Bi-District Exemplification held at John F Kennedy Council 5460

By: District Deputy 101 - Thu, Nov 9, 2023 6:41 AM

Posted For: District #

District 101 and District 125 held a Bi-District Exemplification on November 8th at John F Kennedy 5460 Council in Clinton Township. This ceremony welcomed three new Brother Knights for 5460 and one new member from St. Hubert Council 11658 in Harrison Township.
New Members - 5460
Randall Straugen
Bob Maleszyt
David Lievens
New Member - 11658
Doug Kacmarski
Host DD 125
Joe Chementi
Visiting DD 101
Dan Nowakowski


Council 14427 recieves their Star Council Award

By: District Deputy 112 - Thu, Nov 9, 2023 6:23 AM

Posted For: Council #14427

Congratulations  to Our Lady of Victory Council #14427 in Northville as they receive their Star Council Award for the 2022/23 Fraternal Year! 


Pictured from left to right are Rick Bennett, PGK – Membership Director, DD 112 Gary Mallia, GK Paul Kueber, and Glenn Higgins- Program Director.

Council 7341 presents funds to Special Olympics of SW Michigan

By: Gary Merritt - Wed, Nov 8, 2023 9:08 AM

Posted For: Council #7341

On Monday November 6, Jim Shoaf, Past Grand Knight of Bishop Allen J. Babcock Council 7341 in Caledonia, had the pleasure of presenting a check of $1700 to Special Olympics of SW Mich. 


L-R: PGK 7341 Jim Shoaf, Pres. & CEO Mi. Special Olympics Tim Hileman, Sr. Mgr. of Sports & Training SW MI Special Olympics Nick Caudle.        

This is a partial amount of the money collected in the council’s most recent MI Drive.


District 113 hosts Dinner for Ultrasound Machine for Eaton County Pregnancy Center

By: District Deputy 113 - Wed, Nov 8, 2023 6:46 AM

Posted For: District #

Pope Saint John XXIII Council #5436, serving the Our Lady of the Lakes (OLL) parish in Waterford, MI, held a "free-will" offering dinner on November 7th to help raise funds for a new ultrasound machine to be presented to the Eaton County Pregnancy Center located in Charlotte, Michigan. This dining event was in partnership with the St. Mary Council #11875 (Charlotte, MI), which has already raised the necessary $24,000 for this machine --- a total of 8 brother councils have contributed to this effort!
GK Gerald Sweeny expects the Supreme Board of Directors to approve the "other half" of the funding for this machine at its next meeting in early December. The dedication of the new ultrasound machine should occur sometime in the March-April 2024 time-frame.
Approximately 85 people attended this Tuesday evening get-together, which raised a little over $5,000, and another check of $500 is expected from a second District #113 council in a couple of weeks. Council #5436 donated $1,000 by itself early last summer.
Standing before a St. Joseph icon in OLL's St. Joseph Hall, are (L-R): GK5436 Michael Mandziuk, DD113 Tom Kendziorski, GK11875 Gerald Sweeny, Life Director #5436 Doug Ritter, and AOD East Program Director Joe Brenner.
A personal shout-out goes to our Worthy State Life Director, Ed Strach, for suggesting a partnership between council #5436 and council #11875 on this project earlier in the year!
Sincerely and Fraternally,
Vivat Jesus!
DD113, PGK


November 5th brings in 13 new members in Canton

By: Richard Shelt - Mon, Nov 6, 2023 5:25 PM

Posted For: Council #16169

A Travel Team Exemplification of Charity, Unity, and Fraternity was held at Resurrection Church in Canton, home parish of St. John Neumann Council 16169, where 13 new Brother Knights joined the Order.


In attendance were 45 friends and families of the candidates and Diocesan Chaplain Father Paul Ballien led everyone in prayer. State Membership Director Richard Shelt, District Deputy 114 Dan Timmerman, and Ray Bilyk SDRR Detroit West were also present.


A big thank you goes out to Pat Girard, the leader of the Degree Team, and his staff for their outstanding work. Congratulations on a job well done!


Lastly, a warm welcome to our new Brother Knights! We are thrilled to have you join our ranks!


