Council 8500 Bike for Hit & Run Victum

By: Gary Merritt - Thu, Apr 20, 2023 10:34 AM

Knight’s Bikes gives Romulus child injured in hit-and-run a reason to smile again.

When a hit-and-run driver struck 6-year-old Quintrell Zumbro of Romulus on March 1, it traumatized his entire family, but out of that near tragedy came a show of love and act of faith.

Even though Quintrell was hit and left behind by the driver, and his 10-year-old brother, Darius Zumbro, and grandmother witnessed the whole thing, the ordeal moved Gary Cornellier to step in and try to help with the healing process.

Cornellier is a member of the Knights of Columbus, Church of the Holy Spirit Council No. 8500 in Highland, and the founder of Knight’s Bikes.

Cornellier figured the youngster was emotionally impacted by the incident and he knew just how to boost his spirits.

Cornellier said he worked with Romulus police Cpl. Christopher Kososki to coordinate a meeting with the boy and his family.

Cornellier’s plan wasn’t just to donate a bike to Quintrell to put a smile on his face, but also to give one to his brother and several other children in the neighborhood.

Cornellier said this is what Knight’s Bikes does — refurbishes bikes and gives them away to children or anyone in need of transportation.

Read the entire article from The News Herald HERE.

District 111 Exemplification

By: Paul Thorn - Wed, Apr 19, 2023 9:24 AM

On Tuesday, April 18, District Deputy #111 John Carry, held a District-wide Exemplification of Charity, Unity and Fraternity at St. Mary of the Hills Church in Rochester Hills which was hosted by Council #13950 and their Exemplification Staff.

Six men were welcomed into the Order from Three Councils, John Diederich #13453, Xhilio Triepshi, Kevin Doda & Alfred Doda #10343, Brian Kehoe & Dennis Omera #8659.

The Degree Staff included Council #13950 Chaplain Fr. Stan Ulman, State Community Director John Hundiak, SDRR Paul Thorn and State New Council Director Alex Dominique.  Also in attendance were DD #111 John Carry, GK Council #10343 Mark Gjokaj, GK Council #13454 Charles Burke and GK Council #13950 Bob Szymanski.

Council #8659 now qualifies for Double Star Council while both Councils #10343 and #13453 qualify for Star Council.

Congratulations to the new members and the Councils upon their membership growth.

Paul Thorn, SDRR Detroit E.

Council 7918 Wins Small Council Award

By: District Deputy 123 - Wed, Apr 19, 2023 9:21 AM

Congratulations to Fr. John F. Farrell Council #7918 of Emmett for winning the Small Council Award at the 82nd Annual Tri-District Rally held on Sunday, April 16th at St. Christopher Parish in Marysville.

Pictured are Host DD #103 David Kelly, Council #7918 Grand Knight Larry Powers and DD #123 John Vermeesch.

The Tri-District Rally is a gathering of the 13 Councils from Districts #103, #118 and #123 that attend Mass each Divine Mercy Sunday. After Mass they enjoy a delicious breakfast and then have some “Friendly” competition among the councils.

Council #7918 of Emmett had the highest percentage of council members attending the Rally to win the Small Council Attendance Traveling Award.  An award for Large Councils which have more than 150 members was also awarded. 

I wish to thank the Stare Officers for attending the Rally along with the Honor Guard from three Assemblies and the many wives of Council Members for attending this event!

District Deputy #123 John Vermeesch

Council 10724 Wins Large Council Award

By: Gary Merritt - Mon, Apr 17, 2023 9:35 AM

Congratulations to the Au Lac Council #10724 of Anchorville upon winning the Large Council Award at the Tri-District Rally on Sunday April 16 at St. Christopher Parish in Marysville.

The Large Council Award is given to a council with 150 or more members that has the highest percentage of members present at the Tri-District Rally. A similar award, the Small Council Award, is given to a council with under 150 members.


The districts represented at the event were 103, 118 and 123 - a total of 13 councils.

The Council name will be engraved on the plaque in the coming days.

Pictured in the photo is District Deputy #118 Ron DePestel and Grand Knight Council #10724 Jeff Wooten.

Thank you to the Brother Knights and wives who attended Mass and the Rally! 

