Michigan KC RTL Dinner Review

By: Gary Merritt - Sun, May 9, 2021 9:45 AM

We had a tremendous time with Mike Slater as our speaker at our Respect Life Dinner which was moved to St. Andrew Church in Rochester.  He had a powerful message to encourage Knights, and after you watch it, you will join with us to say, “We’ve got this.”  If you were unable to attend the program, his speech is still available for viewing, and I would encourage you to show it to your Councils, friends, and yourself if you have not already watched it.  


You can easily view it by visiting  www.respectlifemi.org and clicking play.  Mike’s introduction and speech start about 30 minutes into the video so you can easily fast forward to it.  Or, I have made it even easier if you click this link  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A_vGQglTQYk, it will take you right to the spot in the video where Mike Slater is introduced.  Also, keep watching after Mike to see Brian Cusack’s portion which has a newly created Right to Life of Michigan “Profiles in Courage” video.  This video premiered at the Respect Life event and will make you want to fight as hard for these children as our soldiers fight for this nation.

For those who attended the event, you know how great Mike’s message was so I hope that you will share this far and wide with fellow Knights, family, and friends. 

For gifts, you can donate at https://efdonation.rtl.org/events/respect-life-benefit-dinner/ or contact me if you need a donation card and envelope to mail.  You can find a link to this donation page just below the video of the event in the description box too.  When mailing the cards, please mark the donation card as either a tax deductible or non-tax deductible gift.  RLM donations (non-tax deductible) are better and more flexible for us if you do not need the tax deduction, but we need Education Fund gifts too so feel free to make a tax deductible gift. 

God bless,

 Brad Smith Development Coordinator

248-765-8717  RTL.org

Young Blood in the Order

By: Walter Winkle - Fri, May 7, 2021 8:58 AM

His proud association with the Knights of Columbus and its values serves as a convincing rebuttal to anyone who might be tempted to write off the Catholic fraternal organization as some sort of old-timers' club. The number of younger men who have joined the council over the past year at his invitation testifies to the fact that they too see a place for themselves in the organization.

"I know for a fact it's helped strengthen my faith," Hammock said of his involvement with the Knights, and he has found it "unbelievably rewarding" to help fellow Knights deepen their own faith.

Tom Davis, president of the San Diego Diocese Chapter of the Knights of Columbus and a two-time past grand knight of the council, recognized Hammock's potential and asked him last year to consider becoming the next grand knight. "I told him that the council is his, it's not 'owned' by the old guard, and to plan programs and take this council where it needs to be today," Davis said.

While Knights in general tend to skew older, with many members already married men with families, Davis said almost all of those who have joined Council 1349 during the last year have been young adults.

"Just because many of us are Gen X or older doesn't mean the Knights is only for those generations," said Davis, who credits Hammock with "helping turn (around) that idea that we're this old group that is irrelevant to a younger demographic. We are very relevant."


You may read the entire story from Catholic News Service at - Detroit Catholic


Holy Cross Services Hope Community Center

By: Gary Merritt - Tue, May 4, 2021 1:19 PM

Our work with people trying to overcome homelessness here in Lansing is often challenging and heartbreaking, but it is also a gift to be in God’s service to help people with the greatest need.

Thanks to your generosity and the generosity of others throughout Michigan, thousands of veterans, adults and children found a safe place to sleep with regular meals, despite the challenges COVID-19 brought us. We are truly inspired to know that Christ’s love is strong in Michigan.

Please help us to continue this good work. A gift today can change the life of someone experiencing homelessness. There are still so many who need you.

Donate Now

You can help provide the physical, emotional and psychological assistance needed to regain confidence, recover and grow. When you give, you’ll be supporting our New Hope Community Center, with its emergency day and overnight shelter, outpatient services for people struggling with addiction and mental health issues, community kitchen and so much more.

The stressors on people and families due to COVID-19 will likely be with us for a long time to come and we need your continued support.

“I have found that among its other benefits, giving liberates the soul of the giver.”  – Maya Angelou

Thank you for the love you’ve shown the most vulnerable in our community. We are so grateful to have you on our walk with God. We are so grateful to have your support in changing so many lives every single day.

With deepest gratitude,

 Sharon Berkobien President/CEO

Holy Cross Services

Pregnancy Center Director Interview Part 1

By: Ed Strach - Sat, May 1, 2021 11:19 AM

I am pleased to share with you the next in the Rise Up and Answer the Call Life Series. This interview is a two-part interview with Becky Buick, Chief Operations Office, Pregnancy Resource Center in Grand Rapids; Mark Cavis, Executive Director, Life Outreach Center in Hancock and Jennifer MacDonald, Executive Director, Spero Pregnancy Center, Port Huron. 

