Knights of Columbus Day of the Unborn Child

By: Gary Merritt - Fri, Feb 23, 2018 3:30 AM

Day of Prayer for the Unborn Child April 9, 2018

The Knights of Columbus has been a leader in the pro-life movement for over 40 years. The Knights of Columbus Day of the Unborn Child is an opportunity for Knights to stand up and speak out against the evils of abortion.

Councils may use the Knights of Columbus Day of the Unborn Child, always a successful event throughout the Order, to come together with friends and family to host a variety of prayer programs within their parishes and their communities that show our never-ending commitment to unborn children and their mothers.

Prayer for life 

 Normally held on March 25, to coincide with the feast of the Annunciation, this year the

Day of the Unborn Child will be held on Monday, April 9. Why the change in date? This year

Palm Sunday falls on March 25, so the Annunciation gets moved to April 9. Be sure to mark your

calendar with the new date!


 Councils may order the prayer card 4665-06 from Supreme or print the PDF found here.

UP Special Olympics Winter Games

By: Gary Merritt - Sat, Feb 17, 2018 3:30 AM

 Marq S-O winter games 4th degree  

The Bishop Frederic Baraga Assembly No. 469 Color Guard poses during the opening ceremonies along with K of C Upper Peninsula Special Olympics coordinator Chuck Crotty, Faithful Friar Fr. Al Mott, Area 36 Special Olympics Director Pam Bahrman and State Deputy Kenneth Unterbrink.

 Fr. Al Mott, Faithful Friar of Bishop Frederic Baraga Assembly No. 469, delivers the opening prayer with State Deputy Kenneth Unterbrink and K of C Upper Peninsula Special Olympics coordinator Charles Crotty

     Marq S-O winter games open prayer        Marq S-O winter games check present 18

State Deputy Kenneth Unterbrink presents a check for $2500 to Pam Bahrman, Area 36 Director of Special Olympics, to support Special Olympics in the Marquette Diocese.

Marq S-O winter games participants Special Olympics participants prepare to run the bases during the opening ceremonies in the Superior Dome at Northern Michigan University in Marquette.

Michigan Special Olympics Winter Games

By: Gary Merritt - Thu, Feb 15, 2018 3:30 AM

As a Special Olympics Statewide Civic Partner our State Council was present at the Winter Games opening ceremonies in Acme, Michigan on Wednesday January 31.

Nat Gd & Color Corp

S-O 50 yr logo


 The Fourth Degree Color Corp and National Guard from Grayling presented the colors.

Dragos & SD

 Sharing the stage with Michigan Special Olympics Board Chairperson and WZZM TV personality  Juliet Dragos, our State Deputy Kenneth Unterbrink presented a check in support of the Special Olympics Winter Games.

Knights of Columbus Online Membership

By: Gary Merritt - Wed, Feb 7, 2018 3:30 AM

Online Mem pic for home pg

 Men: Are You Ready to accept the Challenge?

Our communities need strong Catholic men to answer the call to lead with faith, protect our families, serve others and defend our values.

For over one hundred years, Knights of Columbus have done exactly that, standing up for the Church, serving the least among us, and strengthening our parishes and families.

Eligible Catholic men can now join the Knights of Columbus online in a simple, streamlined process.

As a member, you join a worldwide community of nearly two million men, including more than 65,000 in Michigan, who stand together.

Men have a duty to lead, protect, serve and defend. The world needs more committed, unified   Catholic men to answer the call. Will you answer?

You may view an information and question answering booklet about the program here.

An informational booklet concerning the Michigan activities is available here.

Visit to learn more about the many benefits of membership in the Knights of Columbus. For information about Michigan State Council activities, visit, and for K of C Supreme Council national and international activities, visit


These directors and coordinators can provide additional information about E-membership:

 Carson Mantooth, State E-Membership Director,  616-379-9096

 David Schuster, College Council Coordinator,

 Isaac Koerner, Young Adult Coordinator

 Ken Krause, State Membership Director,

 Dale Schaedig, State Program Director,


 For further information about E-membership go to: 

State Instillation of Officers

By: Gary Merritt - Thu, Feb 1, 2018 3:30 AM

State Officers Instillation 1-28-18 b

From left to right; State Advocate Christopher Kolomjec, State Secretary William Chasse, State Deputy Kenneth Unterbrink, State Chaplain Very Rv. William Turner, State Treasurer Walter Winkle, State Warden Joseph Munie

My Brother Knights,

On Sunday January 28, 2018 the four state officers, recently appointed by a unanimous vote of the State Board, were installed into their new offices of State Secretary – William Chasse, State Treasurer – Walter Winkle, Jr., State Advocate –Christopher Kolomjec, and State Warden – Joseph Munie.

The appointments were made in accordance with the Charter Constitution Laws of the Knights of Columbus (Chapter VIII State Councils, Vacancies, Section 58 paragraph 23).

The Installation of State Council Officers ceremony was conducted by State Chaplain William J. Turner and State Deputy Kenneth B. Unterbrink at the altar of St. Mary Parish in Chelsea, MI.

As with all State Officers, District Deputies, Directors, Council Officers, they promised to support and obey the Constitution Laws of the Order, promised loyalty and devotion to the Catholic Church, the Holy Father, Bishops and priest, and to devote the necessary time to the discharge of their responsibilities as designated by the Laws of the Order, as well as to keep the welfare and Good of the Order uppermost in their mind.

The State Officers installed on January 28, 2018 have committed to the service of the Order and the Church with the full support of their families.


Kenneth B. Unterbrink

Michigan State Deputy



State Bus to March for Life 18

By: Gary Merritt - Thu, Jan 25, 2018 3:30 AM

On Thursday January 18 a group of hearty pilgrims joined the Michigan State Officers for the annual bus trip to the March for Life in Washington D.C.

