Anchor Bay Council 5981 escorts Lady of Fatima statue at local parade
Tue, Jun 25, 2024 10:36 AM
-Posted For: Council #5981

On June 22nd and 23rd, ten councils united to provide support for a fellow council at the Holy Name of Jesus Parish Festival in Wyoming, MI. The highlight of the event was witnessing the joy on the faces of Father Edwin Carreño and Father Charlie Brown.
I am so proud to be a member of this great brotherhood of Knights!
Faith & Family First
Martin Brown
State Deputy Regional Representative
The Homework House, located in the heart of Avalon Village, serves as a safe haven for children in the community. After six years of hard work and dedication, this project has finally come to fruition. The Homework House provides a welcoming environment where children can gather after school to enjoy a warm meal, receive assistance with their homework, acquire valuable life skills, and much more.
Thanks to the generosity of the "Knights Bikes" program at Fr. John Howard Council #8500, the Homework House now boasts a brand new bicycle rack. This addition not only enhances the facilities of the Homework House but also promotes a healthy and active lifestyle for the children in the community.
Under the leadership of Mama Shu, the Homework House in Highland Park stands as a beacon of hope for the neighborhood's children. It serves as an oasis where they can thrive and grow, while also acting as a cornerstone for the entire community.
On June 2nd, members of Fr Thomas R. Carey Council #4764/Orion Township took part in the Corpus Christi procession at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Lake Orion, Michigan. The Knights provided canopy support for the monstrance and served as the color guard for the procession, which was presided over by Rev. Jim Keen.
Pictured L-to-R:
1st row - Frank Kramarczyk (PGK, & Treasurer), Ken Simpson (PGK, PDD, & Financial Secretary), Tom Tiffany (GK)
2nd row - Barney Westbury, Gary Banker, Tim Yoder (PGK)
K of C Au Lac Council 10724 and St. Mary on the Lake Assembly 2804 in Ira Township held a dedication ceremony on June 1, 2024 for a new memorial to honor the more than 200 veterans buried in the parish's two cemeteries. Over 100 people attended and Fr. Joseph Esper, Pastor of Immaculate Conception Parish, blessed the memorial which is the culmination of two years work in researching the cemetery grave sites and records along with several fundraising activities.
The Knights thank everyone who helped in any way through their donations of time and money so that we can honor the many men and women who gave their lives so that we can enjoy the freedoms we have today.