Family Programs

By: Garret Kelenske - Tue, Dec 1, 2020 1:35 PM


My Brother Knights and Families did you know that in the Family Program   section you can find the easiest program that the Knights of Columbus offer to our parishes? This program is called the Consecration to the Holy Family. The program is designed to be done on the Feast day of The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. This year that date falls on Sunday December 27, 2020. I know that this gives you all some time to get permission from Father to do this program. With the busy Christmas schedule, it may be difficult to get this prayer program done, but remember this program could also be done on one of the Marian Feast days or any other appropriate family-oriented Feast Day.

As I said this program is so simple, all the Council has to do is order the prayer card, get permission from Father. Pass out the prayer card which by the way is optional. Ask Father to do the prayer after the final Blessing. If Father is extremely busy you could ask the Deacon or a member of the Council to recite the prayer with the parish. I do not think it gets easier than that.

My Brothers the information for this program can be found in the Resources section of the State website. When you get there click on Family Supreme Programs and you will find all the information that you need. This is the time when we need to consecrate our Families to the Holy Family, with all of the issues in the world and all of the chaos I cannot think of a more appropriate program to strengthen our Families.


Consecration to the Holy Family Link



My Brother Knights and Families I hope this article finds you all basking in the glow of the recent Thanksgiving Day festivities. Now that we have all enjoyed the holiday it is time to refocus and get moving again on our programs. I do not like to promote the Keep Christ in Christmas Programs before Halloween and Thanksgiving we get enough of that from the stores, but the time is here. Did you know that Supreme has rolled multiple programs together in this area? Not only do we have the traditional poster contest and card sales, but we also have a wonderful Advent programs called Journey to the Inn. By the time you are reading this Advent has begun, but that’s not a problem for this program. The booklet is set up to be a one-day ceremony, because of the current health crisis we are in, this program can be done with social distancing and outside. I know sometimes the weather doesn’t always cooperate at this time of the year but properly dressed it should not be a problem.  As with many of our programs there is room for creativity and substitution. An example would be to ask the Deacon or Grand Knight to do the part of the Chaplain if he is unavailable.

    There are also other programs that are available that can be very rewarding. Perhaps a Parish Wreath Blessing that could be done after Mass in the parking lot. Council Family households getting together on zoom and all lighting their trees and saying some prayers.  More information on these programs can be found on our State website, look under Resources in the Family section and click on the Supreme Program heading. Please get creative, the possibilities are endless, but you have to become motivated to do them. This year I am asking my Brother Knights and their Families to make a special effort to Keep Christ in Christmas. God Bless all of you and From the Kelenske Family Merry Christmas.

Supreme Family Programs Link

Your Brother in Christ

Garret A. Kelenske State Family Director


Rise up and Answer the Call!


Knights of Columbus Virtual Fraternal Benefits Seminar

By: Don Wesley - Tue, Dec 1, 2020 1:16 PM

Tom Hegna

Thinking about retirement? Award-winning author, speaker and economist – Tom Hegna – will be joining agents from The Borrelli, Huard & Wesley Agencies to present a free webinar for members and guests. Tom has been dubbed by many as “The Retirement Income Expert” and will be sharing his 7 steps to a secure retirement.

To view a short you tube video describing the event click HERE.

You may register for the Dec 2, 2020 - 07:00 PM Zoom event HERE.

Don M. Wesley FICF, LACP
Knights of Columbus Insurance
General Agent-Southeast Michigan
2 Crocker Blvd., Suite 301
Mount Clemens, MI 48043
Office:  888-393-7539
Fax:      586-591-6500

Weekly Message from Dan Fuller SMD

By: Dan Fuller - Sat, Nov 28, 2020 5:14 PM

 Greetings to all my Brothers that make up the Michigan State Council of   the Knights of Columbus.  Yes, if you are a Knight in Michigan, you are   not only a Knight in your home council, but you are very important to     the  charitable strength of the Michigan State K of C Council and our   Supreme Council.  Therefore, the strength of your home council is   equally important.  Charity is our corner stone and during the holidays it   is needed more than any other time of year.  Membership grows your   charitable strength and is why we should all care for the strength of our   council’s membership.

You may think that all we care about is numbers and you are correct.  We care about how many coats we can provide needy children, how many ultrasound machines and gifts of material items that can be provided to crisis pregnancy centers, how many funds we can generate during our Tootsie Roll or MI Drives to support our Intellectually Impaired brothers and sisters and how many families we can protect through our fraternal benefits.  These are the most important numbers, and they count very very much.