 Fr Bill Turner 2

Although our State Chaplain, the Very Reverend William Turner was unable to join the venture this year he was able to give us a blessing before we left Chelsea.


Our hosts State Culture of Life Couple Tim and Cindy Donovan did their best to make the long overnight bus ride as comfortable as possible.

Tim Cindy SD on bus

 The State Deputy Kenneth Unterbrink thanked Cindy and Tim for all the time they spent organizing this wonderful trip. He also thanked all the participants for their dedication to the Pro-Life cause.

St Officers at Basilica  Bishop Burns 

We arrived Friday at the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception in time to join hundreds of other pilgrims from around the country for Mass at 7:30 with Bishop Edward Burns of Dallas as the principle celebrant and homilist.  

Then it was off to the National Mall for speakers and the main event ot the trip,

the March for Life.


You never know who you may run into at the March. Republican National Chair Ronna Romney McDaniel and several seminarians from Sacred Heart in Detroit saw our Michgan Banner and came over to say hello.

march sign with kids

Energy from all the young people before, during and after the march kept the event exciting.

Friday evening and Saturday were left for sightseeing in our capitol. We all met up again at the St. John Paul II National Shrine on Saturday afternoon. Time was spent touring the museum before Mass in the Chapel which is hosting a first-class relic.

group at JPII

mass at JPII

We were blessed to have several clergy in our group this year. Archdiocese Chaplain Fr. Paul Ballien, Deacon Wayne Slomiany and Deacon Bryan Root made the trip with us. It was very pleasant to have them take turns leading us in the Rosary every day we were traveling. Fr. Paul had to leave us on Saturday morning, but both Deacon Wayne and Deacon Bryan had the opportunity to assist at Mass celbrated by former military chaplain Fr. Aidan Logan currently serving as  Vocations Director for the Archdiocese of Military Services.

The trip home was as uneventful as the trip over. The warm weather made traveling a pleasure.

If you have not made the excursion to the March for Life you should consider joining us next year which already is in the planning stages. Watch the website for info later this year.

To view the Suprme article commenting on this years March click on the picture of  Supreme Knight Carl Anderson with Speaker of the House Paul Ryan at the March for Life Rally .

SK Anderson - Sen Ryan 

Michigan Silver Rose Run 2018

By: Gary Merritt - Wed, Jan 24, 2018 3:30 AM

 Michigan will have the honor of running the Silver Rose to promote Life from April 8th to May 20th. The following is the preliminary schedule.  The weekends have been requested by the councils listed but there is time during the week and the exact dates and times have not been set. If you are interested in hosting the Rose this year please contact me, Vince Cabras, Silver Rose director at or call my cell to talk to me directly or leave a text or voice message at 269-447-8288.

April 3rd Tues. State Deputy receives Silver Rose from Ontario State Deputy: Our Lady of Guadalupe Church, Essex, ON, Canada

April 9th Mon. Council #7011 Sterling Heights, Adoration Chapel St. Renee 

April 10th Tues. Council #7011 Adoration Chapel, St. Renee

April 11th Wed. Council #7011 Adoration Chapel, Sts Cyril and Methodius

April 12th Thurs. Council #7011 Adoration Chapel, Sts. Cyril and Methodius

April 14th Sat. Council #3848 Warren, St. Martin De Pores 5 PM Mass                      

April 15th Sun. Warren St. Martin de Porres  Mass 8:30 AM;

April 15th Sun. Council #11658, Harrison, St. Hubert   Mass 11:30 AM  

April 16th Mon. Council #11658 Harrison, St Hubert 9 AM Mass

April 20th Fri.  Council #13810, Dearborn Heights, St. Linus  7:30 AM and all day till evening program

April 21st Sat Council 3798 St Mary's Church Paw Paw

April 22nd Sun Council 3798 St Mary's Church Paw Paw

April 29th Sun. Council #2199, Hart, St. Gregory 9:30 and 11:30 Mass  

May 3rd Thurs. Council #16223, Kentwood, St Mary Magdalene 7 PM Mass

May 5th Sat. Council #2959,  Dexter, St. Joseph 4:15 PM One Life, One Rose service

May 6 Sun. Council 9802, Muskegon, St. Mary 9 & 10:30 Spanish and 12:30 Masses

May 6 Sun. Otsego Council 7796 St Margaret 7 PM One Life One Rose program

May 10th Thurs. DD#64, Sault Sainte Marie, St. Mary’s cathedral 

May 12th Sat. Council #1396, Ironwood, Our Lady of Peace 4 PM Mass

May 13th Sun. Council #2934,  L’Anse,   Sacred Heart

May 18th Fri. Council #12998, Kalamazoo, St. Monica 12 PM Pro Life Mass

Deliver to OHIO

 4th Degree Logo Small (01)

Fourth Degree Assemblies have been the prime movers of the Rose in many jurisdictions. Color guard is invited to make our visits special.   


 knights on bikes vest The Michigan Knights on Bikes will be transporting the Rose from Muskegon on May 6 and delivering it to Otsego.

KC Year in Review 2017

By: Gary Merritt - Fri, Jan 12, 2018 3:30 AM

Click here for a very interesting article from Supreme about the 2017 Year in Review.

State Secretary Tony Vittorini

By: Gary Merritt - Fri, Jan 5, 2018 3:30 AM

My Brother Knights

It is with saddened hearts that I have to report that our State Secretary Antonio Vittorini passed away around midnight Tuesday January 2nd at the Henry Ford Hospital Macomb.  Please pray for Tony and the Vittorini family.  View the obituary here.


State Deputy

Kenneth B. Unterbrink