Swartz Creek Council 6694 Supports Parish Priest's Home Diocese

By: MD 6694 - Sun, Nov 5, 2023 4:04 PM

Posted For: Council #6694

Grand Knight, Lance Wildman, reports that a recent Knights of Columbus sponsored “Family Fun Fundraiser,” to help the Diocese of Gumla (India), raised $7,062. The Diocese of Gumla is the home diocese of Father Louis Ekka, pastor of St. Mary Queen of Angels parish in Swartz Creek, Michigan. There are thirty-nine parishes and thirty-nine schools in this diocese and the funds raised will go a long way in support of their projects.


The event took place in the St. Mary’s parish hall with over ninety-two people in attendance. There were family fun games and a meal enjoyed by all. Additionally, a 50-50 raffle was held, and two beautiful baskets and a wall plaque were also raffled. Most of the funds raised were the result of freewill offerings from a very generous parish family and friends from a neighboring parish as well.

The participation and response to this event was inspiring and a testament to the principle of charity. Swartz Creek Council 6694 is incredibly pleased with this outcome and the outpouring of love and support shown for Father Louis.

Council 3860 raises funds to support Special Olympics

By: Richard Shelt - Fri, Nov 3, 2023 7:35 AM

Posted For: Council #3860

On Sunday October 29th, the Brother Knights of Fr Patrick O’Kelley Council 3860 in Dearborn Heights held a delicious spaghetti dinner to support Special Olympics.  It was a very successful event, with over 400 dinners served. Thanks to the overwhelming response from the community, the council raised an impressive amount of nearly $5000!collage

Council 7591 updates the rectory deck

By: GK 7591 - Wed, Nov 1, 2023 9:23 PM

Posted For: Council #7591

The Brother Knights of Fr. Robert G. Smith Council 7591, who serve the communities of Vassar, Millington, and Reese, have been hard at work renovating the deck at the Parish Rectory for Deacon Steven George.
This dedicated council proudly serves St. Francis Xavier Cabrini and St. Elizabeth of Hungary.
In the pictures are Grand Knight Brian Sutherland, Financial Secretary Greg Ellison, Advocate Tim Ellison, and taking the pictures was 3-year Trustee Ian Sutherland.

Nice job, Brother Knights!


Detroit Council 305 is 125 years young

By: Paul Thorn - Wed, Nov 1, 2023 7:24 PM

Posted For: Council #305

November 1st was a walk down memory lane as I travelled to Old St. Mary Church in Detroit's Greektown to hand out awards.
Detroit Council 305 is the original Michigan Council at 125 years young. I was told by current Grand Knight Andrew Assenmacher Sr., Council membership was once over 10,000 members.
Council 305 was awarded Detroit East Council of the month for October.
The award was presented to Grand Knight Assenmacher.  Included in the picture of the presentation are Council Chaplain Fr. Godfrey Mgonja, District Deputy James Kelly and myself.
Also presented with an award was DD James Kelly for helping his Milford area Councils to their District membership goals.
Memorabilia in the Council chamber included a picture of over 100 Knights after receiving their 1st Degree in 1925 and a Telephone Directory from 1923 that listed at least 2 of my uncles. It was very special moment for me to see their names listed!
Congratulations to Detroit Council 305 and District Deputy Kelly!
Paul Thorn 
Detroit East SDRR

Council 3292 hosts multi-council Exemplification

By: District Deputy 114 - Thu, Oct 26, 2023 3:50 PM

Posted For: Council #3292

A multi-council Exemplification was conducted on October 25th at Fr. Victor J. Renaud Council 3292 in Plymouth. Council 3292 had four new members, and Councils 8284 and 16169 had one new member each for a total of six new members.
New members who joined were Lucas Montgomery, Council 16169, Ken O'Sullivan Council 8284, Edward Rinke, Ron Eisbrenner, John Palmer, and Joseph Karnish, all from Council 3292.
In attendance were Dan Timmerman DD #114, Dick Shelt SDRR, Mike Driscoll GK 3292, Chuck Lang GK 16169, Mike Pisano GK 8284, and Kevin McGovern MD 3292. Larry Redman, MD 16169, and 10 other Brother Knights in support.
Congratulations to our new Brother Knights!
Vivat Jesus!
Dan Timmerman - District Deputy
Knights of Columbus
District #114