Council 6694 Council of the Month

By: Dean Hayward - Tue, Apr 25, 2023 9:04 PM

On Monday, April 24th, Lansing State Deputy Region Representative, Dean Hayward, presented Grand Knight, Michael Trundle, of Swartz Creek Council #6694 with the March Council of the Month Award for the Lansing region. 

Congratulations to Council #6694!  Pictured: SDRR Dean Hayward with GK Michael Trundle.

Dean Hayward Lansing SDRR 

Council 7200 Exemplification

By: Gary Merritt - Tue, Apr 25, 2023 8:53 PM

St. Isidore Council #7200 of Macomb recently hosted their April Exemplification which brought in 4 new members to their council.

1st row: New Brothers, John Torresan, Anthony Neumayr, Justin Landwehr & Andy Vusaj

2nd Row: Worthy Brothers: Mark Kovasity, WDW, WPGK, Brian McAleer, Greg Deakin, Deacon Jeff Loeb, Frank Oldani WGK, & Chijioke Oparaji WDGK, Not pictured Joe Suminski WDD 124. 

Congratulations to all the new brother Knights and a big thank you to all that made this possible.

Grand Knight Frank Oldani

Knight's Bikes Give Away Grows in Archdiocese

By: Gary Merritt - Tue, Apr 25, 2023 11:59 AM

Sunday April 24th, three Knights of Columbus councils participated in a bike giveaway at Our Lady of the Lakes Catholic Church in Waterford Michigan.


Our Lady of the Lakes recently joined the expanding program. Despite the chilly weather, the day was a success, after all, it’s hard to frown when you’re riding a bike.

The councils that were involved in the Our Lady of the Lakes bike giveaway were Fr. John Howard Council #8500 from the Church of the Holy Spirit in Highland, Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen Council #7444 from Saint Mary of the Snow in Milford and Pope St. John XXII Council #5436 of Our Lady of the Lakes in Waterford.

Thank you to everyone who made this day happen.

Gary Cornellier

Council 1987 Exemplification

By: Paul Thorn - Tue, Apr 25, 2023 10:55 AM

Fr. Goentges Council 1987 in Lapeer held an Exemplification of Charity, Unity and Fraternity on Tuesday April 4th which initiated 6 new members to the Knights of Columbus and welcomed one new transfer member.

Included in the picture from left to right are Rayn Vanderboagart - New Member, Charles House - New Member, Richard Spankie - Grand Knight, Dan Dudzinski - Exempt.Team, Travis Hiddad - New Transfer, Herb Seubert -  Exemp. Team, Joseph Simpson - New Member, Joshua Simpson - New Member, Dan Mausolf - Exemp. Team, Thomas Forrest - New Member, Jacob Simpson - New Member, Patrick O'Kelly - Membership Director.

Congratulations to Council 1987!

Paul Thorn SDRR

DAVL Vocations Dinner 23

By: Gary Merritt - Mon, Apr 24, 2023 9:01 AM

Sunday afternoon, April23, the 30th Anniversary DACL Vocations Dinner was held at Zuccaro’s Banquet Center in Chesterfield Twp, MI.

Dinner guests were treated to a Polish Dinner, comments from our State Deputy Chris Kolomjec and a presentation address by our Worthy State Chaplain Father Aidan Logan.

Proceeds from this dinner will be used to supplement funding for Seminarians and Postulants scholarships.

Ken Warzybok

State Facebook Director

Michigan Knights of Columbus and Right to Life 45th Annual Dinner

By: Gary Merritt - Fri, Apr 21, 2023 9:23 PM

Knights of Columbus give $20K to Right to Life of Michigan during annual pro-life dinner

More than 600 people attended the 45th annual Respect Life Benefit Dinner, sponsored by the Knights of Columbus Michigan State Council and the Right to Life of Michigan Educational Fund.

The fundraiser comes at a time when the pro-life movement celebrates the overturning of Roe v. Wade on the federal level but laments the passage of Proposal 3 during the November 2022 elections, which greatly expanded legalized abortion in Michigan.

Christopher Kolomjec, State Deputy for the Michigan Knights of Columbus, speaks alongside Barbara Listing, president of Right to Life of Michigan during the 45th annual Respect Life Benefit Dinner, sponsored by the Knights of Columbus Michigan State Council and the Right to Life of Michigan Educational Fund, on April 19 at the San Marino Club in Troy. (Photos by Daniel Meloy | Detroit Catholic)

Christopher Kolomjec, State Deputy for the Michigan Knights of Columbus, left, is pictured with actress and TV host Joelle Maryn, center, the evening's keynote speaker, and Detroit Archbishop Allen H. Vigneron, who delivered the evening's prayer.

Christopher Kolomjec, State Deputy for the Michigan Knights of Columbus, spoke about the Knights’ salutation “Viva Jesu,” Latin for “Jesus Lives,” a reminder that for all the struggles the pro-life movement faces today, Jesus has won the victory.

“I was thinking about what kinds of remarks I would make tonight, considering where we are in this battle for life,” Kolomjec said. “We’ve had great victories with the fall of Roe v. Wade, but also great disappointments with Proposal 3 here in Michigan. So great hope and great disappointment. But that is what happens in battles, that is what happens in war, and this is just the start of it.”

Kolomjec invoked the steadfast courage of leaders in battle such as Winston Churchill and George Washington, who stared down defeat against overwhelming odds, as examples the Knights and all pro-lifers face in the battle to build a culture of life.

“May society wake up to see what is occurring in all aspects of life, marriage, children, identity, gender, truth,” Kolomjec said. “Battles like the ones we’re fighting do have an ending, eventually, and we trust it will be in our favor. I like to think we are George Washington in Valley Forge when he was told his army had no ammunition and his officers left. That is where we are; we are in Valley Forge.”


The Knights also announced a Michigan March for Life at the state capitol scheduled for Nov. 8 at 11 a.m., as the pro-life cause switches to a state-level issue.


Read the entire article from Detroit Catholic Here.

District 118 Exemplification

By: Gary Merritt - Fri, Apr 21, 2023 7:14 AM

Congratulations to the four new Brother Knights who completed the District 118 Exemplification on Thursday April 20 at St. Catherine Church in Algonac!

First row (L-R): Robert Dubay (Council 10724); Adam Paton (Council 856): Brian Kozlowski (Council 2251); William Pierson (Council 10724). Second row (L-R): Ron DePestel (DD118); Jeff Wooten (GK10724); Michael Page (GK856); Dan Granowicz (GK2251). Welcome brothers!

Mark Kehoe Program Director Au Lac Council 10724

2690 Exemplification

By: Richard Shelt - Thu, Apr 20, 2023 10:54 AM

An exemplification of Charity, Unity & Fraternity was held at Monahan Council #2690 in Livonia on Tuesday April 18th. Seven new members were added to the Order.

Pictured left to right. Travis Baker PGK, Richard Shelt SDRR, Tim Neal, Greg Douglas, Tim Casey PGK, Matt Schiffman, Pat Girard PGK degree staff Captain, Mike Maher 2690 GK, Bob Kimble, Mike Banowitz, Trey Bauman, Charlie Rozum DD 129 and David Leonard.

Richard Shelt SDRR