
By: Gary Merritt - Tue, Feb 23, 2021 8:26 AM

Dear Brother Knights,

Members of our Order now have a new exclusive benefit called KnightCast.  It is a professionally produced webcast series specifically designed to help Knights become better Catholics, better men, better husbands, and better fathers. 

The first episode debuts this Thursday, Feb. 25, at 8:00 p.m. EST.  It features Supreme Knight Carl Anderson sharing his personal reflections on the significant events of the past two decades. He gives a rare overview of working with three Popes, responding to national crises, battling Covid-19, and expanding our charitable works throughout the world. In this interview, Mr. Anderson also discusses our founder’s beatification, and he shares some of the many meaningful personal experiences of his term as Supreme Knight. Subsequent episodes will share timely, compelling information to promote your personal development and faith formation.

Don’t miss this opportunity to grow as a Knight and a man of faith. Sign up today! The one-time registration process is simple, and you can watch live or on-demand. Because this is an exclusive benefit, your membership number will be required. You can find it on your membership card.

Click here to register & watch preview

We would love to see all members of our council take advantage of this fantastic benefit.

40 Days for Life Spring 2021

By: Ed Strach - Fri, Feb 12, 2021 6:04 PM

Standing Up for Life

By: Ed & Lynn Strach, Pro Life Chair Couple

As Knights of Columbus, we continue striving to Build A Culture of Life through Prayer, Taking Action, Standing Up, and Giving. One way to focus on and lead others on the pathway of Building A Culture of Life by Standing Up for Life is to support and participate in the 40 Days for Life campaign.

We would like to strongly encourage your council members to Stand Up for Life by leading or participating in this campaign. Many parishes already have organized efforts to support 40 Days for Life. If your parish does support 40 Days for Life, let them know the Knights of Columbus are supporters of their efforts and will provide and support assistance. If your parish does not participate in this universal prayer, we highly recommend that you be the force that introduces this to your parish this year.

Below is information about 40 Days for Life including background, campaign locations, and website links. Also, to give you further insight to 40 Days for Life, its founder and relationship with the Knights of Columbus, click HERE.

Rise Up and Answer the Call to Build a Culture of Life!


      40 Days for Life  is an internationally coordinated 40-day campaign that aims to end abortion locally through prayer and fasting, community outreach, and a peaceful all-day vigil in front of abortion businesses.

Michigan Campaign Locations: LINK


1003 Spring, Petoskey, MI

Traverse City

1135 East 8th, Traverse City, MI

Grand Rapids

320 Fulton St. E Grand Rapids, MI


4201 W. Michigan, Kalamazoo, MI


Vine St and N Clippert, Lansing, MI

Ann Arbor

3100 Professional Drive, Ann Arbor, MI


23338 Woodward Ave., Ferndale, MI


24450 Evergreen, Southfield, MI

Sterling Heights

3810 17 Mile Rd., Sterling Heights, MI


35000 Ford Road, Westland, MI


Promote E-Membership

By: Dan Fuller - Fri, Feb 12, 2021 4:10 PM



  My Brother Knights consider posting on your social   media pages an invitation to your catholic family, friends   and colleagues to join our Order. Introduce them all to   the vision of Blessed Michael McGivney. His vision is   that all catholic men should know the good works of the   Knights of Columbus and have been offered   membership  to our Order.


  Here is how you can use social media to help men to     become better sons, brothers, friends, husbands,   fathers  and more faith filled Catholic men.



  Copy the image from this article and save it to your   computer or phone

  Go to your LinkedIn, facebook, twitter, or parlor   accounts

  Create a post. If you don’t have your own words for   the post, consider using the examples below. Copy the   phase you like and paste it into your post.

  Add an image to your post

  Them send your post to your page





You are now a high tech, COVID safe mass communicator and K of C Ambassador.

Example Post: “To all my Catholic Brothers, I am inviting you to become a Knight. You may have questions or think you don’t have time. These concerns can be addressed through this free e-membership opportunity. This is the easiest pathway to membership and gets you plugged into a great catholic network. Just point your browser to and enter promo code MCGIVNEY2020. Join on-line and be a part of Blessed Michael McGivney’s vision for catholic men. promo code MCGIVNEY2020 The man who stand with us, never stands alone.

Example Post: “Interested in becoming a Knight but think you don’t have the time? Try the free e-membership pathway to membership. Join on-line and be a part of Blessed Michael McGivney’s vision for catholic men. promo code MCGIVNEY2020.

We are now mass communicating to hundreds and we need to pray that our message falls upon fertile ground.

Vivat Jesus, Dan Fuller, SMD

Supreme Knight Elect

By: Gary Merritt - Sat, Feb 6, 2021 1:50 PM

The Knights of Columbus Board of Directors elected Patrick E. Kelly as the next Supreme Knight on Feb. 5, to continue the mission of charity, unity and fraternity established by the Order’s Founder, Blessed Michael McGivney, almost 140 years ago.