Mark Kehoe  Council #10724

Protect Life Benefit Dinner 23

By: Ed Strach - Sun, Apr 16, 2023 7:59 AM

Supporting Life at the Protect Life Benefit Dinner Thursday April 13th.

The Michigan State Council Knights of Columbus along with several councils and members supported the 8th Annual Protect Life MI Benefit Dinner at the Kellogg Center in East Lansing. With 600 supporters in attendance, they were provided an evening of hope for pro-life efforts in Michigan.


Pictured above (l-to-r) is State Warden Dan Fuller, Immediate Pate State Deputy Walter Winkle, Protect Life MI Executive Director Christen Polo, State Secretary Barry Borsenik and State Pro Life Chair Couple Lynn & Ed Strach

Ed Strach State Life Director

State Raffle Report

By: Lawrence Grabowski - Sat, Apr 15, 2023 7:10 AM

What a great night we all had at Thursday night's raffle drawing party at St. John Neuman's Council #16169 in Canton, (Home Parish and Home Council of Detroit Archdiocesan Chaplain Father Paul Ballien).

The Council prepared an outstanding meal and of course the Irish Band was a big hit which created a lot of enthusiasm and excitement prior to the 8pm raffle drawing!

I am happy to report that after all the deposits made this morning the Final Raffle Total = $346,149.00 dollars.  This means we exceeded last year's total by + $42,205.00 dollars.


A great job done by all and the support of our membership in the state for this raffle this year was overwhelming!

Thanks for all the hard work and now we can enjoy the upcoming weekend.

Lawrence T. Grabowski


State Executive Secretary

2023 Mich RTL Dinner Reminder

By: Ed Strach - Thu, Apr 13, 2023 9:22 AM

Last Chance –

Registration Ends Thursday, April 13th


Michigan RTL Annual 45th Benefit Dinner

7561 Council of the Month

By: Paul Thorn - Thu, Apr 13, 2023 9:18 AM

On Wednesday April 12, 2023, Grand Knight Michael Seefried of St. Mary Mystical Rose Council #7561 in Armada was presented with a Council of the Month Award. 

Participating in the presentation were District Deputy #123 John Vermeesch, Supreme Council Insurance Field Agent Robert Bovenschen and Detroit East State Deputy Regional Representative Paul Thorn.

Congratulations to Council #7561.

Paul Thorn State Deputy Regional Representative

Inter-Fraternal Brotherhood Dinner 23

By: Ken Warzybok - Wed, Apr 12, 2023 8:20 AM

On Tuesday April 11, 2023, the 51st Inter-Fraternal Brotherhood Dinner took place in Chesterfield, MI. Members of charitable organizations gathered and celebrated their

common love for their communities and providing help when and wherever the need arises.

With the theme “Brotherhood – Hand in Hand, Together We Can”, the event was hosted this year by the Alhambra and included guest speakers from the Michigan Knights of Columbus, Elks, Odd Fellows, Knights of St John, Shriners, and Eagles.

The dedicated members of these Fraternal Organizations have gathered for 51 years to renew old friendships and to exchange personal and fraternal greetings.

Congratulations to Gary DeCarlo for being recognized for his many years of service to the Inter-Fraternal Brotherhood Committee.

May our respective organizations endure as we continue to meet in Fraternal Brotherhood!

Ken Warzybok

Camporee 2023

By: Gary Merritt - Sat, Apr 8, 2023 8:26 AM

Plans are underway to organize the annual State K of C Camporee.

Thursday August 10th thru Sunday August 13th, 2023

Mecosta Pines Campground

550 S. Talcott St. Morley, Mi 49336

Mecosta Pines offers many amenities, plus in the event of inclement weather we may utilize their outdoor pavilion.  There is also an indoor gathering area.

Everything is finalized for this year's Fraternal Camporee. Due to high requests the campground is receiving, they asked us if we could do an early registration in April.

Please contact me to let me know when you send in your form.

April 22nd is the deadline. So please get the word out to all your councils and Brother Knights.

Let's have some fun. Any questions please feel free to contact me. 


This link will take you to the registration form. Campout Registration 2023.pdf (

If you have any ideas, please email them to me at If you are interested in helping with any of our events for the Camporee, please reach out to me. Your help will be greatly appreciated.