GR Keep Christ in Christmas Billboards

By: Gary Merritt - Mon, Nov 28, 2022 2:01 PM

Posted For: Council #4362

My Brother David Arbanas initiated the Keep Christ in Christmas Billboard Campaign in 2015 for our Council 4362 and the Knights Columbus of the Grand Rapids Diocese.

The first year, with the interest of a few councils and individuals, Dave was able to place 9 billboards around the Grand Rapids area.

Dave got a good friend, John Veneklase to assist in this program, and the campaign grew. By promoting the campaign to councils, they arranged to have 35 Billboards displayed in 2021.

Dave Passed away before he could see the fruits of their labor of the past year.

I decided to help John to continue my brother's program and we decided to honor Dave with a goal to place 40 billboards in 2022. With the help of several councils and private individuals we met our goal.

The name of the purchaser of the billboard is recognized on their billboard. So, watch for these billboards and thank the K of C Councils, businesses and Individuals that bought them and let them know you have seen and appreciate them. 

The artwork displayed on the billboard done by a 9-year-old girl from St. Alphonsus, was chosen from the Keep Christ in Christmas poster contest by the Arbanas family including his widow Roselyn and their daughter Lisa along with John and myself.

List of those participating this year;

Councils Councils Private Donors Private Donors
389 10992 KC Banquest Ctr Marges Donut Den
2210 13641 Alvin Matkovich Butches Car Care
2975 14642 Arsulowitz Bros. Rose Arbanas
4362 15213 Eric Seif Danny Brown
7341 13499 Joe Arnbanas Fence Consultants
7487 15691 John Veneklase Diocesan Publications
7719 15495 Ken Skonecki Scully Statewide Moving 
7761 12258 Holiday Bar Fisher Family 
8117 13391 Applied Imaging Steve Sanders
8291   HELP Pregnancy Aid  

Remember most of all, Keep Christ in Christmas!

Tony Arbanas FS Bishop Haas Council # 4362 Wyoming, MI.

District 406 Cemetery cleanup, 2022

By: Gary Merritt - Sat, Nov 19, 2022 4:57 AM

Posted For: Council #1616

The Catholic section of Riverview Cemetery, in the City of Kalamazoo, got a fall clean up under the leadership of Bishop Markiewicz Council 1616, GK Dan Barrett.  With help from other Councils in District 406: Council 15439, Council 12998, and Council 6980, the St Joseph church youth group, and students from Hackett Catholic Prep H.S., the huge project took place on November 12. Over 50 helping hands came out for the project on a cold Saturday morning. 

Congratulations to GK Dan Barrett for organizing this project, as he has done for many years.

Council #1616 Cemetery cleanup, November 12, 2022

By John Byrnes, DD 406

St Joseph Obrero Council 16422 Parish Breakfast

By: Gary Merritt - Wed, Nov 16, 2022 10:56 AM

Posted For: Council #16422

Dear friend(s):

We want to thank all the people who took part in breakfast with the Knights of Columbus. Our event was a huge success and that was because of you guys participating.

We look forward to seeing you again, December 11 after the 9 & 11 a.m. Masses to enjoy your company and a delicious breakfast!

Estimados amigos (as):

Les queremos dar la GRACIAS a todas las personas que tomaron parte del desayuno con los Caballeros de Colon. Nuestro evento tuvo un gran éxito y eso fue por que ustedes participaron.

Esperamos verlos de nuevo, el 11 diciembre después de las misas de 9 & 11 a.m. para disfrutar de su compañía y de un rico desayuno!

13641 Donation to HELP Pregnancy Aid

By: Gary Merritt - Thu, Nov 10, 2022 3:39 PM

Posted For: Council #13641

Wednesday November 9 Grand Knight Jason Bargenquast of Sacred Heart of Jesus Council # 13641 along with PGK Mike Mernardi presented HELP Pregnancy Aid in Grand Rapids a check for $2,300.00.  

The money was raised during the council’s 18th annual Baby Bottle Boomerang held at the parish.

Receiving the check is Executive Director of HELP Paula Veneklase along with Amy Oatley the clinics social Media Associate.

Successful Council Baby Drive

By: Gary Merritt - Mon, Nov 7, 2022 5:43 PM

Posted For: Council #16223

St. Mary Magdalene Council #16223 conducted a drive for baby items at their parish. It was very successful.

In addition to many boxes of diapers and wipes a ton of clothes were donated. There also over $600 in cash donated to contribute to HELP Pregnancy Aid in Grand Rapids.

Shown on the right are some of the items collected.
A group from the council and parish presented the items to HELP and then were able to tour the facility with the Executive Director Paula Veneklase.

From left to right: Rich Sweers, Paula Veneklase, Doug Didion, Mike Soresi, Elaine Hernaez and GK Dave Eickholt.


