Live Virtual Seminar with Joe Jordan

By: Don Wesley - Tue, Apr 26, 2022 1:00 AM

Tuesday April 27 2022 7:00PM-8:00PM EST

Inspirational Speaker and Behavioral Finance Expert Joe Jordan


Registration will be limited

Joe’s special message to the Knights

We look forward to Joe’s presentation on Wednesday, APRIL 27th , at 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM ET.

 About Joe Jordan

Joe Jordan, inspirational speaker and behavioral finance expert, is the author of the award-winning book Living a Life of Significance. His book is a call to action for financial professionals to think beyond just how much money they can make and to focus on the positive impact they have on others.

Joe has worked in financial planning and insurance for 47 years. His book and presentations are designed to instill Christian values into the financial service business.

Joe is a Catholic, a Knight, and a member of Legatus, a Catholic CEO organization.

For three consecutive years, he has been honored by Irish America magazine as one of the "Top 50 Irish Americans on Wall Street."


Registration will be limited

CUF Exemplification

By: Gary Merritt - Tue, Apr 26, 2022 12:01 AM

St. Sebastian Council #14642 in Byron Center held a C,U,F Exemplification on Thursday April 21.

Seven Knights received the honors of the Third Degree.

Fr. Don Weber observed and was the class honoree of the Exemplification. 

C, U, F Exemplification

By: Jay Corey - Mon, Apr 25, 2022 5:44 PM

Council #788 of Lansing Michigan held an exemplification on Saturday April 23, 2022 at St. Gerard in Lansing bringing in 10 new members, and 2 members advancing to the second and third degree for a total of 12 new third degree members.


Those that received the honors of  the third degree were; Noah Rahall, Raymond Rahall, Drew Goeddeke, Jim Ahern, Uma Shanmugam, Jonathan Cordes, Gary Buckner, Doug Herner, Chris Marciniak, Gregory Florian, Paul MacKenzie, Douglas Guenther.

Present at this exemplification was Pastor Bob Bacik, PGK Paul Kelsey DD#508, PSD Thomas Wegener, IPSD PGK William Chasse, PGK Mike Wegener, PGK Ken Morrison, PGK Jay G. Corey, GK Brian Killian, DGK Chris Wegener, and several other members, wives, and families.


PGK Jay G. Corey

Council #788

State Raffle 22 Concludes

By: Kevin Rowley - Mon, Apr 25, 2022 9:28 AM

2022 Michigan Knights of Columbus State Raffle Thank You.

On Thursday, April 21, 2022, we conducted our annual State Raffle for charity.  The Raffle drawing was held at St. John Neuman Catholic Church, the home parish of our State Chaplain, Fr. Paul Ballien.  A Big Thank You to Archdiocesan Membership Director Hans Hansen, St. John Neuman Council #16169, Grand Knight Ed Hurst, and the many volunteers and their families who were such gracious hosts and made everyone feel welcome.   The food and beverages were great and topped off with an over-the-top selection of homemade desserts. 

Thank you to our State Deputy Walter Winkle and his lovely wife Karen for attending along with State Treasurer Barry Borsenik and State Advocate Charlie McCuen and his lovely wife Pam.  A special thanks to our “Blues Brother” Fr. Paul Ballien for hosting us at his home parish as well as your hard work, dedication and support of our State Raffle throughout the year.  We are truly blessed to have you as one of the “Blues Brothers”

Thank you to the many State and Diocesan Directors, District Deputies, Council Officers, Brother Knights, families, friends and supporters for attending the State Raffle Drawing, promoting the State Raffle, selling and purchasing tickets all in the name of Charity!  Through your efforts we’re happy to report we once again pushed over the 300 thou mark with a total of $303,944.00 in raffle ticket sales with over $60,788.80 going directly to Local Councils.  

Please monitor the State Website for the official results and confirmed list of winners to be published shortly.                                  

Have we told ya we love ya today?

