Bike Give A Way

By: Gary Merritt - Sun, Jun 4, 2023 8:52 AM

Posted For: Council #8500

The weekend of May 27/28, the Knights bikes program of Council #8500 delivered 15 free bikes to Bishop Kenneth L Tate of The Body of Christ Church in Detroit. Bishop Kenneth Tate is an anchor in the community in many different ways, including a food drive he runs almost every Friday throughout the year. You can listen to Bishop Tate from Tuesday to Friday mornings on WMUZ FM, radio from 4 AM to 5 AM. We have supported Bishop Tate for many years, and plan on continuing to do so in the future. To God be the glory we have  given away 1192 bikes as of today!

If you know of anyone who needs a bike, or if you have a bike to donate, please let us know.

Thank you Gary Cornellier  Fr, John Howard Council #8500 Highland Michigan.

Council 10724 Euchre Party

By: Gary Merritt - Wed, May 31, 2023 12:34 PM

Posted For: Council #10724

The Au Lac Council 10724 in Anchorville (Ira Township) hosted a Euchre party on May 19 as a fundraiser and social event for the parish. Approximately 50 people attended and $1600 was raised for the Council's charitable programs and activities. 

Mark Kehoe 

Program Director

K of C Au Lac Council 10724

Council 10724 Youth of Month June 23

By: Gary Merritt - Wed, May 31, 2023 12:25 PM

Posted For: Council #10724

Congratulations to Victoria Wypiszewsi who was selected as the Au Lac Council Youth of the Month for June 2023!

She is the daughter of Pete and Michelle and will be graduating from Immaculate Conception School in June.

Victoria is an altar server and has helped at the parish fish fries during Lent and the parish festivals during July for several years. In addition, she is a member of the Shine parish youth group and has done several service projects through the school’s National Honor Society.

Congratulations to Victoria and thank you for your service!

Mark Kehoe 

Program Director

K of C Au Lac Council 10724

Council 10006 Scholarships

By: District Deputy 517 - Mon, May 29, 2023 1:02 PM

Posted For: Council #10006

St. Martha Council #10006 distributed $6,000.00 in scholarships to deserving high school graduates during the annual Baccalaureate Mass at St. Martha Church in Okemos. 

Left to right in the photo are Zachary Sieloff (winner of the Council 10006 Scholarship), Grand Knight Dante Ianni, Leah VanBuskirk (winner of the Lenny Govoni Scholarship) and Sam Matias (winner of the Bobby Wood Scholarship).

10724 Youth Award

By: Gary Merritt - Wed, May 24, 2023 9:01 AM

Posted For: Council #10724

Grand Knight Council 10724 Jeff Wooten presented the 2023 Justin Mello Memorial Award to Bridget Brandt and Hudson Williams during the Immaculate Conception School Sports Awards Banquet this evening. The award is named after a former I.C. student and is presented to two 8 eighth grade students for their achievements in athletics, citizenship, conduct and academics.

Congratulations to Bridget and Hudson!

Mark Kehoe 

Program Director

K of C Au Lac Council 10724

Council 10724 Making Life Easier

By: Gary Merritt - Fri, May 19, 2023 4:24 PM

Posted For: Council #10724

Our Knights of Columbus Au Lac Council #10724 does a lot of great programs and activities throughout the year, but the best ones are those that help make life better for people in need.

This week several members worked for two days to rebuild a deck for a wheelchair bound person so he could enjoy being outdoors at his home. Thank you to those brother Knights for demonstrating what being a Knight is all about.

Mark Kehoe 

Program Director

K of C Au Lac Council #10724

Council 7233 Special Ed Donation

By: Gary Merritt - Mon, May 15, 2023 9:01 AM

Posted For: Council #7233

Fr. Norman Van Poppelen Council #7233 of Birch Run - Frankenmuth presents a donation of $1,722 from their MI Drive to Sister Elaine and Marsha Reinig Caylor of SPRED Saginaw.

SPRED stands for Special Religious Education.

Council 10724 May Youth of the Month

By: Gary Merritt - Sun, May 14, 2023 8:33 AM

Posted For: Council #10724

Congratulations to Jalloul Montacer who is our Council’s Youth of the Month for May, 2023! Jalloul is the son of Jalloul and Bonnie Montacer and a 7th grade student at Immaculate Conception School in Ira Township. He is an altar server and a member of the school Mass choir. He has worked with the Loving Hands altar care group during the summer months and helped with our parish fish fries during Lent.

We thank Jalloul for his service to our parish!

Mark Kehoe 


Program Director Council 10724


Kentucky Derby Watch Party

By: District Deputy 406 - Mon, May 8, 2023 1:30 PM

Posted For: Council #6980

On Saturday May 6 St. Catherine of Siena Council #6980 celebrates the 2023 Kentucky Derby with a watch party, dinner, dancing, silent auction and games. 

75 attendees had a great time.  A bigger event is planned for next year.


 John Byrmes District Deputy 106

Knights lead Kalamazoo Cemetaries Cleanup

By: District Deputy 406 - Mon, May 8, 2023 12:22 PM

Posted For: District #

On  Friday and Saturday April 21-22.  Bishop Alfred J. Markiewicz Council #1616, GK Dan Barrett, led the effort to clean up two Catholic cemeteries in the Diocese of Kalamazoo

Major contributions from Council #1616 members with the help of Knights from St. Catherine of Siena Council #6980, St. Augustine Cathedral Council #15439, St. Monica-Fr. Adolph Nadrach Council #12998 and the 50 members of the senior class of Hackett Catholic Prep High School, got the job done.

Picture is a group of Knights taking a deserved break.

John Byrmes District Deputy 406