Michigan's 48th Ultrasound
By: Gary Merritt -
Fri, Sep 14, 2018 7:30 PM
Wednesday September 5th, 2018 marked the dedication for the 48th Ultrasound Machine in Michigan. Pastor Dan Grams began the ceremony with an opening prayer & blessing the Ultrasound machine which took place at CareNet Pregnancy Center in Berkley.
n attendance, District Deputy Alex Dominique and wife Shari, Council #5452 GK Todd Trudell & DGK Tom Gray, Council #5452 Life Director Paul Kowalski, Executive Director Laura Farrugia along with many of the CareNet Board and staff as well as many of our Brother Knights from Fr. Baumgartner Council #5452. Others in attendance and pictured are Board President Diane Fueslein and MI K of C Pro Life Chair Couple Tim & Cindy Donovan.

Executive Director Laura Farrugia communicated the importance of this Ultrasound Machine while thanking the Knights of Columbus for their generosity and commitment of Protecting the Unborn. CareNet Board President Diane Fueslein also thanked the Knights of Columbus for their overwhelming generosity that has and will continue to change the hearts and minds of those facing difficult decisions.
Many thanks to all who participated and donated that may not be mentioned, please know that without all of you none of this would be possible.
Let us not forget Supreme Knights of Columbus for their matching funds program which has reached 950 Life Saving Ultrasound Machines Order wide.
God bless,
Tim & Cindy Donovan Pro Life Chair Couple
Michigan State Council Knights of Columbus
The Installation of State Leadership
By: Gary Merritt -
Thu, Sep 13, 2018 7:30 PM
The Installation of State Council Officers and District Deputies Ceremonial should always be held after Mass in conjunction with the Annual Organizational Meeting of District Deputies. The State Deputy and the State Chaplain shall invite the Ordinary of the Diocese to preside at the Installation Mass. If he accepts, the Bishop should be afforded the opportunity to say the opening prayer, bless the jewels of office, and install the State Chaplain. If the Bishop does not accept, the State Chaplain shall say the opening prayer, bless the jewels and the State Deputy shall install and invest the State Chaplain. Should the State Chaplain be a bishop, he can decide who should say the Mass; he should in all instances say the opening prayer and bless the jewels of office at the Installation Ceremonial, and the State Deputy will invest the Bishop with the Jewel of Office.
The Installation of State Leadership of Michigan for the Fraternal Year 2018/2019 occurred after Mass at St. Gerard Parish in Lansing on September 8, 2018. Bishop Boyea of Lansing celebrated Mass along with concelebrants Bishop Raica of Gaylord, Bishop Hanchon and Bishop Robert Fisher of Detroit, Rv. John Klein and our State Chaplain Fr. Paul Ericson. Our Diocesan Chaplains were also in attendance.

The State Deputy William Chasse addressed and instructed all before the Installation began.

Bishop Boyea blessed the jewels and all Chaplains, District Deputies, State, Regional and Diocesan Directors were installed beginning with the State Chaplain.
Although the State Deputy was installed by the Supreme Knight Carl Anderson in New Haven, Beth Chasse formally draped the State Deputy jewel around the leader of the Michigan Jurisdiction.

The festivities then moved to the Lansing Convention Center for dinner and program which included the passing of the ships wheel from the home council of the IPSD Ken Unterbrink, #3092 to the SDs council, #788.
O Heavenly Father, aid us to be the finest example of complete dedication to the practice of Christian principles, as was our venerable founder Father Michael J. McGivney, and to conduct ourselves at all times so as to reflect your holy will. We pray that, with the help of Your grace and guidance, the understanding and wisdom of these leaders will be such, that the coming months of this fraternal year will see our members as men united in action, generous with their time and talents for Your greater glory and the well-being of all mankind. May Your name be blessed and Your Will be done on earth as it in heaven. From the opening prayer of the Installation of State Officers.
Worthy State Officers and District Deputies: We have been chosen to guide the destiny of the State Council during this fraternal year. Our duties will be many and, perhaps at times, trying and difficult. We will be held directly responsible for every aspect of the duties which our office demands. The health and welfare of our jurisdiction is dependent upon how we carry out these duties. Only through our dedication can we build a strong and bright future for our jurisdiction and for our Order. Our Brothers have demonstrated their confidence that we are capable of outstanding leadership. Let us prove that they were correct! From the SD Address in the Installation of State Officers.
2018 Prep Bowl October 20, 2018
By: Gary Merritt -
Mon, Sep 10, 2018 7:30 PM

