Rosary Prayers for our Nation

By: Ken Warzybok - Tue, Oct 15, 2024 11:09 AM

In the midst of the current global turmoil, with conflicts raging in Europe and the Middle East, political and social unrest in the United States, and the devastating aftermath of Hurricane Helena, it is evident that we need to pray for God’s guidance, wisdom, and input.


With October being the month dedicated to the Most Holy Rosary, Knights of Columbus councils across Michigan are stepping up by organizing group rosaries for our nation.


As more notifications of October rosary events come in, we will continue to update this article.





Lansing Catholic Womens Conference 2024

By: Ken Warzybok - Sat, Oct 12, 2024 7:10 PM

On October 12th, Catholic women from across Michigan gathered at the Lansing Center to deepen their faith and experience the fellowship of sisterhood in Christ Jesus. The day was filled with enlightening talks from Catholic speakers who motivated and uplifted the attendees to strengthen their faith. The women also engaged in uplifting praise and worship music and celebrated Holy Mass with our bishops.
The Knights of Columbus helped sponsor the event, with many women expressing interest in encouraging their husbands to consider joining our Order. Those whose husbands were already Brother Knights shared the numerous benefits that accompany membership in the KofC.
On hand were Chief of Staff Paul Palka and his wife Margaret, Special Assistant/Training Bill LeVeque, and Supreme Field Agent Brennan Hayden of the Borelli Agency.


Columbus Day - Honoring our Namesake

By: Ken Warzybok - Sat, Oct 12, 2024 8:10 AM

Columbus Day is a recognized national holiday in the United States. This day commemorates the historic arrival of Christopher Columbus in the Americas in October of 1492.
When Father Michael J. McGivney established the Knights of Columbus, he deliberately selected Christopher Columbus as the organization's namesake. This decision was made amidst a backdrop of prevalent anti-Catholic sentiment.
Father McGivney and his Knights recognized the significance of their choice - by aligning themselves with Columbus, they were making a bold statement and giving a voice to generations of Catholics. These Knights sought to demonstrate that Catholics had a rightful place within American society and to underscore the contributions of individuals like Columbus in shaping the nation they inhabited.
Therefore, Columbus Day holds a deeper meaning beyond simply being a day off from work or school. It serves as a reminder of Christopher Columbus's profound impact on America and the pivotal role he played in its formation.
To learn more about Christopher Columbus and his legacy, please click here

2024 DAVL Memorial Mass

By: Michael Cousins - Sat, Oct 12, 2024 8:09 AM


Each year the Knights of Columbus with the Detroit Archdiocesan Vocations League sponsor a Memorial Mass held at Sacred Heart Major Seminary. It is a very moving event and the name of every Brother who is being memorialized on a plaque is read aloud and also printed in the program. The Mass is attended by the State Officers, Fourth Degree Color Corps and all Brother Knights and their families who wish to attend. This is followed by a brunch where we get to meet some of the current seminarians and future priests.

This year’s Mass is going to be held on Sunday November 3 2024

Time: 10 am, please be seated by 9:45

Location: Sacred Heart Seminary 2701 Chicago Blvd. Detroit, 48206

Enter on Linwood south of Chicago.

If you wish to memorialize a Knight from your family or Council fill out the plaque application that can be found on the State Website or click here or contact Mike Cousins: 586-610-6497


Final date for name submission is October 14, 2024!

