Catholic Citizenship Essay Contest Au Lac Council 10724
Thu, Oct 31, 2024 11:23 AM
-Posted For: Council #10724

On October 24 Council 7341 Bishop Allen J. Babcock, Grand Knight Roger Campbell was presented the Council of the Month for September in Grand Rapids Diocese.
Also at that event SDRR Marty Brown presented District Deputy John Veneklase the Star District Award for 2023-2024.
The presentation was done at a Council dinner with about 50 people in attendance.
For more information about the Senior Clergy Village, please click here
On Saturday September 28th, St Francis Council #4401 in Farmington conducted a Exemplification of Charity, Unity, and Fraternity.
Two men joined the Order as 3rd Degree Knights.
Pictured here from left to right are
1st Row: New members Chris Kristen and Rob Smitt.
2nd Row: Devin Sunderquist, Gary Mallia-DD112, Henry Testa-FN & FS, George Curran-MD & Advocate, Bill Preininger, Kyle Redding-DGK
Please join me in welcoming our new brother Knights!
Gary Mallia
On Aug 24th, Irish Hills Council 6223 held a golf outing at Devils Lake Golf Course to raise funds for St. Louis Center and Holy Cross Services. A great time was had and there were some pretty low scores! The food was really great but even better was the fellowship! And the council was able to write checks for $3300 to both of the worthy charities so they can continue their work of caring for the needs of those that need it most.
GK Irish Hills Council 6223