I hope you find these interviews informative as they relate to the stories, challenges and insights from thus on the front lines defending life. Below is the contact information for our guests.

To watch the interview click the pic     

Becky Buick, Pregnancy Resource Center, Grand Rapids -  becky.buick@prcgr.org, (616) 259-1516

Mark Cavis, Life Outreach Center, Hancock  - cavisma@hotmail.com, (906) 482-8681

Jennifer MacDonald, Spero Pregnancy Center, Port Huron - director@bluewaterbabies.org, (810) 985-4673

Ed Strach Life Director 734-476-6296

Michigan State Council Knights of Columbus   

“Cans for Seminarians” close

By: Charles E. McCuen - Sat, May 1, 2021 11:12 AM


My Brothers All,

The “Cans for Seminarians” Challenge is quickly coming to a close.  We want to thank all those who participated and worked extremely hard taking those cans back.  As you know the price of higher education is expensive and our Seminarians would like to thank you for your efforts in supporting them and the Seminarian Fund which will help them to complete their mission even when their funds are depleted. As we have said “No one should have to give up on their Vocation because of hardships” So with that being said we hope you are ramping up your efforts to get those cans back and show our Seminarians we have their backs! You should start to send in your totals starting next week to me @ c.mccuen@mikofc.org and I can start to tabulate our results. All checks need to go to the State Secretary with “Cans for Seminarians” in the memo line. We raised 30,000 dollars with our Awesome Councils in part one. We can’t wait to see how our Amazing  District Deputies do in Part 2!

Remember the Challenge ends May 7th

Thanks for all hard work you do!

Michigan State Board

Rise up and Answer the Call!

Father's Day Procession

By: Paul J. Palka - Thu, Apr 29, 2021 2:56 PM


Thank you for your support for the Father's Day Procession to be held on Sat. 6/19/21  

Below is the ad that will be going into the June Unleash the Gospel magazine.



The procession will start at St. Aloysius Catholic Parish (1234 Washington Blvd, Detroit, MI 48226) at 1:00 PM and then will move to Old St. Mary's Catholic Church (646 Monroe St, Detroit, MI 48226) and then on to Holy Family (641 Chrysler Dr, Detroit, MI 48226) and will come to its conclusion at St. Joseph Shrine (1828 Jay St, Detroit, MI 48207) at 330 PM. The route will extend 1.6 miles across the city of Detroit.   

Please help in these areas:

 1 - We'd like to get the notice out about the event. 

 2 - We'd like to encourage every Knight who is able to support the event and take part in the procession.

 3 - We'd like to engage with as many 4th degree Color Guards as willing.

 4 - We need volunteer help. A motivated individual or individuals willing to participate in the planning committee and coordinate K of C involvement is essential. 

 5 - Any other thoughts or guidance you have?

 Thank you for taking the time to consider K of C support for this important event.

All those interested in volunteering or assisting in some way with the procession please contact Darren O’Brien at 586-737-7216 or email to uniteournationdetroit@yahoo.com. Please include your name, age, home parish and contact information when you leave a message. We will follow up with you.  

 Vivat Jesus!

 Dean Nowicki

Council 13362 / 4th Degree Assy 2136

Unite Our Nation Rosary Rally at Michigan’s State Capitol

By: Paul J. Palka - Wed, Apr 28, 2021 9:28 AM

Unite Our Nation, founded by the laity, is a non-political organization formed to help bring peace and prayer to local communities and healing to our nation.  A local hour of prayer, including the rosary has been organized as Unite Michigan. 

Please join us on May 13, 3:00 pm in front of the steps at the Michigan State Capitol building in Lansing where we will be led in prayer.

A public square rosary rally is a time to give witness to people of all races and beliefs, keep polarizing politics out, and focus on prayer to unite our nation.  If you are interested in joining the leadership team or simply attending, please reach out to Sandra Sherwood at ejsherwood@charter.net


In the meantime, take a look at the Unite Our Nation website uniteournation.net to learn more and get more details on the event!


43rd Annual KC RTL Dinner Rerun

By: Ed Strach - Sat, Apr 24, 2021 1:34 PM


Thank you for those who attended or livestreamed the 43rd Annual Right to Life MI Respect Life Benefit Event!


The You Tube video event is available on-line at respectlifemi.org to view at your council meeting, district event or hosting a watch party. The first half hour of this recording is dedicated to highlighting a listing of table sponsors and special donors. 


Please take the time to watch the inspiring keynote speaker, Mike Slater and make your donation to Right to Life Michigan Educational Fund. Your donations are critical to continue our efforts in Building a Culture of Life.