National Prayer for Life Campaign
By: Gary Merritt -
Wed, May 2, 2018 7:30 PM
Thursday May 3rd marks the National Day of Prayer for Life 2018 which is outlined below. During these challenging times for many, prayer is one thing that should remain consistent throughout our daily activities.
Whether it be at Mass, at work, or in the comfort of your home, please take time to pray for a change in our Culture in our efforts in Protecting the Sanctity of Human Life.
Knights, Catholics and all people of good will are invited to join in raising up a great prayer for life across the nation through the daily recitation of this prayer:
Eternal Father, Source of Life, strengthen us with your Holy Spirit
to receive the abundance of life you have promised.
Open our hearts to see and desire the beauty of your plan for life and love.
Make our love generous and self-giving so that we may be blessed with joy. Grant us great trust in your mercy.
Forgive us for not receiving your gift of life
and heal us from the effects of the culture of death.
Instill in us and all people reverence for every human life.
Inspire and protect our efforts on behalf of those most vulnerable
especially the unborn, the sick and the elderly.
We ask this in the Name of Jesus, who by His Cross makes all things new. Amen.
Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us.
This prayer campaign finds its inspiration in Pope John Paul II’s landmark encyclical Evangelium Vitae, No. 100:
“In this great endeavor to create a new culture of life we are inspired and sustained by the confidence that comes from knowing that the Gospel of life, like the Kingdom of God itself, is growing and producing abundant fruit (cf. Mk 4:26-29). There is certainly an enormous disparity between the powerful resources available to the forces promoting the “culture of death” and the means at the disposal of those working for a “culture of life and love”. But we know that we can rely on the help of God, for whom nothing is impossible (cf. Mt 19:26).
Filled with this certainty, and moved by profound concern for the destiny of every man and woman, I repeat what I said to those families who carry out their challenging mission amid so many difficulties: a great prayer for life is urgently needed, a prayer which will rise up throughout the world. Through special initiatives and in daily prayer, may an impassioned plea rise to God, the Creator and lover of life, from every Christian community, from every group and association, from every family and from the heart of every believer. Jesus himself has shown us by his own example that prayer and fasting are the first and most effective weapons against the forces of evil (cf. Mt 4:1-11). As he taught his disciples, some demons cannot be driven out except in this way (cf. Mk 9:29). Let us therefore discover anew the humility and the courage to pray and fast so that power from on high will break down the walls of lies and deceit: the walls which conceal from the sight of so many of our brothers and sisters the evil of practices and laws which are hostile to life. May this same power turn their hearts to resolutions and goals inspired by the civilization of life and love.”
Thanks & God bless,
Tim & Cindy State Culture of Life Couple
"For With God All Things Are Possible"
Michigan State Council
Knights of Columbus
Mobile: 517.214.5120
'10'' for Charities Program - Michigan Charities Fund
By: Gary Merritt -
Wed, Apr 25, 2018 7:30 PM
In the spirit of charity, the principle of our Order, with your voluntary contributions the Take “10” for Charities Program of the Michigan Charities Fund has continued to grow as a State Council resource for those in need. Since its inception in 1977 the Take “5” Program, now the “10” for Charites Program of the Michigan Charities Fund has been able to help many charities, listed below are a few of them. |
* All Diocesan Vocations |
* Archdiocese Clergy Outing – Vocations |
* Bishop Baraga Association |
* Catholic Education |
* Capuchin Community Center |
* Catholic High School League |
* Catholic Publications |
* Center for Women |
* Family Donations all Dioceses |
* Catholic Radio |
* Holy Cross Children Services |
* Most Holy Trinity Parish |
* Guest House |
* Livingston County Ultra Sound Initiative |
* Sacred Heart Major Seminary |
* RTL Agencies |
* Parochial Schools Cross Country Youth Rally |
* Shared Pregnancy Crisis Center |
* Special Days Cancer Camp |
* Prep Bowl/RTL Mich. Education Fund |
* Squires Scholarship |
* St. Anne’s Mackinac Island |
* St. Francis Cabrini Clinic |
* St. Francis Retreat Center |
* St. Vincent Home Lansing |
* Solanus Casey Center |
* Students for Life |
* Summer Scripture, Lansing |
* UP Catholic Newspaper |
A $10.00 contribution by each of the approximately 66,000 Michigan Knights would give the Michigan Charities Fund $ 660,000.00 to distribute. Just think of the good that we could do if each member gave his fair share.
We need your support! Please include $10.00 or more with your dues payment or send a separate check payable to your local council. (Write “10” for Charities Program) on the memo line. Your Financial Secretary will send the total ”10” for Charities Program contributions to the State Secretary.
Working together as a team of 66,000 we can be a tremendous force of support for those who truly need us. Please do what you can. We thank you in advance for your help to help others. Vivat Jesus!
Attention Worthy Financial Secretaries,
As the council, annual dues billing season approaches please insure the list of charities which receive support from the State Council is distributed with your billings.
For those councils that bill manually by hard mail it is easy. Just insert the slip listing the charities provided by the State through your District Deputy into the billing envelope.
For councils that bill electronically we need you to make an extra step and either mail the slip separately or add as an e-mail attachment to your members.
A copy of the slip which you may attach to your e-billing is found on our website under Resources/Forms/Council Forms and is linked here.
The promotion of the “10” for Charities Program by distribution of the slip is essential for the funding of our charities program.
Thanks for your cooperation. Any questions may be directed to:
William J. Walsh PSD Director “10” for Charity Program - Michigan Charities Fund. 517-629-9273
Mich K of C Business Card
By: Gary Merritt -
Wed, Apr 25, 2018 7:30 PM

