Instillation Mass of Bishop Walsh

By: Gary Merritt - Sat, Mar 5, 2022 11:05 AM

The Diocese of Gaylord officially installed a new Bishop on Friday March 4 for the region.

Last December Pope Francis selected Jeffrey Walsh to serve in the position.

Walsh replaces Steven Raica, who left the Diocese in 2020 and is now Bishop of the Diocese of Birmingham in Alabama.


Bishop Walsh is now responsible for 21 counties in the lower peninsula.


Our State Officers had the honor of attending the ceremony.

Here is a pictorial of the event.

A video of the entire service may be viewed at this link; The Ordination and Installation of Bishop Jeffrey J. Walsh~ March 4, 2022 - YouTube

Congratulations to Bishop Jeffrey J. Walsh on his episcopal ordination and installation as sixth bishop of the Diocese of Gaylord!

4362 C U F Exemplification

By: Gary Merritt - Wed, Mar 2, 2022 10:46 AM

Tuesday evening prior to their council meeting Bishop Haas Council # 4362 gained two members and advanced one more to the third Degree by conducting an Exemplification of Charity, Unity and Fraternity.


Back row, Staff, lft to rt  Tony Arbanas, Ken Skonecki, Don Robinson, Dave Erdmans, Jim Worth

Front, lft to rt new member Hillary Maiyo, now 3rd Degree Kevin Mcvoy, new member Kip Chemjor

Congratulations to all!

Service Program Award Application

By: Gary Merritt - Wed, Feb 23, 2022 5:14 AM

Each year our State Council recognizes the best program in each area of the Service Program areas: Faith, Family, Community, Culture of Life, at the State Council Convention.

A team of judges chosen by the State Deputy awards the top prize in each category to the winning Council at the State convention. The form used to tally scores is here: MI03.

The winning entries are then endorsed by the State Deputy and submitted to the Supreme Council office by June 10 for judging to determine the International Service Program Award Winners. From each jurisdiction winners are chosen as the single best Faith, Family, Community, Culture of Life, program Order-wide for the fraternal year.


Service Program Awards Entry Form #STSP

Read the instructions HERE. A change is that your submission needs to be emailed, no physical copy or binder necessary except for display at your council functions.

Compile the application, see the guide for explanation: SERVICE AWARD GUIDE.

Submission of all applications need to be made before April 15.

Examples of past winning entries may be viewed here: Rock and here: Living Rosary.

Don’t forget to complete and include the form STSP.

Exemplification at Sacred Heart Major Seminary

By: Paul Thorn - Sun, Feb 20, 2022 10:28 PM

Congratulations to the eight newest Brother Knights at today's exemplification at Sacred Heart Major Seminary!

I’m proud to have served on the Staff which presented this ceremony, giving the discourses on Unity and the Rosary to the candidates. I always enjoy being on the Exemplification team.

Paul Thorn SDRR

Back Row: - Paul Thorn - SDRR 5, Seminarian, Fr. Zachary Mabee - Instructor of Philosophy, Student Advisor, & Pastor at St. Joseph Shrine in Brooklyn, Fr. Steve Pullis Archdiocesan Evangilization Team, John Hundiak - State Special Olympics Director, Dan Fuller - State Membership Director

Middle Row, Jim Escott - State Training & New Council Director Jim Escott

Front Row Travis Baker - DD120, Nicholas Holoman - Supreme Council Manager of College Councils (to Walter's right), Walter Winkle Jr. - State Deputy, others are new members. 

Upcoming Ultrasound Dedication Ceremonies

By: Ed Strach - Sat, Feb 19, 2022 1:37 PM

Our councils are on the move again Taking Action for Life.

This week are two, 76th and 77th Ultrasound dedication ceremonies

to help defend life and provide expectant mothers a window to the womb.


Wednesday, February 23rd, 2022 at 5:00 PM

Life Choices of Central Michigan 

1985 Parkland Drive, Mt. Pleasant, MI. 48858


Lead council: Sacred Heart Council #1297, Mt. Pleasant.

Grand Knight Robbie Waclawski


Thursday, February 24th at 6:00pm (rescheduled from February 17th)

Heartbeat of Monroe

123 W. First St., Monroe 48161.


Lead Council: Monroe Council #1266, Monroe

Grand Knight Julian Rios


Thank you for Rising Up and Answering the Call for Life!

 Ed Strach, Life Director