Carl A. Anderson will retire February 28, after more than 20 years of service as Supreme Knight and upon reaching the mandatory retirement age of 70. He leaves a legacy of Christian witness and service to the Catholic Church, to the Knights of Columbus and to communities throughout the world.

Patrick Kelly’s tenure as the Order’s 14th Supreme      Knight will commence March 1, 2021.

You may read the entire article from KC News HERE.

Council 2199 Celebrates 100 Years

By: Walter Winkle - Thu, Jan 28, 2021 7:00 AM

Congratulations Mary Queen of Peace Council 2199 for 100 years of service to the city of Hart, MI and surronding communities.



 Pictured is State Deputy Walter  Winkle  presenting  the   Supreme   plaque   recognizing the 100 years to GK   Walter Carrier and PGK Nathan Kroon.

Roe V Wade Memorial & March

By: Gary Merritt - Wed, Jan 27, 2021 7:30 AM

Join Us in Lansing on January 27

 Every year, many Right to Life of Michigan affiliates host events on or around Sanctity of Human Life Sunday. These include marches, vigils, memorial services, etc. to call attention to the value of every human life and mourn the ongoing loss of so many lives to abortion. Some affiliates organize bus trips to the national March for Life in Washington, D.C.

Unfortunately, pandemic restrictions and closures are making trips to the March for Life so much harder. Mundane questions like, where do tireless red eye travelers visit to stay warm or go to the bathroom the morning of the March become serious logistical problems. Pro-lifers don't have an army of government employees living in Virginia who can make the easy commute to attend rallies, we have to come from all over the country.

So, this year, we wanted to give Michiganders a more doable option to publicly speak out for unborn children. Every year, Ingham County Right to Life holds a rally at the Capitol, generally with just local residents attending. This year, we want to encourage everyone in the state to attend.

Right to Life of Michigan and Protect Life Michigan (which works with prolife college groups) are co-sponsoring Ingham County Right to Life's event, making it a march and memorial at the Capitol on Wednesday, January 27, at 1 p.m.

More details will be released in the coming weeks.

In the meantime, please let all of your prolife friends and family know. It's scheduled to avoid other local affiliate events (which you should attend!) and the few bus trips to the national March for Life still scheduled.

Let's remind Governor Gretchen Whitmer that her support for abortion-on-demand throughout all nine months of pregnancy will never, ever be acceptable.

Click here for more information → Protect Life MI | Michigan Memorial & March

RTL Pro-Life Update

By: Ed Strach - Mon, Jan 25, 2021 11:11 AM

January 22 Is Not a Normal Date
On January 22, 1973, the United States Supreme Court declared itself the ultimate power, with authority to give life or take it away by its own sheer will.
The Declaration of Independence proclaims Life as a self-evident, unalienable right. It asserts the purpose of government of is to secure the Right to Life (and other rights), and can only do so through the consent of the people.
For decades in America, abortion was illegal in every state code of laws, and before that the common law. Only some states had shamefully legalized it in the 1960s and 1970s—through a real political process—and some of those states were beginning to have second thoughts when the sheer mass of deaths became clear. Michigan's first formal code of statutory laws banned abortion, and the people affirmed our abortion ban in November 1972 by a public vote.
Did that matter? Our laws? Public opinion? The U.S. Constitution? The role and duty and oath of federal judges? Nope, not a lick. There were 7 Supreme Court justices who wanted abortion, so they cheated and gave all 50 states a new law—delivered as if from on high and unquestionable by the people. Through two Supreme Court decisions on January 22, 1973—Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton—they legalized abortion for any reason and throughout the entire span of pregnancy. No mercy for the unborn.
We haven't let a day go by since then without using our prolife voice against this great injustice. Tomorrow is your opportunity to help make the voice of the unborn heard. What will you do?
  • Attend our rally in Lansing on January 27. With the National March for Life cancelled, this is your best opportunity to make a public witness.
  • Give people resources to learn more about Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton, through social media, e-mail, in-person, etc. Our website has great resources. This YouTube video gives people a way to make sense of the 60 million lives lost to abortion. Share the posts of our social media profiles tomorrow. Say something about it to someone who doesn't agree or doesn't know.
  • Attend a local prolife event. Some of our local Right to Life of Michigan affiliates have events scheduled on Friday or later to mark the date. Are you connected to your local affiliate? Will you use your voice more than once a year?
Some of you aren't shy at all about being vocally prolife. Others may be shy, fearing for your job, or how some of your family or friends may respond. Some don't want to be "that guy." We understand, but tomorrow, 2,300 children will die. Their lives will be willfully taken because a government refuses to do their most basic duty. In some states the taxpayers will be paying the abortionists to take those lives.
The unborn don't have any voice yet. Be their voice. Don't let their death sentence on January 22, 1973 go unremarked or unchallenged as just a normal day in America.
There may be a cost to using your prolife voice, but the cost of not using it is far, far higher.

