Saluting Our Veterans

By: Gary Merritt - Thu, Nov 10, 2022 8:05 AM

Remebering all that have served our country.

Pray for our Veterans this morning.

God of peace, we pray for those who hs this morning.ave served our nation and have laid down their lives to protect and defend our freedom. We pray for those who have fought, whose spirits and bodies are scarred by war, whose nights are haunted by memories too painful for the light of day. We pray for those who serve us now, especially for those in harm’s way. Shield them from danger and bring them home. Turn the hearts and minds of our leaders and our enemies to the work of justice and a harvest of peace. Spare the poor, Lord, spare the poor! May the peace you left us, the peace you gave us, be the peace that sustains, the peace that saves us. Christ Jesus, hear us! Lord Jesus, hear our prayer! Amen.

Prayer by Fr. Austin Flemming, a priest of the Archdiocese of Boston