Our Goal is 100% membership engagement and growth by all the councils in Michigan.  Every Council and Every District must be engaged in strengthening their membership and inviting men to join us. 

So here are the key membership numbers as of November 28, 2020

·         616 new Brother Knights have joined us this year, we need to bring in 1554 more

·         28.4% of our State’s membership goal has been met, we are roughly 15% off the pace of our goal

·         Michigan is 24th in the Oder for membership growth, we should always try to be 1st

·         Michigan in 6th place of the Division 1 States, trailing Ontario, Illinois, Texas, New York and Ohio (all these States are struggling with the pandemic too)

·         36 Districts have not added new members, so only 64% of Districts are engaged in recruiting men for our Order

·         295 Councils have not added new members, so only 30% of Councils are engaged and growing membership

Thank you for reading this message and I know we can all support each other in meeting these important growth goals. 

To RECRUIT a candidate in to our Order means to Reach out to ME, Engage ME as a friend, Communicate with ME early and often, Relate to MY perspective, Understand MY availability and offer ME choices, Include MY family and yours, and Thank ME regularly and ask ME to invite a friend.  This is from the Delta Church Drive training by Jon Olson.  Let’s embrace the meaning of RECRUIT to bring in new Brother Knights to strengthen our councils in Michigan.


 I encourage all my Brother Knights to offer the gift of Knighthood this Advent & Christmas Season. This maybe the best gift you can give.  Give him the gift that often strengthens his Faith, grows his effect on Charity, offers the feeling of Unity to his catholic community, Fraternally links him and his family to the largest catholic lay organization in the world, and helps him to protect his family with our Benefits.  


Offer this gift of membership to your family, friends and work colleagues during this Advent & Christmas season. Your gift to him could truly change his life and it is FREE.  Just direct him to and he will be a Knight before Christmas.          Free E-membership through December 31st 2020 promo code MCGIVNEY2020.

A reminder to all District Deputies, our Supreme Council wants to give you $250 for membership growth before December 31st.  All you need is for your District to add 12 new Brother Knights before the end of December.  See the details on our State website


The time frame for this incentive is October 1st through December 31st, so all you need to do is make 12 men Knights before Christmas.  Please let me know how I can help you succeed in this membership incentive.

God bless you all.  Blessed Fr. McGivney pray for us.

Vivat Jesus,

Dan Fuller SMD

Rise Up And Answer The Call!

Happy Thanksgiving from the State Deputy

By: Walter Winkle - Thu, Nov 26, 2020 2:49 PM

Brother Knights, I continue to pray that all of you and your families are well.

As we all continue to deal with the COVID-19 that has plagued our country as well as the world, I ask that you remember the events and people that we are thankful for during this Thanksgiving Holiday. Although we may not be able to be with them, I ask that you contact them and share the things we are all grateful for and to ask if they may need some help.

 The Leave No Neighbor Behind program is an outstanding way to be a true "Knight in Shining Armor" to several vulnerable members in our councils as well as our parish and communities. We may not have been able to do what we planned for the last several months but there are several events that have made this a blessed year.

 As Knights, we need to look at the things that we must be grateful for, the Beatification of Fr. Michael McGivney, our priest's, families, neighbors, friends, and our Knights Family. I believe that we all have a special calling as Knights, we cannot dwell in the thoughts of what we cannot do, but what we can!

 Let us continue to look into the future and share the things we have to be grateful for and why being a Knight of Columbus is so special and share it with someone who is not a Knight. What better gift can we give someone that is not a member, than the people and events that we attend as members with our families?

 New membership is still free until December 31, 2020, just go to and enter the code MCGIVNEY2020 in the promo box. Let us all strive to welcome a new Knight before Christmas in our councils and share the special work we do as a member.

 Remember the Holy Cross Services sweatshirt, gift card collection and calendars this year. Your District Deputy will be collecting these and delivering on December 5, 2020. Please contact him if you have any questions.

 We are all praying that this virus will be over soon and to be able to get back to a normal way of life. Do not give up hope!

 From my family to yours, have a Happy Thanksgiving!


Walter K. Winkle, Jr.

State Deputy

Thanksgiving Gift

By: Dan Fuller - Tue, Nov 24, 2020 12:07 PM

Here is how we can give this gift.

