Special Olympics Polar Plunge

By: John Hundiak - Thu, Nov 25, 2021 7:46 AM

Yes, the Polar Plunge Season is back!  You may ask what is a Polar Plunge?  It is similar to the Ice Bucket Challenge but way COOLER!  It is a fundraiser that has been successfully used over the years to help fund the cost of sending athletes to Special Olympic Games.

Due to COVID restrictions last year was a year of virtual plunging.  This year SOMI (Special Olympics of Michigan) is excited to host in-person plunges to raise funds to send our Special Olympics athletes to local, regional, and statewide tournaments in 2022. This doesn't happen without the amazing support the Knights of Columbus from across the state - so, are you in?

 SOMI is also excited to offer some additional options to raise funds, including:

·     A virtual option, for those not able to make the 30+ locations

·     A Frozen 5K Run/Walk

·     A "Too Chicken To Plunge" option, where you don't plunge but can still raise funds for this great cause.

 No matter which way you help, we want to see all of the Knights being BOLD and getting COLD for our athletes. Over the past year, they have never counted on the Knights more to get back on the field and courts. 

Additional information can be found at:


Just click the link above and a plethora of information will be available to you.

Once your council has conducted your ‘PLUNGE’ activity, please share the experience by sending a me recap of the event (j.hundiak@mikofc.org); write an article and submit it to the State newsletter and Supreme Columbian; and most of all submit a program book to the State for consideration for a State Activity Award.

In the spring, I will be sending out information on two upcoming events:

·         The Law Enforcement Torch Run schedule for the State

·         The International Special Olympics Soccer Championships to be held in Detroit

Please consider these activities for your council and have some fun in your community while raising funds for a very worthwhile cause.

John Hundiak, State Special Olympics Director

74th Michigan Knights of Columbus Ultrasound

By: Ed Strach - Fri, Nov 19, 2021 7:47 AM

It’s a Community Effort

Did you know, Helping Hands Pregnancy Resource Center

• Was founded in 1986 and the only pregnancy resource center in Hillsdale county

• Has given away over 2,500 items since January, including 1,157 diapers and 1,023 baby clothes

• Served 84 unique clients and taught 233 parenting lessons in 2021

Special thanks to St. Peter the Apostle Council #7832 in Blissfield and the Hillsdale community at large for their support in the placement of this Ultrasound.

Thank you for Rising Up and Answering the Call for Life!.

Ed Strach, State Life Director


By: Ed Strach - Thu, Nov 18, 2021 7:49 AM

Dear Brother Knight,

As you may know, on December. 1 the U.S. Supreme Court will hear arguments in the case Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health concerning a law in Mississippi which bans abortion at 15 weeks. In taking this case, the Supreme Court will determine whether states can have more freedom to limit abortion and not be bound by the judicial edicts which have governed abortion laws for nearly 50 years.

As men and families of faith, we are called to offer prayers for the attorneys presenting this case, for the justices who will decide it, and for our country, which will be impacted by it. The bishops of the United States, together with leaders of other Christian communities, have launched the Pray for Dobbs initiative.

On November 18, there will be a virtual National Prayer Event at 8 P.M. EST, and we urge all Knights and their families to sign up. By doing so, you can join in prayerful solidarity with Christians across the United States. You will also have the opportunity to hear about additional opportunities for prayer and reflection.

Please join us in prayer and fasting for the unborn, for a positive result in the Dobbs case, and for our country.


Knights of Columbus Supreme Council


Family Program Keep Christ in Christmas

By: Gary Merritt - Fri, Nov 12, 2021 11:06 AM

Keep Christ in Christmas

   My Brother Knights and Families, time is running out to get our Keep Christ in Christmas programs going. With the beginning of Advent on Sunday the 28th of November the Christmas Season will begin. So, if your Council hasn’t started planning you are way behind. When I mention Keep Christ in Christmas what comes to mind? Is it the Christmas Card sales or the Poster contest? Well, there are so many other events that our Councils can do. Here are a few ideas that might be something that your Council or Parish has not done before.

    The Journey to the Inn program, Franciscan missionaries in the 16th century found that simple reenactments of the story of Christ’s birth could touch the hearts of those they encountered. The Spanish missionaries referred to these ceremonies as Las Posadas — meaning “the inns” or “the shelters” — as they emphasized Mary and Joseph’s search for shelter before Our Savior’s birth. The tradition of the Posada helps us to remember the first Christmas in a way that unites people of faith throughout the American continent. This event brings together people of many cultures and shows how faith and the celebration of Christmas transcend any differences we may have. You may order or download the booklet, #9898, from the Supreme website The program may be modified to fit your Parish and Council needs.