GK #16223 Dave Eickholt

Trunks for Treats Caledonia

By: Gary Merritt - Wed, Nov 2, 2022 11:05 AM

Posted For: Council #7341

On Friday evening October 28 Bishop Allen J. Babcock hosted it’s annual Trunks for Treats for the parishoners of Holy Family and the community of Caledonia. Cars with decorated trunks were lined up in a cordened off area of the church parking lot. The costumed children went from car to car to Trick or Treat in this safe environment.

The council provided cider, chips, hotdogs, brats and burgers to over 160 kids and their parents at no charge.

A contest for the best costume for each age group was conducted with the winners provided with a gift card.

In addition the council photographer set up a display for everyone to pose for a photo.

Jackson District #513 Councils Donate to Defeat Proposal 3 on the Nov. 8th Ballot

By: Gary Merritt - Tue, Nov 1, 2022 4:22 PM

Posted For: Council #9131

The Jackson area Knights of Columbus Councils have donated nearly $15,000 to defeat Proposal 3 on the November ballot.

Of particular note, Council # 9131 St Joseph Oratory held a benefit dinner and draw down raffle for Jackson Right to Life that raised $11,000.

This is what Jackson Right to Life posted on their Facebook Page - “THANK YOU KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS #9131!

The benefit dinner and draw down raffle was so much fun and raised $11,000 which we donated to the efforts to defeat Proposal 3!  Jerry & Dee Schell, and their amazing team of volunteers were instrumental and worked hard to make this happen.  God's people are so good to Jackson Right to Life!”

Other Jackson Councils donations to fight Proposal 3:

Queen of the Miraculous Medal #609– $500 to Protect Life Michigan

St John the Evangelist #8392 - $1000 plus a member match to Protect Life Michigan

St Joseph #9131 - $475 to Protect Life Michigan

St Mary Star of the Sea #9301 - $1000 to Protect Life Michigan

In addition to financial donations, council members have acted as door knockers and callers in the information campaign against Proposal 3

Council 7487 Donation to HELP Pregnancy Aid

By: Gary Merritt - Tue, Oct 25, 2022 10:52 AM

Posted For: Council #7487

Bishop Fulton J. Sheen Council 7487 in Jenison presented a check to HELP Pregnancy Aid in the amount of $2,000.00. The money was raised at a recent can drive at Holy Redeemer Parish and will be used in the Expanding Our Possibilities capital campaign.

 Pictured is HELP’s Executive Director Paula Venenklase graciously receiving the check from Grand Knight Paul Kwiarkowski and Deputy Grand Knight Tonino Michienzi. Also thanking the council is Amy Kelly, Development Director for HELP.

12258 Fundraiser

By: Gary Merritt - Wed, Oct 19, 2022 8:16 AM

Posted For: Council #12258

St. Isadore Council #12258 in Grand Rapids will be hosting a fundraising event to raise funds for the HELP Pregnacy Aid Expanding Our Possibilies Capital Campaign. Come to St.Isadore church, 628 Diamond GR 49503, for a great breakfast while helping to support the growth of HELP.

“Reverse Collection”

By: Gary Merritt - Mon, Oct 3, 2022 5:50 PM

Posted For: Council #6694

Swartz Creek Council # 6694 recently conducted a “Reverse Collection” as a means to obtain baby items and cash contributions for a local Pregnancy Resource Center, Heartbeat of Greater Flint.  Following communion at each of the weekend masses on September 10th / 11th our brothers distributed collection baskets containing slips of paper indicating various items of need as presented to us by the Pregnancy Resource Center.  Those interested in participating were encouraged to take one or more of these slips and the following weekend, September 17th / 18th, bring the item or items with them when returning to church.  We had a playpen set up in which the items could be placed and a Knight standing by to help direct if needed.  All of this was explained in pulpit and bulletin announcements the week prior to implementation.

Historically, we had used the “Reverse Collections” with great success to obtain food for our local food pantry.  As such, we thought it might be effective in support of Pregnancy Resource Centers as well, and the result proved that to be true.  The response from the parishioners of St. Mary Queen of Angels Swartz Creek was overwhelming with contributions of baby products and money exceeding $2650 in value!  We are blessed with a generous, caring, and supportive parish family; a group of individuals who are genuinely interested in our shared concern for mothers and babies who are in need, not solely during the pregnancy but beyond as well.  We are extremely grateful, for we recognize that they are the reason for our incredible success with program initiatives such as this. 

 The items collected were inventoried and then delivered to Heartbeat of Greater Flint on Wednesday, September 26th.  Pictured are Past Grand Knights Ken Lixey, Bob Kranz, and Jim Drummond with current Grand Knight / ASAP Program Director, Mike Trundle as they present the items to Heartbeat of Greater Flint.  Additional picture is of most of the items that were generously donated for this cause.

Vivat Jesus!

Mike Trundle, Grand Knight