Family of the Year

By: Gary Merritt - Tue, May 31, 2022 9:54 AM

Michigan Family of the Year Award Winner


The Family of the Year Award for Fraternal Year 2021/2022 was presented on Thursday morning at the Michigan State Convention during the open meeting.

Msgr. John A. Gabriels Council #11099

The Anthony & Suzanne Cherniawski Family 




Council Program Service Awards

By: Gary Merritt - Tue, May 31, 2022 9:05 AM

Program Service Awards

The Council Program Service Awards for the Fraternal Year 2021/2022 were presented at the open session on Thursday morning during this year’s State Convention.





Bishop Joseph H. Albers Council #4090

Seminarian Dinner



Father Saylor Council #3774 

Fundraiser for Baby Elliot



Msgr. Patrick R. Dunigan Council # 695

Welcome Back Mass



St. Hubert’s Council #11658, St. Louis Roundtable 

Team J-Rex – Crushing Hydrocephalus

Dearborn Memorial Day Parade

By: Gary Merritt - Tue, May 31, 2022 7:24 AM

Our State Deputy, Walter Winkle joined the festivities of the

Memorial Day Parade in Dearborn.

ParticipaParticipating Councils - 3860 Fr Patrick O'Kelly, 2660 Bishop Foley

Knights on Bikes - 7011 St. Nicholas, 2667 Richmond,1802 Wyandotte, 3257 Bishop Murphy,               3774 Fr. Saylor

Living Rosary at the State Convention

By: Gary Merritt - Mon, May 30, 2022 8:02 AM

The tradition of the Living Rosary continues at the Michigan Knights State Convention on the lawn in front of the Grand Hotel. Contingency plans were made because of the inclement weather, but as in many previous years the rains stopped in time to have the service outdoors. 

Our Mother loves the fact the Knights take time for this custom.

The presenters were positioned on the Grand Hotel porch for safety and the Honor Guard, and the many observers stayed dry.


Traditionally the Program Award Winners and Family of the Year join our State Officers and their families to lead each Decade. Here the Family of the Year, Anthony & Suzanne Cherniawski join the State Deputy Walter Winkle in leading the final Decade. 


State Convention Items

By: Gary Merritt - Sun, May 29, 2022 8:38 AM

Elections were held on the Friday during the final business session.

Congratulations to our newly elected Board of Officers

for the new Fraternal Year 2022/2023!

 ·         State Deputy: Christopher A. Kolomjec

·         State Secretary: Barry M. Borsenik

·         State Treasurer: Charles E. McCuen

·         State Advocate: Vern Miron

·         State Warden: Daniel C. Fuller


Vern and Christy Miron, Dan and Kara Fuller

with daughters Jorja and Danica


Our State Deputy’s selection of his Man of the Year was announced at the State Deputy Banquet on Thursday evening.



The following were presented at the Awards Ceremony

 State Program Award Winners

 Below are the winners of our State Service Award Projects in Faith, Family, Community and Life and our Family of the Year! Congratulations to all those who participated in this process!


Faith:                         Council 4090 Grand Knight Ted Miles

Seminarian Dinner Fundraiser


Family:                      Council 3774 Grand Knight Donald Siegel Fundraiser for Baby Elliot


Community:            Council 695 Grand Knight Michael McCarthy COVID Recovery 

Welcome Back Mass & Cookout


Life:                           Council 11658 Grand Knight Ron Rabine Team J-Rex

Crushing Hydrocephalus


Family of the Year:     Council 11099 Grand Knight John Gordon

Anthony & Suzanne Cherniawski



Golden Knight Award Winners


·         District Deputy 101 Dan Nowakowski

·         District Deputy 105 Ray Bilyk

·         District Deputy 106 Mike King

·         District Deputy 113 Tom Kendziorski

·         District Deputy 404 Jeff Hudson

·         District Deputy 607 James Butorac

·         Diocesan Program Director Ray Gehlman

·         Diocesan Membership/Program Director Mike Prokopowicz

·         Diocesan Program Director Ed Warren

·         Diocesan Membership Director Larry Adams

·         State Deputy Regional Representative Martin Brown

·         State MI Program Director George Stump

·         State Deputy Regional Representative Paul Thorn

Eyes on Jesus with Archbishop Vigneron

By: Ed Strach - Sun, May 29, 2022 7:49 AM

As we await a decision from the U.S. Supreme Court in the Dobbs v. Jackson case on abortion, Archbishop Vigneron is joined by guest host Rebecca Mastee, a policy advocate with the Michigan Catholic Conference.

