2021 CMU Homecoming 5K Fundraising Incentives

By: John Hundiak - Sat, Sep 11, 2021 9:54 AM

 Check out these awesome Adidas fundraising incentives for the 2021 CMU Homecoming 5K! By getting registered and fundraising for this event, you are helping us provide year-round training, competition and health screenings for over 27,000 Special Olympics Michigan athletes.

Don't miss out on your chance to own one of these hot new SOMI items! Need some tips on how to start fundraising?! Below is an easy process to earn $500 in just 10 days.

1. Personal Contribution of $25 

2. Add three family members to match your $25

3. Ask your best friend to sponsor you for $25

4. Ask your boss for a $25 contribution

5. Ask 5 friends to sponsor you $10

6. Ask an additional 5 friends to sponsor you for $10 each

7. Ask 5 businesses to sponsor you for $10 each

8. Ask 5 coworkers to sponsor you for $10 each

9. Ask 10 community members or neighbors to sponsor $10 each

10. Ask 5 people from your social circle to sponsor you for $10 each

 If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Kayla Sova at kayla.sova@somi.org

  Follow us on FACEBOOK for tips and more information:

 We look forward to seeing you at the CMU Homecoming 5K on Saturday, October 16th!




Save Hyde Amendment

By: Ed Strach - Wed, Sep 1, 2021 4:27 PM

Brother Knights,

 In coming weeks, Congress will determine the fate of the longstanding Hyde Amendment, deciding whether billions of taxpayer dollars will directly pay for abortions. Help us urge Congress to vote against any bill that does not include pro-life protections. 



The dangers in front of us involve healthcare funding in the appropriations bills and in the $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill. Unfortunately, the pro-abortion led House has already passed an appropriations bill that eliminates many of the important pro-life protections—including the popular Hyde Amendment. 

 We know abortion isn’t healthcare, but Congress has not gotten the message yet. 

 Now, it’s up to us to defend pro-life taxpayers by insisting that our tax dollars be withheld from the abortion industry. As you know, Hyde and other similar pro-life riders have been included as bipartisan agreements for nearly 50 years, only now to be unceremoniously scrapped by the Speaker of the House and her radical pro-abortion colleagues.  

While we faced a devastating defeat in the radically pro-abortion House, we are grateful for the pro-life coalition on the Senate side. Earlier this month, the Senate showed its intent to defend Hyde's core principles through the passage of an amendment offered by Senator Lankford.  

 However, this intent is not binding. We must urge all Senators to carry this promise across the finish line by voting against any bill that does not retain the Hyde family of pro-life riders.   



Capitol Rosary

By: Gary Merritt - Tue, Aug 31, 2021 9:26 AM

The Rosary Rallies on the 13th of the month continue at the State Capitol.  We are working with Unite Our Nation to publicize these rallies. 

Unite Our Nation Rosary Rally at Michigan’s State Capitol on Monthly on the 13th.

Unite Our Nation, founded by the laity, is a non-political organization formed to help bring peace and prayer to local communities and healing to our nation.  A local hour of prayer, including the rosary has been organized as Unite Michigan.  Please join us monthly on 13th at 3:00 pm in front of the steps at the Michigan State Capitol building in Lansing where we will be led in prayer by Fr. Derda.


A public square rosary rally is a time to give witness to people of all races and beliefs, keep polarizing politics out, and focus on prayer to unite our nation.  If you are interested in joining the leadership team or simply attending, please reach out to Sandra Sherwood at ejsherwood@charter.net.  In the meantime, take a look at the Unite Our Nation website uniteournation.net to learn more and get more details on the event!