Welcome State Chaplain Father Andrew LaFambroise
By: Ken Warzybok -
Mon, Jul 1, 2024 6:49 AM
It is with great pleasure that we introduce our new State Chaplain, Father Andrew S. LaFramboise!
Father LaFramboise is a dedicated priest within the Diocese of Saginaw, MI, currently serving as the pastor of St. Elizabeth Parish in Reese and St. Francis Xavier Cabrini Parish in Vassar. In addition to his pastoral duties, Father Andrew also fulfills the role of Vocation Director for the Diocese of Saginaw.
Father LaFramboise's journey to priesthood began at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit, where he received his MDIV and STB before being ordained in 2014. Father Andrew's commitment to furthering his theological education led him to obtain a Licentiate in Sacred Theology of Marriage and Family (STL) in 2019 from the prestigious Pontifical John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family at the Catholic University of America.
Father LaFramboise's leadership and spiritual guidance will greatly benefit our Order and the Knights and Ladies throughout Michigan!
State Faith Director recaps Lansing Rosary
By: Robert Bagley -
Mon, Jun 24, 2024 6:54 AM
Brothers and Sisters,
June 15th some of us went to Lansing for the Living Rosary. We prayed the Rosary to end abortion and to stop assisted suicide. If you do not know, the Rosary is one of the strongest prayers we have to combat evil.
Huge thank you to the 4th Degree for coming out in force, Knights on Bikes, and our State Board for leading the Rosary. Special thank you to Father Paul for the prayer before the Rosary that helped people understand why we must fight this battle.
There was room for many more Catholics to join us in this Rosary. Next year I pray that nothing else is scheduled during this time. The only way to defeat these evils is to come together united in our Faith and Pray.
May our Lord Bless you and keep you safe.
Bob Bagley
State Faith Director
Michigan Knights of Columbus Tiger Day 2024
By: Michael A. Kozakiewicz -
Sun, Jun 23, 2024 6:52 PM
Take me out to the ballpark...on Saturday August 17th!
Click here for the order form for tickets.
2024-2025 State Directory Form
By: Tom Marcetti, Sr -
Sun, Jun 16, 2024 8:46 AM
As we are about to close out this fraternal year, we ask for all councils that have not submitted their council directory forms for 2024-2025 to please do so as soon as possible. The State Office uses the contact information to update the mailing list and the council directory on the State Website.
State Executive Secretary Larry Grabowski emailed the forms to the Grand Knight and Financial Secretary of each council as well as “snail mailing” a letter to the council. The form is available by clicking here. It is a fillable PDF that can be saved to your computer, filled out, and attached to an email sent to StateOffice@mikofc.org. If you need any assistance, your District Deputy is always available to help you.
Please make every effort to ensure that this form is completed as soon as possible, even if there are no changes for the new fraternal year. It is very important that your form be submitted before the summer meeting at Tree Tops, which is taking place on first week in July.
Clinton Township Special Needs Ballpark named after Blessed Michael McGivney
By: Ken Warzybok -
Sat, Jun 15, 2024 4:03 PM
On June 15th, the Michigan Knights of Columbus, as part of the Special Olympics Initiative, proudly hosted the blessing and naming ceremony of the Clinton Valley Little League Challenger Division Senior League Baseball Field in honor of the esteemed founder of the Knights of Columbus, Blessed Michael J. McGivney.
Through the dedicated efforts of forty-two Knights of Columbus councils across Metro Detroit, a remarkable sum of over $62,000.00 was raised during our annual MI Drives to support the development of this field. Since 2006, a total of over $227,000.00 has been generously donated to the league through previous MI Drives. It has been stated that, "No one is more deserving of the honor of naming this field than the Knights of Columbus."
This newly inaugurated, all-inclusive field for these deserving young athletes will now and forever be known as the Blessed Father Michael J. McGivney Field!
In addition to our Worthy State Secretary-elect, Charles McCuen and Lady Pamela, the esteemed guest speaker at the event was Robbie Waclawski, the Director of Civic Partnership and State Sponsorship for Special Olympics of Michigan. Director Waclawski also holds the distinguished title of Director of Special Olympics for the Michigan Knights of Columbus State Council.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all who attended and participated in this event, as well as to those who generously contributed to make this momentous occasion possible...
...and a VERY special thank you goes out to the athletes whose joy and sportsmanship will forever be associated with the name of Blessed Father Michael J. McGivney!
2024 State Family of the Year
By: Ken Warzybok -
Fri, Jun 14, 2024 1:27 PM
In 2018 (with 8 children and one on the way), the Ampe family were made aware of special needs children in Ukraine that needed homes, lots of love, and medical attention. They discussed the situation with their children who all agreed to adopt a Downs Syndrome child. They started the adoption process and flew to Ukraine to meet (and bring home) their 10th child (Cazimir). When they got there, they stumbled upon Henrik (another child with Downs Syndrome). They had a quick family meeting (via face-time) and the children asked their parents to please “Don’t leave Henrik behind. Bring him home.” Joe and Tiffany have stayed in touch with the families of Casimir and Henrik so they remain connected to their children and, just as important, Casimir and Henrik stay connected with their birth parents.
Then, in 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine and the war began. Joe and Tiffany (with their connection to Ukraine) could not sit by and do nothing. They began raising money and collecting food and medical supplies to take to Ukraine. They worked with their parish and the Knights of Columbus. They reached out beyond Joe’s local council (689) to the entire district and raised over $200,000 for Ukraine. Joe made 2 additional trips to Ukraine to deliver all food and medical supplies raised. The people he met were so grateful and were overwhelmed by the generosity of the Marquette Diocese and the Knights of Columbus (led and inspired by Joe and Tiffany and the entire Ampe family).
Joe and Tiffany have built a wonderful family firmly rooted in their Catholic faith. The Ampe family (along with the Knights in Marquette) have demonstrated their commitment to provide Ukraine with the love, food, medical supplies and money they need to survive.