78th Mich KC Ultrasound Dedication – Building A Better Future for Flint

By: Ed Strach - Thu, Apr 14, 2022 9:38 AM

Saturday, April 9, 2022 at The Luke Project 52 Clinic Flint marked the 78th Michigan Knights of Columbus Ultrasound dedication ceremony.  

Last year several districts and their supporting councils in the Flint area including those of District Deputies Rick Perry, Bob Vandesteene and Mike Szukhent embarked to place multiple Ultrasound units in the city of Flint. The first of these Ultrasound placements became a reality with the grand opening of The Luke Project 52 Clinic Flint which also included the Ultrasound dedication.

Pictured top left above (l-r) during the pledge of allegiance is Rev. Brad Garrison, Executive Director, The Luke Project 52 Clinic Flint; Brother Knight Mike Walsh; Craig Herring, Grand Knight Fenton Council #7418 and State Deputy Walter Winkle.

Above center;: Deacon Larry Blondin took part in the blessing of the Ultrasound.

Far right: Ribbon cutting ceremony with State Deputy, Walter Winkle, Grand Knight Craig Herring and Rev. Brad Garrison.

Did you know, The Luke Project 52 Clinic Flint

· The Luke Project is a ministry launched in 2016 out of love for mothers and their babies which has now expanded to the Flint area

· Is a free prenatal care clinic to serve the uninsured/under insured in Flint area

· Building owner refused to sell facility to abortion doctor six weeks prior to leasing to The Luke Project 52 Clinic with option to buy in August 2022

· A gift of $24,000 was made toward the end of the building dedication for its purchase

Supporters of The Luke Project 52 Clinic of Flint Ultrasound Initiative:

These supporters are responsible for raising $24,590, 50% of the cost of this Ultrasound with the other 50% provided by Supreme Council Knights of Columbus

District #504, Rick Perry

Councils 6694 Swartz Creek, 6742 Grand Blanc, 7418 Fenton (led council) , 8489 Flushing

District #502, Bob Vandesteene

Councils 4090 Davison, 4285 Mt. Morris, 10170 Burton, 11532 Burton, 13703 Clio

District #512, Mike Szukhent

Councils 695 Flint, 8245 Flint, 8669 Montrose,12090 Flint, 17509 Flushing

Memphis Council #10501, St. Francis Council #4401, Msgr. Patrick R. Dunigan Assembly #510

Livingston County Ultrasound Initiative

Thank you for Rising Up and Answering the Call for Life!

Ed Strach 

Michigan Knights of Columbus

Life Director

The Q3 $500 Sponsor Winners

By: Dan Fuller - Tue, Apr 12, 2022 8:19 AM

As promised our Worthy State Deputy, Walter Winkle selected two winners for our 3rd Quarter Sponsor Raffle. 

The winners are…

·         Jim Johnson of Sacred Heart of the Hills Council 8659, District 111, Auburn Hills.

·         Steve Schaenzer of James Cardinal Hickey Council 14056, District 701, Midland.

Congratulations my Brothers! Keep up the great work of growing our Order.

Now try to win another $500 in the Q4 Sponsor Raffle.

Vivat Jesus, Rise Up And Answer the Call!

Dan Fuller, SMD

Blessed Easter

By: Gary Merritt - Sat, Apr 9, 2022 8:01 AM

BLESSED EASTER to all our Brother Knights and their Families!


Mentally Impaired Drive

By: Gary Merritt - Fri, Apr 8, 2022 1:31 PM

This Palm Sunday weekend, Knights of Columbus councils across the State of Michigan will participate in our annual MI Drive. The funds collected will be distributed to various local and state-wide organizations which provide recreational and learning events for individuals with physical and cognitive challenges.

While we often take for granted simple every day activities such as bowling or camping, for an individual with special needs, it requires organization and extra attention to ensure a fun and safe time. The funds collected this weekend will support these quality of life activities, thanks to the generosity and love of communities throughout Michigan. When you see our Brother Knights this weekend, please give a donation and enjoy a Tootsie Roll on us as thanks for helping us help others. Thank you!

Standing for Life at the MI RTL Dinner

By: Gary Merritt - Fri, Apr 8, 2022 11:01 AM

Over 600 people made a Stand for Life by attending this year’s dinner in Troy.

Our State Deputy Walter Winkle, on behalf of state council and the members of the Knights of Columbus of Michigan was able to present a generous donation of $100,000 to Barbara Listing and the Michigan Right to Life educational fund for all that they do to encourage and advocate Life!

Entertainment was provided by George Dennehy, an internationally recognized songwriter and multi-instrumentalist. George inspired all by sharing his powerful prolife testimony.

Message from Paul Long MCC CEO

By: Gary Merritt - Wed, Apr 6, 2022 9:14 AM

April 5, 2022

Dear State Deputy and Board:

            I am sorry to miss your conversation this evening. Unfortunately, the conflict on my calendar could not be avoided.  In my absence, I have asked Barbara Listing to read this short letter.

            The topic under consideration tonight, in many regards, is without precedent, in terms of our joint efforts to restore legal protection to the unborn child in Michigan.

            On behalf of the Board of Directors of the Michigan Catholic Conference, which includes the seven (arch)diocesan bishops, I can say with complete confidence, that derailing this deafly petition drive, is an absolute top priority of the Roman Catholic Church in this state.

            Right to Life of Michigan and the Michigan Catholic Conference have joined together to create Citizens to Support Michigan Women and Children.  This is the community which will fight against this proposal being placed on the ballot and will be urging a no vote.