In this podcast of Eyes on Jesus they discuss the Church’s response to abortion and efforts to support every woman, child, and family in need.

Click on this link to hear the podcast - Episode 30: A Pro-Life Response | Unleash the Gospel

Fight to Protect Pro-Life

By: Ed Strach - Sat, May 28, 2022 8:53 AM

Your immediate action is necessary to protect pro-life laws!

Dear Brother Knights,

This week, the United States Senate will vote on the “Women’s Health Protection Act,” deceptively named legislation that would cancel state pro-life laws and codify Roe v. Wade as the law of the land. Further, the bill would not provide meaningful religious exemptions, thus forcing Catholic medical professionals and hospitals to perform, or participate in, abortions.

Not only is this legislation bad public policy, but its provisions are also deeply unpopular with the American people. Our 2022 Knights of Columbus/Marist Poll found that more than 70% of Americans would limit abortion to, at most, the first three months of pregnancy. Additionally, almost two-thirds of Americans believe that abortion should either be illegal or determined at the state level. Finally, 75% believe that doctors and nurses should be able to follow their consciences and not be forced to perform abortions.

Our bishops have asked everyone to contact both of their U.S. Senators to speak out against this bill.

I urge you to visit the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ action center today and register your opposition to this bill which would make abortion-on-demand the law of the land.

Thank you for taking action to support life!


Patrick E. Kelly
Supreme Knight

Citizens to Support MI Women and Children

By: Ed Strach - Sat, May 28, 2022 6:30 AM

Our members should Take Action for Life by signing up to Citizens to Support MI Women and Children and review the resources available to promote this cause.

State Life Director Ed Strach

RFFA Running Out of Time

A draft U.S. Supreme Court opinion on the Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization case was leaked late Monday night. The draft was from Justice Samuel Alito and it disclosed his decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. It was also indicated that four other justices agreed with Justice Alito on overturning Roe. Due to this breach of the court, the pro-abortion RFFA coalition will most likely increase its presence around the state in a last-ditch effort to gather signatures.

According to RFFA's website, more training and signature gathering events are popping up. The pro-abortion coalition plans to be at Tulip Time in Holland, farmers' markets in Ann Arbor, and "Weekend of Action" in the larger Michigan cities.

The RFFA coalition organized a rally last Sunday, May 1st, in Kalamazoo. The rally took place at Bronson Park where they expected 400 people to attend according to Planned Parenthoods Facebook page. Prolife activists countered the rally and reported that there were roughly 85 people in attendance and that was counting prolifer's. This is great news as we can assume they didn't gather as many signatures as needed.

Just a reminder, they need to collect 6,000 signatures a day in order to ensure that there are at least 425,059 valid signatures by July 11th.

The pro-abortion RFFA coalition continues to target college commencements and high school graduations. Many of the circulators are using deceptive messaging to convince Michiganders to sign by alleging that miscarriages will be prosecuted. So far, circulators and RFFA leaders have not explained the language of their amendment and have claimed that it is only about the right to abortion.

We know that this is untrue as all matters of pregnancy will be impacted and several laws will be invalidated. We need more people talking about this and exposing the truth of this proposed amendment.

We have created printable resources, including some in Spanish, that tell the truth about the amendment and can be used to guide you, your community, and your churches in learning the facts. To order our resources, submit a request here, by email, or by phone.

If you come across a circulator, please report it using our chatbotIt is important that we know their whereabouts so we can track their progress and educate the people in the surrounding area.



25 things you need to know about the Knights

By: Gary Merritt - Fri, May 20, 2022 12:37 PM

The Knights of Columbus are the largest Catholic fraternal organization in the world! …who are they again?



Click Here to see 25 things every Catholic should know about this amazing organization!

(Maybe You Don’t Even Know!)

Practicing Catholic men 18 years of age and older can join at

79th Ultrasound Dedication – Loving Our Children

By: Ed Strach - Fri, May 20, 2022 10:09 AM

The 79th Michigan Knights of Columbus Ultrasound dedication ceremony took place at New Beginnings Mercy House, Ida on Thursday, May 12, 2022.






















For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.” Psalm 139:13 New Beginnings Mercy House 

Congratulations and thank you to the members of Our Lady of Victory Council #5446 for this Ultrasound placement. The members of Our Lady of Victory Council #5446, Rockwood raised $22,600 in the support of Defending Life with this Ultrasound unit. The Supreme Council Knights of Columbus provided the other 50% of the cost totaling $45,200. It is through the initiatives of our councils that help Defend Life and continue to support pregnancy centers throughout the state.

Thank you for Rising Up and Answering the Call for Life!.