Supreme Council 2023 - 2024 Star District Awards for Detroit Archdiocese East

By: Paul Thorn - Fri, Oct 11, 2024 10:37 AM

On October 9th, at the Detroit Archdiocesan Leadership meeting, State Deputy Regional Representative Paul Thorn handed out Supreme Council Star District Awards for the 2023 - 24 Fraternal Year to the respective District Deputy during that time.
District Deputies (DD) during that time period, who received the Awards are, DD101 Dan Nowakowski, DD103 David Kelley II, DD111 John Carry Jr., DD113 Thomas Kendziorski, DD117 Matt Elias, DD127 Mark Elias.
DD121 Rick Fisher was not able to receive his award as he is recovering at home from recent surgeries.
Also accepting an award for highest percentage of Council membership growth during the period for St. George Council 16311 was DD132 Raad Orow. The Council's new member target was 5. A total of 26 new members joined the Council resulting in a 520% growth rate.
Congratulations to all!
Paul Thorn
State Deputy Regional Representative
Detroit Archdiocese East

2024 Prep Bowl

By: Barry M. Borsenik - Wed, Oct 9, 2024 2:08 PM

  1. 1

Prep Bowl 2024

On Saturday, October 26th 2024, the Catholic High School League will host its 52nd Prep Bowl, presented by the Knights of Columbus and held at the fabulous home of the Detroit Lions, Ford Field. Prep Bowl LII festivities will kick off with High School Exhibits during the a.m. CYO Panorama (two 20-minute games followed by the C-D and A-B Division Championships). During this time, the Knights of Columbus Color-Guard will assemble on the field for a presentation prior to the Championship games. Opening ceremony for the afternoon will begin at 12:45 p.m. with a Pom-Pon Routine, recognition presentation to Catholic school educators, administrators, and the Sylvia A. Kolaz Administrative Assistant of the Year Award.


This letter is a call to all of the K of C Councils, not only those in the Archdiocese of Detroit, but throughout the Michigan Jurisdiction. Even though we are asking for the support of all of the Councils throughout Michigan, we are seeking 100% involvement from our over 140 Councils in the Archdiocese of Detroit, which is home to the largest portion of the Catholic High Schools in the State of Michigan. We know that some Councils have greater resources than others, but we ask each and every Council for some sign of visible support.


How can you support the Prep Bowl? The first opportunity for you is purchasing tickets at a discounted rate.


Pre-sale tickets are only available to the Knights of Columbus for $10.00 per ticket. Tickets will be $12.00 the day of the event. Tickets are available from the Michigan State Council until Friday, October 12, 2024. After that time, you will need to purchase tickets the day of the Prep Bowl at full price.


Please take advantage of the discounted ticket prices and fill out the ticket form (provided in the link below).


The second way to support the Prep Bowl is by submitting a District ad for the Program Book. A copy of the Catholic League advertisement form is included. All advertisements must be sent via e- mail to the Catholic High School League office at no later than Friday, September 27, 2024.


For inquiries, please contact: Mike Evoy, CHSL Associate Director at .  Thank you for your support, without it the Prep Bowl would not be what it is today.


Brother Knights, this is a great and inexpensive way to come down and explore Ford Field with your family and friends, as well as see some great kids participating in this all-day athletic competition. Remember, these young men and women are not only the future leaders of tomorrow in our church, but they may be our future leaders of the Knights of Columbus here in the Michigan jurisdiction. Even though your parish may not have a grade school or high school, it still has a Youth Group. Why not purchase 10 or more tickets and give them to the youth of the parish. Supporting these young men and women today may bring them and their families into our family of the Knights of Columbus tomorrow.


I would like to invite each Grand Knight, District Deputy, State Director, Diocesan Director and State Deputy Regional Representative to make an effort to come down to Ford Field on October 26, 2024, to be recognized and introduced on the field. I personally challenge all leadership in the Detroit Diocese to attend. It has been many years since we were able to fill up the end zone at Ford Field with the leadership of the Archdiocese.

For those Grand Knights, District Deputies, State Directors, Diocesan Directors and State Deputy Regional Representatives who have never attended the Prep Bowl in the past we ask that you arrive no later than 8:30 am to check in at the Knights of Columbus table located at approximately the 40-yard line on Adams St., Main Concourse Level. At approximately 9:00am, all the State Officers, District Deputies, Grand Knights, State Directors, Diocesan Directors and State Deputy Regional Representatives will be introduced on the field. It is important that you check-in at Knights of Columbus table in order to receive proper credentials to gain access onto the field and to be recognized on the field.


