Carl Anderson on Religious Freedom

By: Gary Merritt - Tue, Aug 10, 2021 7:51 PM

"We have to understand why free exercise of religion exercise is so important to America's constitutional framework," he said. "It is after all the first right in the Bill of Rights -- they (the Founding Fathers) had a lot of other choices but they put it in first because they believed it involved the most important issue human beings deal with.”

"Many secularists are trying to reduce that right of worship -- free exercise (of religion) goes far beyond that," he said. It's about living "your life according to your religious convictions -- that always has been the Catholic understanding.”

To "defend what we value, we have to demonstrate the values we bring to society particularly as Catholics ... that hold society together" when there is so much "violence, discord, alienation" today, he said.

For the Knights, those values are the four core principles that drive all they do in church and society: "charity, unity, fraternity, patriotism.”

For Anderson, the high point of his tenure as the top Knight was the Oct. 31, 2020, beatification of the organization's founder -- Blessed Michael McGivney.

But he also said that what was "most edifying" to him over the years was "the tremendous expansion of the Knights charitable work in so many countries, not only U.S., Canada, Philippines, Mexico, Korea, France, Poland but in Africa, in Latin America and Asia.”


You may read the entire article from Detroit Catholic Daily Digest HERE.

Monthly Membership Report

By: Dan Fuller - Sat, Aug 7, 2021 5:36 AM

   Daniel C Fuller Jr.

State Membership Director

Michigan State Council of the Knights of Columbus



My Worthy Brother Knights,

I hope you and your families are all well.  We are now in the second month of our fraternal year, but we are falling behind in growing our Order.  July is the month that councils use to plan their programs and membership events.  August is the month we implement those plans.

FYI, August 6th was the first ZERO growth day Michigan has had this fraternal year.  This is not good for our Order.  The 400+ councils and 62,000+ Brother Knights of Michigan must be adding 10+ new members every day to make a difference.

Question, is your council hosting a church drive or membership event in August?  

Question, is your council using e-membership and free promo code MCGIVNEY2020

Question, is your council participating in the Fraternal Benefit Event Wed Aug 18, 2021 7:00 PM-8:00 PM, LIVE Virtual Seminar with Joe Jordan Inspirational Speaker and Behavioral Finance Expert Registration will be limited Register Now

Our Parishes need strong councils now more than ever.  As leaders we must empower our Brother Knights to take action to serve their parishes and invite friends and family to join us in making a difference within our church and community.  Membership Growth is the exercise that strengthens our councils’ so strong programs and great works of service can be achieved.  Empower your councils to exercise their growth skills.  Growth will bring meaningful life changing experiences to those new Knights and their families.

Let’s all “Rise up and answer the call” and get Michigan growing.  

Vivat Jesus!

from Supreme Convention

By: Gary Merritt - Thu, Aug 5, 2021 8:21 PM

NEW HAVEN, Conn. The Knights of Columbus named the Steciak family of Rembieszyce, Poland, as the organization's 2021 International Family of the Year.

The family as recognized for being "deeply involved in the life of the church" by leading "numerous social and volunteer initiatives," including an outreach to the elderly and children with disabilities.

The honor came during the Knights' 139th annual convention Aug. 3-4. It was held virtually, with key events being broadcast from the Supreme Council's headquarters in New Haven and members from around the world participating online.

Five local Knights councils also were recognized for a range of efforts over the past year, including helping men become better fathers, building up council membership, helping foster families' faith amid the pandemic lockdown and going the extra mile to support an annual March for Life affected by the pandemic.

Archdiocesan Monroe Council 1266, Monroe, Michigan: was awarded the International Award in Faith category for creation of a group fostering brotherhood and an environment "where they take responsibility for learning, living, strengthening and sharing the faith by hosting a men's prayer breakfast. 

The conference, which had as its theme "Called to Creative Courage," opened with a Mass celebrated at St. Mary's Church in New Haven.


You may read the entire story from Detroit Catholic HERE.


Watch the Supreme Convention Opening Mass & Annual Report of the Supreme Knight Patrick Kellyby going to the Supreme website.


800 Crosses

By: Patrick Oliver - Sun, Jul 25, 2021 8:48 AM