Supreme Council recently introduced an Online Membership option through the website. Michigan was added February 2018 and new members throughout the state are joining every week. The best part is nearly every new member has indicated that they wish to join a local Council.
To drive them quickly to the JoinUs page, a business card has been developed that can be tailored to your Council/District/Diocesan needs. Coordinated with the Supreme published ‘Why Join’ brochure, this provides an opportunity to market to all Catholic men an option to join on their own time in a way that is familiar, fast and convenient.
The Card is available in PDF formats, you can quickly upload the design from and have cards available to your membership team within a matter of days. At approximately $20/500cards this is an inexpensive option to engage and drive interest in the Knights of Columbus. Consider adding a 2’x3’ banner prominently displaying the QR code and social media icons – at approximately $15, this is a real eye catcher.
Some suggestions for business card printers include Staples, OfficeMax, Costco, and online at,, or A quick search for coupon codes will help cut your costs as well.
If you wish to print a limited number of cards, you can utilize the Avery Design&Print website to print on standard/available formats right from your home computer. A typical 10 card page (Avery #8875) is available as both AVERY and PDF formats.
Should you have questions, or need assistance with modifying the card, please contact the MI Online Membership Director, Carson Mantooth - 616-379-9069.
Family of the Year Applications
By: Gary Merritt -
Fri, Apr 20, 2018 7:30 PM
Building The Domestic Church Through Family of Year Nominations

As the new year begins it gives us the opportunity to continue our mission in Building The Domestic Church. By recognizing a Family of Year at the State level it provides the perfect opportunity to honor families that set an example of Christian participation in our councils, parish and community.
In addition to honoring a Family of Year in your parish, it provides an example of how the Knights of Columbus believe in the value of a strong "Domestic Church". Below is a recommended action plan for the submission of a successful nomination and portfolio for the Family of Year.
Access the Supreme Family of the Year Application form here.
Keys to a Successful Michigan State Family of Year Nomination Action and Timeline

Direct Family of the Year questions to State Family Director Ed Strach 734-476-6296.
40th Annual Right to Life Banquet
By: Gary Merritt -
Wed, Apr 18, 2018 7:30 PM

Brother Knights, Ladies, & Families, we are creating this article so all of you are aware of the sacrifice that was made by many at the 40th Annual Right to Life Banquet held at Burton Manor in Livonia on Thursday evening April 5th.
Over 650 people were in attendance, including Archdiocesan Chaplain Fr. Paul Ballien, several Council Chaplains and Priests, Michigan State Council State Deputy Ken Unterbrink & wife Ellie, State Council board and their wives, Michigan Squires, Past State Deputies, State Representative Laura Cox, and representatives from Students for Life of Michigan. Barbara Listing and her husband Otto, Brian Cusack, and Dennis and Barbara Rotary rounded out the distinguished guests from Right to Life of Michigan. Our Emcee for the evening was Host of the Morning Light -WMUZ,103.5 FM Chris Stevenson.