·  Direct them or take them yourself to and for spanish

·  Fill in the information including the parish and council number

·  Have them enter your membership number so you can be credited for growing our order

·  Enter the promo code MCGIVNEY2020

Your friend or family member is now a Knight with E-membership status, and you have given him a priceless gift of Faith and Fraternity for him and his family.

 PS:  For my Brothers that would like help inviting their family and friends to become e-members - Ask your GK, Membership Director, DD, Diocesan Director or me to help you.

·  Ask your council's membership director to contact these people for you.

·  Email your friends/prospects the attached Online Membership document 

·  Have them fill it out and return it to you.

·  Enter this information for these candidates into the webpage

·  They will then be Knights with e-membership benefits

"Rise up and answer the call!"

My God Bless you all and have a Happy Thanksgiving.

Daniel C Fuller Jr. State Membership Director Michigan State Council of the Knights of Columbus


·  Use the virtual and online tools to grow our Order

·  Build your recruiting Ambassador Team

·  Best growth technique is to "Ask"

Blessed Fr. Michael J McGivney - Pray for us...

Delta Drive Webinar

By: Dan Fuller - Mon, Nov 16, 2020 4:36 PM


Please take advantage of this training webinar with Supreme Regional Training Director Jon Olson.  

Michigan is still struggling with COVID-19 restrictions, however we need to prepare for that time when our Councils can fully engage in Delta Drive activities in our Churches.  Brother Jon will offer some good techniques to improve our membership growth results.


Brothers, Since I will be starting DD check-ins this month.

All region training sessions will be cut back.

This registration link below is for a Delta Drive training on 11/23/2020 at 7PM EST.

This will be my first goto webinar session  instead of goto meeting. It will look slightly different for the attendees and the registration should be immediate

Register for this informative webinar HERE.

Rise Up and Answer the Call!

Michigan Coats for Kids

By: Gary Merritt - Fri, Nov 13, 2020 3:10 PM

Today, eighteen percent of American children and fourteen percent of Canadian children live in poverty. As a result, many families cannot afford to provide even the basic necessity of a warm winter coat. Putting their faith into action, Knights of Columbus councils have handed out more than 500,000 coats to children, with no cost to the recipient, throughout the United States and Canada through the Coats for Kids Program.

Here are three of the Coats for Kids events scheduled in our jurisdiction this fall.


Thursday November 12, 2020

Sacred Heart School 150 E. Summit Ave, Muskegon Heights, Michigan 49444

The school is located on Hoyt St. Please park in the parking lot and enter the building through the double doors of the school. *SOCIAL DISTANCING WILL BE ENFORCED AND MASKS ARE REQUIRED*

When: 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM. Coat sizes: Boys & Girls sizes 4 to Boys & Girls size Large (Youth sizes for children K- 8th Grade)

Contact Garret Kelenske 231-571-5617,


Saturday November 14th, 2020 Sábado 14 de noviembre del 2020 

10:00 AM - 1:00 PM

St Damien of Molokai Parish- St. Vincent de Paul Church

46408 Woodward Ave, Pontiac, MI 48342, USA

En St. Damien del Salón Parroquial de Molokai junto a la Iglesia de San Vicente de Paul

Coat sizes: Boys & Girls sizes 4 to 14

Tallas de abrigos:  Niños y Niñas De talla 4 a 14

For COVID-19 Precautions: Only one parent with Child or parent with child’s Birth Certificate are allowed in the building

Solo se permite la entrada a un padre de familia con sus hijos/hijas o puede venir el padre de familia con el certificado de nacimiento del niños/niñas


If you or your family member are sick, please do not attend


Si usted se siente enfermo o un miembro de su familia le pedimos de la manera mas atenta que no asista a este evento

Contact Joseph Langhauser 248-489-6257,


Saturday, November 14, 2020

Where: Holy Name of Jesus Parish 1630 Godfrey Ave. SW Wyoming, MI 49509 When: Saturday, 10am to 1pm.

Coat Sizes: boys and girls sizes 4, to boys and girls XL No need to sign up. First-come, first-serve basis.

Child must be accompanied by a parent and child must be present. We be social distancing; everyone needs to wear a face mask at event.

Contact: Marty Brown 616-560-0479,


Saturday December 12th

When - tentatively from 11 am to 2 pm at St. Anne’s church in Detroit. 