Repealing Hyde is a Planned Parenthood Cash Grab  The main argument abortion supporters have for   getting rid of the Hyde Amendment and forcing the prolife half of the   country to pay for abortions with their tax dollars is that it’s unfair that   poor women have to pay for abortions.                                             Think about this for a second: the abortion industry is hypocritical for   complaining about poor women having to pay for abortions, because   the abortion industry is the one taking their money!

  Full story


No Constitutional Right to Mail Abortions

 In last weekend's episode of LifeBeat, we discussed a U.S.   Supreme  Court decision on federal regulations of the abortion pill. A   federal court had decided that ignoring FDA regulations and sending   abortion pills through the mail was in the U.S. Constitution   somewhere. By a vote of 6-3, the U.S. Supreme Court disagreed.       We also discuss the many prolife happenings in July, and the story     of a Canadian hospice that wasn't allowed to opt out of killing their   own patients.LifeBeat

RSVP Report

By: Greg Brunson - Mon, Jan 25, 2021 10:07 AM

Brother Knights, 

The last year has been very challenging for us all as councils and assemblies were highly restricted in fund raising opportunities due to COVID19 lockdowns and quarantines.  Despite that, the Michigan jurisdiction finished surprisingly well in vocational support with RSVP!   So many councils really did ‘Rise Up and Answered the Call’.

For 2020, the Bishop Joseph H. Albers Council 4090 in Davison took top honors and led the entire state with a tremendous effort.  Well done!

Take note of the leadership board:  the councils listed for 2020 were there because of their commitment to support vocations.  Because of their leadership it makes it possible for the Michigan Knights of Columbus to be a leader in the entire country.  Michigan is known for having very strong vocations support which comes from not only councils listed on the leadership board, but many others as well.  To that, it is important to recognize that for 2020 there were 20 Councils and 3 Fourth Degree Assemblies who participated with RSVP for the first time in at least three years.   Their support is essential to the program.  We all know how important the Refund Vocations Support Program is to our seminarians and religious in formation.   Thank you so much to the 23 Grand Knights and Faithful Navigators who answered that call!

Support for Vocations is perhaps the most important thing we do as Knights of Columbus.  With all our charitable works we do, all the lives we defend in all it’s stages, the many community programs we are engaged in, support for our Priests, Seminarians, and Religious is perhaps the most significant thing we do.  The RSVP program is one way we do just that.

The following four Districts achieved 100% participation in RSVP for 2020.  Outstanding!

DD Jason Myers

District 121


DD Richard Perry

District 504


DD John Yanok

District 509 Lansing

DD David Freund

District 510


2950 Utica

6694 Swartz Creek

7304 Brighton

2890 Westphalia

11957 Shelby Township

6745 Grand Blanc

7391 Brighton/Hamburg

3027 Fowler

13983 Shelby Township

7418 Fenton

11761 Pinckney

3291 St Johns


8489 Flushing

12295 Brighton

7237 DeWitt

This is not a contest, rather it illustrates commitment to vocations.  As Knights get more involved in vocations efforts, they find new meaning in their own vocations as Catholic laymen and members of the order.  They also learn more about the importance of teamwork, for the best vocations` programs are those planned and carried out by a team.   A team requires a leader and for vocations – the Vocations Chairman should be that person.  His job is to call others together, inspire them to share prayers, ideas and plans, and then reach out beyond the group.  The model is Jesus` work with the Apostles.  Successful groups need not be large, but they must be committed.



Rise Up and Answer the Call

These two Brother Knights answered the call…

Past Supreme Knight Luke E. Hart and President John F. Kennedy






Michigan State Knights of Columbus

RSVP Leadership Board 2020

TOP 10 Councils in Michigan

for RSVP support 


Council #

Council Name






Bishop Joseph H. Albers






St. Lawrence






St. Isidore






Msgr. John Vismara

St Clair Shores





Msgr. Esper












Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen






Anchor Bay

New Baltimore





Fr. H. Nouvel






Bishop Haas


Grand Rapids


Honorable MentionHonorable Mention

It is important to make note of The St. Lawrence Council 2950 - who led this state in RSVP support for many years.   This council has done more RSVP support per year than many states! – one council outperforming entire states.    It is too bad we do not have an award for this because this council certainly deserves one, as does Council 4090 for taking the top spot this year.  Being #1 for RSVP in the Michigan jurisdiction means a great deal.

State Faith Director Greg Brunson     810-824-9533