            If we are unable to disqualify enough signatures, to throw out the petition drive, then securing a no vote on this proposed amendment to the state constitution, will remain an absolute priority in the weeks and months just ahead.  

            I would urge the Knights of Columbus, throughout the great state of Michigan, to join us wholeheartedly to defeat what can only be viewed as the greatest challenge to the sanctity of human life that we have ever faced!

            Having said that, I am confident, just as I have been on many occasions in the past, that by working together, we will prevail!  We will emerge victorious!  But the road ahead of us will be filled with unprecedented challenges.

            To that end, we must rise up with an unprecedented level of commitment for these innocent children.

            Please  join us as we proceed full speed ahead.  I cannot envision a victorious outcome without one of the greatest allies the unborn children will ever have…there will be no victory without the Knights of Columbus.

            Thank you so much for your time and consideration.

Right to Life of Michigan

Michigan Catholic Conference

Citizens to Support Michigan Women and Children

Knights of Columbus Men’s Retreats

By: Greg Brunson - Mon, Apr 4, 2022 4:37 PM

Over the last year our State Chaplain Fr Paul Ballien has held a number of Men’s Retreats based on the Into The Breach” video series and “Guadalupe The Miracle And The Message”.  Since then, additional retreats have begun to take place in other Dioceses across Michigan such as Grand Rapids and all across the U.P.

I happened to attend the first in a series of retreats that Fr Corey Litzner was hosting.  It was at St Michael Parish in Marquette and when I arrived early (and I was terrified that nobody would show up), I met District Deputy Jim Butorac and Grand Knight of Council 1541, Bruce Coron, boiling enough hot dogs to feed an entire U.S. Army Regiment!   I asked them if they will have enough hot dogs and Jim told me they were expecting 60.  As it turned out the room was full, most of the hot dogs were gone, all the pizza was gone, and the retreat went very well.  I was taken back by the outstanding attendance, so was Fr Corey!   Rumor has it there were a couple of men who filled out form 100s’.   Since then, the retreats in Sault Saint Marie, Houghton, and Ironwood have all had very good attendance, especially in Houghton.   The weather however interfered with the Newberry retreat - it was postponed due to a nasty ice storm rolling across the state that evening (to be rescheduled).

On March 25th, the UP Catholic had a nice article about Fr Corey’s retreats – click the logo below and go to page 5.


Fr Corey has traveled from Sault Saint Marie to Ironwood – from one end of the U.P. to the other because he agreed to be the Diocesan Chaplain for the Knights of Columbus.   This is commitment to our order.  We all, some 60 thousand of us in Michigan, do the good works of our order by using those gifts the Lord has given to each of us.  Our Diocesan Chaplains and brother knights who happen to be Priests, do their part by helping us all grow spiritually.  We are blessed to have them among us.

BOTTOM LINE men:  when you hear about upcoming Men’s Retreats hosted by one of our Diocesan Chaplains, make it a point to attend.   It would be terrific to see large turnouts across the State like we saw from our Brother Knights north of the bridge.

K C Special Olympics Opportunity

By: John Hundiak - Mon, Apr 4, 2022 3:55 PM

Let’s Play Ball!

Spring baseball fever has already started.  Many Little League Teams have already started their competitions.  Our area is blessed with the Clinton Valley Little League Challenger Division.  It has been operating for 29 years!

This division is a program for mentally or physically disabled youth to enjoy the sport of Baseball.  Hott Field in Macomb County provides an environment that is adaptable and usable by those players with mental or physical disabilities.  Over the years, this league has grown significantly and now there is a great need for a Senior League baseball field for mentally or physical disabilities.  This field will be part of the existing Clinton Valley Little League Challenger Baseball and will be designed as a “Special Needs Accessible Filed”. 

Much work has already been done on the field (located on Harper Rd in Clinton Twp).  Many generous donations have been received from local municipalities and corporations.  However, to complete the field by this summer, we need to raise $75,000 to cover the construction costs.

Here is the challenge from Challenger Field: If the Knights of Columbus can raise the $75,000 needed, then the name of the field will be ‘McGivney Field’!  This will stand out in the community and demonstrate the dedication that the Knights have towards God’s needy children.

I am asking that all councils consider donating at least part of their Spring 2022 MI Drive monies to this worthy cause. This donation can also be considered a Special Olympics donation on your 10784s.  To make a donation from your Council or MI Drive monies, make checks payable to:

Checks can be sent to:

Clinton Valley Little League Challenger Baseball

Memo line: McGivney Field

Marilyn Wittsock


57249 Junction Court KC Special Olympics

Washington, MI 48094

Once we meet this challenge and the field is ready for dedication, all Knights and families from around the State will be invited to the inaugural game.

Brothers, this is an extraordinary opportunity to put our Faith in Action and help those in need.  Please prayerfully consider your Council’s participation in this worthy cause.

Rise Up And Answer The Call!

John Hundiak

State Special Olympics Director

Live Streaming the 44th Annual Respect Life Dinner Tuesday, April 5th!

By: Ed Strach - Sun, Apr 3, 2022 3:51 PM

Live streaming for the Respect Life Annual Benefit Dinner at 7:00pm on April 5th:



 Brother Knights and Families,

The 44th Annual Right to Life MI Respect Life Dinner is only a few days away! This is to provide our council members outside the Southeastern Michigan area the opportunity to join us live for this at http://www.respectlifemi.org/

We look forward to having you as a virtual guest for this event and thank you for Rising Up an Answering the Call for Life!

Ed & Lynn Strach

Pro-Life Chair Couple