Gary “Elwood” DeCarlo

Kevin “Joliet Jake” Rowley

TV Special

By: Paul J. Palka - Fri, Apr 22, 2022 7:54 PM

Two-hour DPTV/PBS Special

Holiday Season 2022

Production Overview

Over the course of the next 10 months, award-winning Director/Producer Keith Famie

and the crew from Visionalist Entertainment Productions will embark on a historical

journey back in time, through interviews with leading clergy and historians, they will

document the significance the many Detroit churches and houses of worship played onsome of the most iconic moments in Detroit’s history.

Starting with Detroit’s early years of settlement, its role in the underground railroad and its citizens whose boots stepped on multiple battlefields through our nation’s history, we will continue to weave our story through the automotive boom, civil rights, the birth of Motown and its major sporting championships in order to see how Detroit’s spiritual leaders, their places of worship and their congregations helped guide the city as we know it today. Our film, Detroit: The City of Churches, will become a must-see for many generations to come.

The final two-hour film will debut on Detroit Public Television as a Christmas special for 2022. This inspirational, historic story will premiere at one of Detroit’s most iconic historical theaters while bringing together, under one roof, its spiritual leaders, their congregations, community leaders and media all in the celebration of the rich diversity that Detroit has become known for worldwide.

As a part of this production, there will be a book following the stories that are documented  along the way.

Link HERE for all the information..

Exemplification of Charity, Unity and Fraternity

By: Paul Thorn - Thu, Apr 21, 2022 9:43 AM

On Wednesday, April 20, St. Francis Council #4401 in Farmington, performed an Exemplification of Charity, Unity and Fraternity. The Council welcomed seven new members and one of their current members completed his Degree work.

Welcome to the new members of council # 4401!

Paul Thorn - SDRR 5 - Archdiocese West

Michigan State Charity Raffle

By: Lawrence Grabowski - Mon, Apr 18, 2022 8:17 AM

Michigan State Raffle to Support our Charities

Only a couple days left to get your tickets in!

We despertly need your help to reach our goal to support our and your charities! Search your house to find those misplaced tickets and get them sold & sent in ASAP. 


Stand Up for Life against Governor Whitmer’s Lawsuit to Save Abortion

By: Ed Strach - Sat, Apr 16, 2022 8:45 AM

MCC's Statement in Response to Governor Whitmer’s Abortion Legal Filing

(Lansing, Mich.) – Through a lawsuit filed in Oakland County today, Governor Gretchen Whitmer is seeking to overturn longstanding state law that prohibits abortion in Michigan other than to save the life of the mother, despite the fact that elected officials, the state Supreme Court, and the people of the state have all in the past upheld policies to protect unborn children.  Below is a response from MCC Policy Advocate Rebecca Mastee, J.D. to the governor’s legal efforts:


“The right to life for unborn children and its inherent value given by our Creator cannot be reduced to a legal opinion or legislative vote. While the legality of abortion is contingent upon democratic structures, it is unfortunate that the judicial branch is being used to try to invalidate a longstanding policy approved by elected representatives and left untouched by the Legislature for nearly a century since.  Let us also recall that the people of the state in 1972 voted at the statewide ballot to oppose abortion and, perhaps most relevant to today’s legal action, the state Supreme Court has precedent here as the law in question was upheld in 1973 in People vs Bricker. Our hope is that a greater respect for the distinct and separate branches of state government returns to the political sphere, and we pray for a deeper appreciation for the life and protection of unborn children in the hearts and minds of the citizens and elected officials of the state.”


Michigan Catholic Conference is the official public policy voice of the Catholic Church in this state.


You may read the article from explaining the Govenors action HERE.

MI Drive Collections

By: George Stump - Fri, Apr 15, 2022 8:37 AM

Fraternal Years 2007 through 2021

Above is a chart illustrating Michigan's contributions from our MI Drives over the past 14 1/2 fraternal years. (the 1/2 year represents the collections from the 2021 Columbus Weekend Drive which was a record amount for the fall drive by almost $150,000).

I think it is quite impressive and can be used for bragging rights for our state's commitment in  helping special people with intellectual/developmental disabilities.

Thanks to all the Knights & their families that have assisted in this effort.


George J. Stump

State MI Program Director

Ph: 586-786-0938