John Burch Talks About Religious Freedom at the 2024 Summer Organizational Meeting
By: Ed Strach -
Mon, Jul 15, 2024 4:59 PM
Guest Speaker John Bursch delivered a compelling presentation on Religious Freedom at the Michigan State Council's 2024 Summer Organizational Meeting.
As the Vice President of Appellate Advocacy for Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), the world's largest public-interest law firm dedicated to defending religious liberty, free speech, parental rights, marriage and family, and the right to life, John Bursch brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table.
In addition to his professional accomplishments, John is a devoted husband and father of five. He is also a Fourth Degree Knight of Columbus, a three-time past president of the Grand Rapids Legatus Chapter, and a valued member of the Pro-Life Partners Foundation Advisory Board.
His insights and expertise on the topic of Religious Freedom were both enlightening and thought-provoking, leaving attendees with a deeper understanding of the importance of protecting these fundamental rights in our society.
Click here to watch the video
By: Mandy Borsenik -
Fri, Jul 12, 2024 5:30 AM
Greetings from the Ladies of the Michigan Knights of Columbus!
At the Ladies Meeting this past weekend, I personally introduced a new initiative I hope our ladies, and yourselves, will embrace. It is called:

It is exactly what the words mean: “Do something good that will make a difference in this world.”
I want to emphasize the power of individual actions and responsibility in bringing about desired changes in our world. Some examples are:
Shop for the elderly
Make a casserole for a meal for someone
If you have a bountiful garden, share with people
Help stock your parishes food pantry, etc.
The ladies will revisit this initiative each time we meet over the next two years. I cannot wait to hear what great and positive actions you have done.
Thank you!

Mandy Borsenik
Wife of State Deputy Barry Borsenik
From our new State Program Director
By: Matthew Wierzgac -
Mon, Jul 8, 2024 8:25 PM
My Brother Knights,
I hope you had a safe and enjoyable Independence Day Holiday! A new fraternal year has officially begun, and we have some new faces and some changes to leadership. My name is Matt Wierzgac, and I am your new State Program Director. I am very excited and ready to serve!

I want to thank our past State Program Director, Paul Palka, for his exceptional performance and service these last four years in that position. His service and dedication to the Knights of Columbus is both amazing and inspiring! I have some big shoes to fill.
Our State Deputy has tagged the next couple years with the acronym SOAR. Each letter has a meaning.
Service = What Life is About
Optimism = The Faith that leads us to achievement
Aspire = To accomplish great deeds
Responsibility = To do your duty
Come SOAR with us!
Just a friendly reminder that the forms 185 and 365 were due on July 1st. If you haven’t submitted these yet, please do so as soon as possible. They are very important to kick starting your council to success! If you have any questions or need assistance with these, please contact your District Deputy. They are a great resource for guidance and assistance.
A great program for our youth this summer is our Soccer Challenge. It isn’t difficult to do, and your Diocesan Program Director can provide guidance. More information and resources is available on the supreme website. You can order the guides, posters, and scoresheets there, or even download and print them on your own. If this is something your council is interested in doing, please consider scheduling this event in the July/Early August timeframe. Winners will advance to the district/diocesan level competition. For more information, look at the supreme website, or contact your diocesan program director.
In the coming weeks, I will cover many other programs of the Faith in Action Programs available to you to achieve the Columbian Award.
If you have any questions, you are welcome to contact me at
Again, I am excited to serve as your new State Program Director and look forward to helping you succeed!
God Bless and Vivat Jesus!
Matt Wierzgac
Michigan State Program Director
Michigan's 94th Ultrasound Dedication
By: Ed Strach -
Fri, Jul 5, 2024 7:27 AM
On Monday July 1, 2024, the 94th Ultrasound machine in Michigan was dedicated and blessed in Grand Rapids.

Welcome State Chaplain Father Andrew LaFambroise
By: Ken Warzybok -
Mon, Jul 1, 2024 6:49 AM
It is with great pleasure that we introduce our new State Chaplain, Father Andrew S. LaFramboise!
Father LaFramboise is a dedicated priest within the Diocese of Saginaw, MI, currently serving as the pastor of St. Elizabeth Parish in Reese and St. Francis Xavier Cabrini Parish in Vassar. In addition to his pastoral duties, Father Andrew also fulfills the role of Vocation Director for the Diocese of Saginaw.
Father LaFramboise's journey to priesthood began at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit, where he received his MDIV and STB before being ordained in 2014. Father Andrew's commitment to furthering his theological education led him to obtain a Licentiate in Sacred Theology of Marriage and Family (STL) in 2019 from the prestigious Pontifical John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family at the Catholic University of America.
Father LaFramboise's leadership and spiritual guidance will greatly benefit our Order and the Knights and Ladies throughout Michigan!
State Faith Director recaps Lansing Rosary
By: Robert Bagley -
Mon, Jun 24, 2024 6:54 AM
Brothers and Sisters,
June 15th some of us went to Lansing for the Living Rosary. We prayed the Rosary to end abortion and to stop assisted suicide. If you do not know, the Rosary is one of the strongest prayers we have to combat evil.
Huge thank you to the 4th Degree for coming out in force, Knights on Bikes, and our State Board for leading the Rosary. Special thank you to Father Paul for the prayer before the Rosary that helped people understand why we must fight this battle.
There was room for many more Catholics to join us in this Rosary. Next year I pray that nothing else is scheduled during this time. The only way to defeat these evils is to come together united in our Faith and Pray.
May our Lord Bless you and keep you safe.
Bob Bagley
State Faith Director