20, 2024 12:11 PM
On Thursday November 14, 2024, Msgr. Fedewa Assembly #2050 of Howell received a visit from Vice Supreme Master Ed Ponder and District Master Joe Yekulis at their monthly assembly meeting to receive the "To Be a Patriot" award given by Supreme at their annual Summer Conference in Quebec.

The Assembly received the award for their work in support of Blue Star Service Dogs, a 501 C3 non-profit that trains therapy dogs for Veterans who are suffering from PTSD.
The Assembly's project was chosen as the winner in Michigan District 2, then went on to win in the Fr. Hennepin Province in Michigan & Ohio, and finally was chosen as one of three TBAP awards given out nationally at the Supreme Convention.
More than 60 people were present for this special event, which also provided a catered meal for the SK's and Ladies who were in attendance at St. Agnes Parish in Fowlerville, MI. VAVS Director John Yanok was the coordinator of the project, supported by PFN Don Powell and FN Paul Funk.

Spreading the Word About Cor
By: Paul Kelsey -
Wed, Nov 20, 2024 6:22 AM
Spreading the Word About Cor
Supreme Knight Patrick Kelly updates U.S. bishops on the Cor initiative and asks for their support

Supreme Knight Patrick Kelly addressed the annual plenary assembly of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops in Baltimore Nov. 13, offering the Order’s assistance in the bishops’ evangelization efforts and asking for their support of the Cor initiative.
Amid the “modern crisis of isolation that comes from ruptured relationships,” Supreme Knight Kelly said, “Catholics need places to grow in friendship with God and one another — places where they can commit together to answer our Lord’s call to evangelize. This is the insight that led us to create the Cor initiative.”
The Knights of Columbus launched Cor in 2023, first as a pilot program in 16 jurisdictions and later that year across the Order. Cor groups have now formed in more than 3,000 parishes to provide men — including men who are not Knights — with opportunities for prayer, faith formation and fraternity.
“Men of all ages are hungry for spiritual community. And we know many priests want to set up small groups to meet that need, but they can’t quite do it on their own. Cor is the solution,” the supreme knight told the bishops. “It enables priests to draw on the structure and resources of the Knights of Columbus, getting small groups off the ground quickly, and — importantly — sustaining them over time.”
The supreme knight asked the bishops for their help spreading the word about Cor in the dioceses and among their priests, and promised that the Knights will continue to carry out Blessed Michael McGivney’s mission in support of the Church and the family.
He concluded, “To all of you, our bishops, we thank you for your support and recommit ourselves to standing in steadfast solidarity with you. And as always, we pray for you, just as we count on your prayers for us.”
USCCB president Archbishop Timothy Broglio thanked the supreme knight for his remarks, adding that Cor “certainly falls very well in this time of New Evangelization and in this time of synodality.”
In his presidential address to the plenary assembly the previous day, Archbishop Brolio also commended the Knights of Columbus for its humanitarian work in Ukraine. The archbishop, who leads the Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA, visited the war-torn country in December 2022.
“With my own eyes I saw what the Knights of Columbus were doing on the ground in Ukraine,” Archbishop Broglio said, adding, “What was born of concrete needs for widows in the 19th century still serves today for formation, charitable action, and authentic patriotism.”
CECILIA HADLEY is editorial director of the Knights of Columbus communications department.