1000 St Anne St, Detroit, MI 48216

Contact - Detroit Program Director Lou Brotchner at 734-837-6371


Coats for Kids. As you may be aware, coats are available from our Supreme Council’s website for councils to purchase. Like in previous years, councils are able to conduct their own coat giveaway to local children that may be in need. Alternatively, our State Council will be sponsoring a number of Coats for Kids events at different locations in Michigan. Councils can participate by donating money to the State Council which allows more coats to be distributed at these events. It’s a great way for councils that don’t have the resources or the ability to distribute locally to help fund the state events. And of course earn a credit towards the Columbian award. To donate write your council check to the Michigan State Council, memo: Coats for Kids and mail to State Secretary Chris Kolomjec - 378 Fisher Rd Gross Point Farms 48230.

Rise Up and Answer the Call!


By: Greg Brunson - Fri, Nov 13, 2020 10:25 AM



Brothers, with the Covid19 situation most councils are not meeting in person and there are many parishes where councils are not allowed to meet in large numbers, or at all.  That being said councils need to find ways to continue to do the good works of our order as well as finding ways to pray together.

The Spiritual Reflection Program can lend itself to a virtual setting rather well actually.   By now everyone should be using virtual meeting environments of some kind such as ZOOM.   Reflect on the picture below, imagine this to be a virtual session, with Father leading a large group of Brother Knights in an hour of prayer together.    This can be very easy to do and the technology is there as a tool for us all to use.

In this picture these young men are close together, they could just as easily be separated by great distance.   It matters not that we are separated by distance.  What matters is that we are spending time with our Lord together.


Some Councils have already done this type of program, which is fabulous!   There is nothing stopping every Council in Michigan from holding an hour of Spiritual Reflection – virtually.    Ask your Chaplain to lead and be part of this.  


In today’s world the Knights of Columbus are needed more than ever and we need to pray together and remain strong in our faith.    If you know of a Catholic man who has not attended mass or have fallen away from the church – invite them to an hour of Spiritual Reflection.  Let other Catholic men see how the Knights of Columbus have Unity and Fraternity of spirt.

Remember also to complete a form 10784 when holding an hour of prayer together.  As with  any Faith In Action program try to get in the habit of filling out the 10784 and send it to , and send a copy to so that the appropriate State Faith In Action Director will know who is doing what – it is important.  

Rise Up and Answer the Call!

Greg Brunson State Faith/Vocations Director

Promoting State Youth Sportsmanship

By: Garret Kelenske - Thu, Nov 12, 2020 3:02 PM

Worthy Brother Knights, I would like to remind you all about this program that has been around for three years. Unfortunately, it has been underutilized and I hope this will help to get more Councils involved with it. This is the description of the program as it is in the Leadership Guide.

Youth Sportsman Program 

The goal of this program is to encourage men to get involved in setting great examples for the youth of the Parish and community by getting them outside and enjoying what Michigan has to offer in the way of hunting and fishing:


  1. Decide on the event. Examples are: Fishing Contests, Big Buck Competitions, Small game Contests, Pheasant Hunts or Duck Hunt.
  2. Research all Fish and Game Regulations pertaining to the event on the Michigan Department of Natural Resources web page.
  3. Decide on the length of the contest. Will it be a one-day event or for the whole season?
  4. Decide on awards prizes or just good old bragging rights.
  5. Have a Lunch or Dinner after the event to promote fraternity and good sportsmanship.
  6. Look for possible sponsorship's or prize donations.
  7. Create a flier to promote the event and have Father review it for his approval. 

This an open-ended program. During the summer and winter, the State of Michigan offers free fishing weekends. This is one way to keep the cost down for this program. Fishing is also free for persons under the age of 17 years. This program is limited only by your imagination so please think outside the box. Remember to follow all Fish, Game and Firearm Regulations. This is an opportunity to involve community not just your church or council. Promote the Knights of Columbus in the public eye in a very positive way. This is also an opportunity to get some of the less active members involved in a new and exciting event. Keep in mind that wild game can be donated to help feed the needy in our communities.

  As it states this is an open-ended program so if you have a member of the Council collect the information about   taking a youth sportsperson out this year and participating in a hunting or fishing event. An example would be   taking a son or daughter out Deer Hunting, taking a grandson out Fishing or perhaps taking a neighbor and their   youth out for the first time for an event. It does not have to be just a contest. Please collect the data and fill out   form #10784 for your Council. Just like many of the programs in the Knights you are probably already doing this   program. Please take the time to fill out the form and take credit for it.

 "Rise up and answer the call"

Your Brother in Christ Garret A. Kelenske State Family Director