Our guest speaker, Melissa Ohden provided an inspirational and moving testimony of how Faith and Trust in God can help anyone overcome the shadows and darkness of evil. Melissa concluded the evening by signing her most recent book,"You Carried Me" for all those interested in purchasing. Brian Cusack provided an Educational update along with some inspirational words of his own while conducting the Annual Appeal. This was the highest appeal total in over Twelve years that will help play an important part of our ongoing battle and War opposing abortion. |
We hope all of you have the opportunity at some point to take part in The March For Life or any Pro-Life event in your local area that will benefit all of us in our combined efforts of Protecting the Sanctity of Human Life. God bless! Tim & Cindy Donovan Pro Life Chair Couple |
2018 Joint Fundraiser Raffle
By: Gary Merritt -
Sun, Apr 15, 2018 7:30 PM

List of winners to follow later.
Assessing Membership and Program Progress
By: Gary Merritt -
Thu, Apr 12, 2018 7:30 PM

As I reflect on these past two years, I think it’s valuable to evaluate our progress. As a retired educator, I know that evaluation is an important part of the learning process. As reported in many meetings and publications, Michigan’s membership has declined for the past ten years. At the start of State Deputy Kenneth Unterbrink’s term, I spoke about stabilizing the decline and turning it around. To do this the State Leadership Team set five objectives that are listed on page 6 of the Membership and Program Leadership Guide that the State Family, Grand Knights, Membership and Program Directors received at the beginning of these two years. Each objective is intertwined with the others. Follow the link below to read my entire evaluation of how we have done.
To view the entire assessment article on the above subjects click here: Are We There Yet?
The past two years leading the state membership program have been challenging and exciting. Many have contributed greatly. The State Officers, State Directors, Diocesan Program and Membership Directors and specially a clear majority of District Deputies have worked hard to provide program and recruitment support. The leadership in many councils are making positive strides that will pay future dividends. Especially I must thank Assistant State Membership Director Ed Nickel, who has worked tirelessly in this position and several others at the state level. I would be remiss if I didn’t also thank Supreme Membership and Program Consultant Dannie Harris for the guidance and support he has provided. Many have done much, but there’s still so much to do making state program and membership growth the best it can be.
46th Ultrasound Machine in Michigan
By: Gary Merritt -
Sat, Mar 24, 2018 7:30 PM
In attendance (from left to right) GK Joe Williams from St Maximilian Kolbe Council, GK Doug Cryderman from Sacred Heart Grosse Ile Council 13475, PGK Jim Pryce form St. John Neumann Council,Pro Life Chair Couple Tim & Cindy Donovan, Executive Director Nancy Kujawa, MI K of C State Deputy Ken Unterbrink, GK Sean Piedmonte from Monroe Council, and GK Michael Goodhart from Msgr Kern Council. Others in attendance and pictured with the State Deputy are Ken Unterbrink, District Deputy's Ken Dressel & George Honer, and K of C Detroit Archdiocese Program Director Jeff Dombrowski.
Sunday March 18th 2018 marked the dedication for the 46th Ultrasound Machine in Michigan. Fr. John Kiselica began the ceremony with an opening prayer & blessing the Ultrasound machine which took place at Pregnancy Services of Greater Lansing (MSU Campus Location).
Executive Director Nancy Kujawa communicated the importance of this Ultrasound Machine which is located at their Michigan State University location while thanking the Knights of Columbus for their generosity and commitment to Protecting the Unborn. Board President Jim Smiertka also thanked the Knights of Columbus for their overwhelming generosity that has and will continue to change the hearts and minds of those facing difficult decisions.
Councils, Assemblies contributing to the purchase this ultrasound
Monroe #1266, Our Lady of Victory #5446, Sacred Heart Grosse Ile #13475,
Msgr. Kern #8284, St Maximillian Kolbe #6549, Raisin River Assembly #488,
Fr. John Kenna #11430, St John Neumann #16169, Notre Dame #3021,
Msgr. Eppenbrock #3615, Riverview #13980, All Saints #4872, Divine Grace #15932,
Bishop Foley #2660, Wyandotte #1802, Fr Victor Renaud #3292,
Lady of Mt Carmel #8902, Fr Alfred Saylor #3774, Immaculate Conception #4513, St Joseph #7413

Let us not forget Supreme Knights of Columbus for their matching funds program which has now crested over 900 machines Order wide.
Michigan Columbian April 2018
By: Gary Merritt -
Fri, Mar 23, 2018 7:30 PM
To view the latest Michigan Columbia edition click the logo below.