We ask for your help as the leadership of the Archdiocese. Join your fellow Brother Knights for the Prep Bowl and show your support for those young men and women! Let us show those students and their families that we as Knights of Columbus support their efforts and the efforts of all Catholic Schools, not only in the Archdiocese of Detroit, but throughout each Diocese in the State of Michigan.


Thanks to those Brother Knights and those Councils who in the past have supported this event. I hope you continue to support this event and those students and their families.


Hope to see you at Ford Field on Saturday, October 26, 2024!


Barry M. Borsenik

State Deputy

Michigan Knights of Columbus


For the Ticket Order Form, click here

For Advertising opportunities, click here


Investing in the Light of Faith

By: Ken Warzybok - Tue, Oct 8, 2024 1:31 PM

Dear Brother Knights,
Why should Catholics approach their investment decisions in the light of their faith?
Join a live webinar with Knights of Columbus Asset Advisors’ Chief Investment Officer Anthony Minopoli and staff moral theologian Dr. John Grabowski as they share their perspectives and address that question.
This Fraternal Benefit Event is open to all, including non-members, and will be held on Tuesday, October 29, 2024, at 8 p.m. ET.
Register today by clicking here to reserve your spot! And please feel free to share with others who may be interested in attending.  

KofC Disaster Relief

By: Ken Warzybok - Mon, Oct 7, 2024 8:48 PM

With the devastation of Hurricane Beryl, Hurricane Helene, and the impending Hurricane Milton, we expect that there will be additional need for disaster relief as the hurricane and tropical storm season intensifies. Many councils and Brother Knights are asking “What can we do to help?”
Please remember that the Order has a Disaster Relief Program, which is operated by personnel in the Office of the Supreme Treasurer and the Fraternal Mission Department, with assistance from our volunteers in the field.
The funds collected are deposited into the bank account of Knights of Columbus Charities, Inc., which is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a public charity under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Give today at click here
PLEASE NOTE: non-members can also donate!


89th Exemplification for Michigan District 2

By: Joseph Yekulis - Mon, Oct 7, 2024 11:13 AM

This past weekend, we had the honor of celebrating the 89th Fourth Degree Exemplification for MI District 2 of the Knights of Columbus in Charlotte, MI. A total of 28 new members were inducted into MI District 2 this fall, and they enjoyed a banquet alongside 145 members and their ladies at St. Mary Parish on October 5th.
Class Photo
Lady Denise's Ladies Program which featured the Blue Star Service Dogs for Veterans
The Sir Knights from Cardinal O'Hara Assembly in Ann Arbor
A tribute award being presented to Degree Team Member Gaylend Meeks by State Deputy Barry Borsenik
Class Honoree Fr. Dwight Ezop
It was a truly memorable and inspiring evening, filled with camaraderie and celebration of our newest Sir Knights.
Joe Yekulis MFD MI2

2024 State Special Olympics Soccer Games

By: District Deputy 114 - Sun, Oct 6, 2024 6:06 PM

On Saturday, September 28th, the Michigan State Special Olympic Soccer Games were held in Canton. The rainy day did not keep the athletes from participating in fun-filled contests. Over twenty Knights were on hand to prepare over 800 grilled chicken and Impossible Burger sandwiches for the athletes and volunteers.
1Many thanks to all the brother Knights who helped, from Councils 16169, 6549, 3959, 3860,11811, and 11658. Among those on hand were State Special Olympic Director, Robbie Waclawski, District Deputy #114 Dan Timmerman, State Retention Director Dick Shelt, AOD Membership Directors Hans Hansen and Don Garon, and Council 16169 Grand Knight Steve Sarlitto. We also recruited 3 new members. What a day!
Vivat Jesus,
Dan Timmerman - District Deputy
District # 114