    Spread the Light of Christ each Advent by lighting and blessing a Christmas tree at your parish or another approved public location. As part of the tree lighting event, you may also ask your pastor to preside over the dedication and blessing of your church’s crèche. You could also ask your Council members to set up their own crèche in their yard. Another idea is to ask your membership to set up a time on zoom or other platform to conduct a tree lighting in their own homes all at once with some prayers, getting even the members who may be homebound to participate.

   Submit a Keep Christ in Christmas advertisement to your church bulletin or local newspaper maybe buy a spot on your local television or radio station. Try a yard sign sale with your card sales. There are many ways to do something that is different this year. I would like to remind you that while Breakfast with Santa is a wonderful program, it does not satisfy the requirements for the Keep Christ in Christmas community program. If you hold a breakfast with Saint Nicholas program that will work. I hope that this has maybe stirred up some new ideas for you to try.

In closing from my family to all of yours have a Blessed and Merry Christmas!

Garret A. Kelenske State Family Director

In Honor of our Vets on Veterans Day

By: Gary Merritt - Thu, Nov 11, 2021 3:10 PM

An article from Supreme worthy of revisiting. 

by Charles Lindberg11/8/2019

ARLINGTON, Va. — Hollywood tries to get historic events right, but there’s nothing like talking to someone who experienced it first hand, said Grand Knight John Rovinski Jr. of Edward Douglass White Council 2473 in Arlington, Va. Rovinski was one of dozens of volunteers — entire families, scouting troops, parish members and Knights — on hand to honor nearly 300 veterans at the council’s Honor Flight Dinner Nov. 2, 2019.

“There’s nothing like that first person account of a historical event. You read about things like Pearl Harbor or the Battle of the Bulge in history books. These people were part of these events and they can tell you firsthand about their experience,” Rovinski said. “It’s really something to listen and talk to them.”

The council has served more than 16,000 participants of the Honor Flight Veterans Network since 2012. The Honor Flight Veterans Network is a non-profit organization dedicated to honoring United States military veterans by bringing them to visit the war memorials in Washington, D.C., at no cost to the veterans.

The Knights host the veterans visiting D.C., welcoming them to their council meeting place and serving serving them a meal.

“We reach out and see how we can serve them,” Rovinski said. “Sometimes the meal is donated, sometimes we pay for it, sometimes a business donates it. Volunteers come in to help, we get color guards from military, and volunteers from everywhere from scout troops to biker groups. Anyone is welcome to help pay tribute to these brave men and woman who gave us so much.”

Two groups came in for the latest Honor Flight Dinner, and the council adjusted to accommodate both groups in two shifts.

Hundreds of volunteers were on hand at the council meeting place when the veterans arrived to cheer these men and women who served in the Armed Forces and to welcome them. After being greeted, the veterans were treated to dinner. Dinner included a speaking program with James Byrne, deputy secretary for the Department of Veterans Affairs..

In his address, Byrne spoke of the Department of Veterans Affairs commitment, as well as his personal commitment, to ensuring that veterans get the support they need.

Also addressing the attendees was Robert Szerszynski, the Knights of Columbus state deputy for Virginia. He thanked the Honor Flight Network and members of Council 2473.

 “To date, over 20,000 veterans have been where you are now. I thank the members of this council for their dedication and support to this worthwhile event,” State Deputy Szerszynski said.

Stepping up to honor and serve veterans is part of what the Knights do and is natural for the council, Rovinski said. “We do whatever it takes to make these veterans comfortable. To make them feel welcome and valued. It’s what we do as Knights.”

Since its beginnings the Knights of Columbus have honored and served veterans around the world. This includes annually working with the Archdiocese for the Military Services in sending thousands of military personnel to a Marian apparition site in France through the Warriors to Lourdes Pilgrimage.

In Honor of Veterans Day

By: Joseph Yekulis - Thu, Nov 11, 2021 2:55 PM

Leaders of Michigan Fourth Degree District 2 visited the Fisher House next to the Ann Arbor VA Hospital on Wednesday November 10th to deliver the check from Operation Patriotism. The $1500 that was donated to Fisher House Michigan will be matched as a result of a pledge drive currently underway and will now be worth $3,000 for this home away from home for Military Families whose loved ones are being treated at the Ann Arbor VA hospital.

Pictured (L to R) are Pride Director Michael Babuik, House Manager April LaRock, District Master Joe Yekulis, Development Chief Stephen Sparr, and VAVS Director John Yanok. The money will be used to provide fresh food for the many families who stay at Fisher House throughout the year. 

Thank you,  Joe Yekulis, MFD MI2