Prep Bowl XLV
By: Gary Merritt -
Tue, Sep 4, 2018 7:30 PM

Warriors to Lourdes 2019
By: Gary Merritt -
Fri, Aug 24, 2018 7:30 PM

Since 2013, the Knights of Columbus has worked with the Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA, (AMS) to sponsor the annual Warriors to Lourdes Pilgrimage. The event allows non-wounded, wounded, ill or injured military personnel, together with their designated caregivers and volunteers, to travel to the Marian shrine during the PMI for a time of rest, prayer and healing.
It costs $2600 to send 1 US Wounded Veteran to Lourdes. By financially supporting the 2019 Warriors to Lourdes Pilgrimage, which takes place in May of 2019, you can make this pilgrimage possible for our military personnel in need. The pilgrimage consists of a number of spiritual events, including an international opening ceremony, special Masses, a visit to the baths at the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes and a candlelight vigil that draws tens of thousands of troops to the sacred shrine every year.
Local and state Knights of Columbus councils, assemblies, individuals and other groups can support the Warriors to Lourdes Pilgrimage with financial contributions.
Each $2,600 donated will send a warrior pilgrim to Lourdes. All funds donated will be used to defray costs for military personnel and for their designated care givers. Help send U.S. service members on a pilgrimage like no other.
For more information on the Warriors to Lourdes Pilgrimage, visit warriorstolourdes.com
Michigan State Council Installation
By: Gary Merritt -
Sat, Aug 18, 2018 7:30 PM
It is with great pride we will observe the installation of our new State Chaplain – Reverend Father Paul Erickson,
State Deputy - Bill Chasse
and the entire State of Michigan leadership team.
All are invited to Join us for the installation of Our State Leadership
September 8, 2018
Come join us as Our State Chaplain Father Paul Erickson and Our State Deputy Bill Chasse and all the State Leadership are installed at
St. Gerard Catholic Church 4437 W. Willow Hwy Lansing, Mi 48906
at 4:30 P.M. Mass.
Reception Dinner at 6:30 P.M. at
Lansing Center
333 E. Michigan Ave Lansing Mi 48933.
Dinner Tickets are $40.00 per person.
Please RSVP as soon as possible to:
Liberty Committee
11731 Goldfields Dr. Grand Ledge Mi 48837
e-mail p.kelsey@mikofc.org or dd54@mikofc.org
This Man is You
By: Gary Merritt -
Fri, Aug 17, 2018 7:30 PM
TMIY Fall 2018 Launch – Michigan Knights of Columbus
Working together to form men and families to Love the Lord and Serve the Church

What is TMIY:
That Man Is You! is a DVD based men’s formation and leadership program that aims to addresses the pressures and temptations that men face in our modern culture, especially those relating to their roles as husbands and fathers. For further info open the PDF linked here. The TMIY website is; https://paradisusdei.org/that-man-is-you/
Council 10992 from Sparta donate to HELP Crisis Aid in GR
By: Gary Merritt -
Fri, Aug 17, 2018 7:30 PM

New District Deputy Class
By: Gary Merritt -
Mon, Jul 30, 2018 7:30 PM
Distirct Deputy class of 2018/2019

Spiritual Retreats
By: Gary Merritt -
Sat, Jul 21, 2018 7:30 PM

As a member of the Knights of Columbus you are encouraged to attend
a retreat in your area.
Keep an eye on this site for further opportunities
A description: Fr. Tim Ferguson, rector of Marygrove Retreat Center and a 30-year member of the Knights, will be leading the men through some of the finest examples of lived Catholic life in North America, including Venerable Pierre Toussaint, a freed slave, Br. James Miller, a modern martyr, Fr. Emil Kapuan, a military chaplain, and our own Venerable Frederic Baraga.
There will be time for discussion, fraternity, private prayer, and worship.
The Holy Mass will be offered daily, and there will be time for confession as well.
Cost, $150 per Knight