Council 8659 Golf Outing
By: District Deputy 111 -
Sun, Sep 10, 2023 4:51 PM
It was 9:00 AM.
A shotgun blast echoed in the morning air and volleys of golf balls arched through the air. This was the beginning of Sacred Heart Council #8659’s annual golf outing at the Fountains Golf and Banquet Center in Clarkston, MI.
Everyone enjoyed the golf, fraternity and even a little bit of inter-council rivalry. There were raffle items as well as prizes for longest drive and closest to the pin. All the proceeds went to fund this next year’s fraternal giving.
District Deputy 111, Michigan
Council 3257, Council 10501, and Knights on Bikes gather to support Spero Center
By: District Deputy 127 -
Sat, Sep 9, 2023 11:49 AM
On Friday, September 8, 2023, the Grand Knights from Bishop Murphy, Council #3257, and All Saints - Memphis, Council 10501, along with members of Knights on Bikes from both councils, presented a check for $5,000, from Bishop Murphy, to Jennifer MacDonald, Executive Director of the Spero Center, a pregnancy aid facility, in Port Huron. All Saints - Memphis has pledged to donate an additional $5,000 to the facility. Along with the expected matching funds from Supreme's ASAP program, this makes a total of $10,800 to this organization. Also present were District Deputies John Vermeesch, DD123, and Mark Elias, DD127.
For Bishop Murphy, this now makes a total of $20,000 in donations just to pregnancy centers in this calendar year. They previously donated $5,000 to Gianna House and $10,000 via the Pass the Hat event at the State Convention., proceeds from which will support the Heart of Christ Clinic.
Council 3257 Grand Knight Dennis Thomas presents the check to Jennifer MacDonald, Spero Center Executive Director.
Council 17232 achieves August Council of the Month for Kalamazoo Diocese
By: James Highfield -
Thu, Sep 7, 2023 10:04 AM
Fr Anselm Weber Council #17232 received the August Council of the Month award for the Kalamazoo Diocese, as they became the first council in Michigan to successfully achieve their membership goal.
Pictured L-R: Jim Highfield SDRR, GK Joe Martinez, and DD Joe Harnish.