Listening Session Meeting Schedule
By: Gary Merritt -
Thu, Mar 1, 2018 3:30 AM

Worthy Council and State Leaders:
Below is the schedule of Listening Session Meetings that will be held throughout Michigan beginning the week of March 5th.
Along with the Distrct Deputies at a minimum, council Grand Knights and Membership Directors need to attend. District Deputies should inform their area Diocesan Membership Director of the number attending from each council in their district. If there are schedule conflicts, councils may attend meetings outside their area.
Deputy Supreme Knight Kelly plans to attend the March 7 meeting Sacred Heart hall in Grosse Ile and the March 8 meeting at St. John's Church in Howell.
The main purpose of the listening meeting is to gain ideas from councils and districts about their recruitment programs that work, suggestions how the Michigan State Council can assist membership growth and development and incentives that might be offered to council members to stimulate recruitment efforts. Snacks and beverages will be served at the meetings. Contact State Program Director Dale Schaedig or State Membership Director Ken Krause with questions.
Vivat Jesus!
State Membership Director Ken Krause
Mon, Mar 5, 18, 6:30 reg. / 7 p.m. meeting Detroit East – St. Margaret of Scotland, 21201 E. 13 Mi Rd, St. Clair Shores DPD Mike Haughey and DMD Larry Pitruzzello |
Thurs, Mar 15, 18, 6:30 reg. / 7 p.m. meeting Detroit N. – St. Clement of Rome Council No. 7018, 343 S. Main St., Romeo DPD Terry Carl and DMD Dan Fuller |
Tues, Mar 6, 18, 6:30 reg. / 7 p.m. meeting Lansing W. - Richard Council No. 788, 5300 W. Grand River, Lansing DPD Mike Wegener and DMD Steve Artz |
Mon, Mar 19, 18, 6:30 reg. / 7 p.m. meeting Grand Rapids W. – Bishop Haas Council No. 4362, 5830 Clyde Park Ave. SW, Wyoming DPD Ken Skonecki and DMD Marty Brown |
Wed, Mar 7, 18, 6:30 p.m. reg. / 7 p.m. meeting Detroit S. – Sacred Heart hall, 21599 Parke Ln, Grosse Ile DPD Jeff Dombrowski and DMD Bill Alati |
Tues, Mar 20, 18, 6:30 reg. / 7 p.m. meeting Grand Rapids E. – St. Michaels in Brunswick (Fremont), 6382 S. Maple Island Rd., Fremont DPD Ken Skonecki and DMD Larry Adams |
Thurs, Mar 8, 6:30 p.m. reg. / 7 p.m. meeting Lansing E. – St. John’s Catholic Church, 2099 N. Hacker Road, Howell DPD Bob Moore and DMD Ed Nickel |
Wed, Mar 21, 18, 6:30 reg. / 7 p.m. meeting Gaylord E. – Alpena Council No. 529, 1880 Hamilton Road, Alpena DPD Ben Albosta and DMD Mike Czajkowski |
Mon, Mar 12, 18, 6:30 reg. / 7 p.m. meeting Detroit W. – George F. Monaghan Council No. 2690, 19801 Farmington Road, Livonia DPD Chris Pawlowski and DMD David Bergeman |
Thurs, Mar 22, 18, 6:30 reg. / 7 p.m. meeting Gaylord W. – St Mary of the Woods 438 Co Rd 612 Kalkaska DPD Dominic Puroll and DMD Larry Herman |
Tues, Mar 13, 18, 6:30 reg. / 7 p.m. meeting Saginaw W. – Fr. Nouvel Council No. 4232, 4840 Shattuck Road, Saginaw DPD Ray Gehlmann and DMD Jerry Leinberger |
Fri, Mar 23, 18, 6:30 reg. / 7 p.m. meeting Marquette – St. Ignace Council No. 2173, 120 Church Street, St. Ignace DPD Dave Guenther, DMD Dale Bosley & DMD Dennis Divoky |
Wed, Mar 14, 18, 6:30 reg. / 7 p.m. meeting Saginaw E. – Caro Council No. 3224, 903 Ryan Rd, Caro DPD Ray Gehlmann and DMD Greg Alexander |
Sat, Mar 24, 18, 8 a.m. reg / 9 a.m. meeting Kalamazoo – St. Augustine Cathedral, Crowley Center, 542 W. Michigan, Kalamazoo DPD Lou Scohy and DMD Jeff Cypher |