Council 13360 - Council #13360 - April Knight and Family of the Month

By: Mark Tepen - Sun, Jun 3, 2018 7:30 PM

Knight of the Month, April:  Bill Beavers 

Bill Beavers, who not only has done much work preparing for the move of Family Life Services into their new building, a former Planned Parenthood clinic, but also continues to assist in the ongoing work of FLS.  Bill also has volunteered for such other KofC tasks as serving Coffee & Donuts on Sundays. 

Family of the Month, April: Bill and Cindy Pressprich

Bill and Cindy Pressprich; Bill is a key member of the parish's Senior Leadership Team, and also Chair of the Parish Advisory Council.  Cindy not only coordinates the Welcome Ministry, but also was in charge of the food provision for last Fall's Alpha course on Sunday evenings, the first time that we as a parish ran Alpha.  Both Presspriches also serve in the Big House cleanup after fall home games, for the benefit of Fr. Gabriel Richard High School. 


Council 13360 - District Deputy Dan Gibbons Newsletter Article - May 2018

By: Mark Tepen - Tue, May 1, 2018 7:30 PM

A friend of mine and I were discussing our favorite literary characters that display virtue. She recommended the book Les Miserables and while on vacation I finished the novel.

The story is about a convicted criminal who is filled with hatred and contempt for the world. His life is changed when he encounters a priest who conveys love and compassion to him without expecting anything in return. The convict changes his ways and becomes a man of true virtue. The author shows how in some cases, people are impacted by his holiness, and in other cases people look down on him because he doesn't think of himself, only others.

While reading the book, I would pause and reflect on the positive, and negative impact I have on the world around me. Just like anyone else, I have good and bad days. 

Being a Knight has helped me be a better man. Working side by side with other men trying to live properly. Showing our wives, children, and the community what being a man is all about. Serving our church by giving up our free time to help in even the smallest ways. These are all good things.

We owe each man in our parishes the opportunity to be a knight. To help them become better men, to help us be better men, and to help build the church through service.

Vivat Jesus


Dan Gibbons

District Deputy


Council 13360 - Council #13360 - April Talk by Guadalupe Workers

By: Mark Tepen - Tue, May 1, 2018 7:30 PM

On April 17, 2018, Alicia Wong of Guadalupe Workers came to Christ the King and spoke to parishioners and to the Knights of Christ the King Council #13360.  Guadalupe Workers is a non-profit organization that offers diverse support for mothers with unplanned pregnancies in the metro Detroit area.  Alicia shared with the group some of the work that is done by Guadalupe Workers and shared some of their successes.  For more information on Guadalupe Workers, visit their website at or call 734.262.6779.   All donations, whether they be in the form of prayer, tax-deductible financial contributions, or donations of time, are greatly appreciated.

Alicia Wong speaks to our Knights

Alicia 2  Alicia 3

Council 13360 - Council #13360 - March Knight & Family of the Month

By: Mark Tepen - Sun, Apr 22, 2018 7:30 PM

Knight of the Month, March:  Kelly Donnellon

Kelly chaired the annual Palm Sunday MI ("Tootsie Roll") Drive.  He also serves as Deputy Grand Knight, and coordinates the scheduling for the Knights' Hour Adoration.  In the 4th Degree Assembly, he has been serving as a Trustee, serving in the Color Corps, and leading the bimonthly Bingo sessions for the residents of the VA Hospital.


Family of the Month, March: Rob and Cindy Steward

Rob and Cindy serve the RCIA team by supplying the food (consisting of fruit, cheese, pastries, etc.) to the weekly sessions, September thru Pentecost. They also supply the pre-Easter vigil meal, which is more substantial. They do all this as a gift to the parish.


Council 13360 - Council #13360 - Blood Drive CANCELLED

By: Mark Tepen - Sat, Apr 14, 2018 7:30 PM

Due to circumstances beyond our control, the Blood Drive scheduled for tomorrow, April 14, has been cancelled. The Knights of Christ the King Council #13360 would like to thank everyone who signed up to donate blood and those who considered donating. We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused. Our next Blood Drive has not yet been scheduled, but when it is, we will let everyone know.

Blood Drive April 14 Cancelled

Council 13360 - District Deputy Dan Gibbons Newsletter Article - April 2018

By: Mark Tepen - Sun, Apr 1, 2018 7:30 PM

A few months ago I watched To Kill a Mockingbird on cable. After the movie, the host mentioned that a survey of movie critics showed the number one heroic character in cinema was Atticus Finch. Gregory Peck played this southern attorney who always did and said the right thing to perfection.

I would agree with the survey because Atticus is the type of man I long to be, a man of true virtue. He put the love of his children, and service to his clients above his own pleasure and comfort.

This is what it means to be Catholic, willing the good of the other person. We are called to serve others, humbly. Our actions and words impact the world around us. We may never know the impact we've had on others, but we can be assured through our faith in Jesus that good will come from living our lives for him.

The core principles of the Knights of Columbus; charity, unity, and fraternity unite us all and together help us build Christ's church - one, holy, catholic apostolic.

We owe every man in our parishes the opportunity to be a knight, and be a virtuous hero to those we love.

Vivat Jesus!

Dan Gibbons, DD

District 57


Council 13360 - Council #13360 - Spring 2018 M.I. Drive

By: Mark Tepen - Sun, Apr 1, 2018 7:30 PM

We had beautiful weather for the Spring M.I. Drive this year and the Knights of Christ the King Council were at Busch's Market in Ann Arbor handing out Tootsie Roll and collecting donations to support those with Special Needs.  In addition, the Knights have been collecting the Tootsie Roll banks, filled with donations, after weekend Masses.  The total amount of the donations collected is not available at this time, but the Knights would like to thank everyone for their most generous donations to this very worthwhile cause!

Mark and Raelin  Tootsie Roll Banks

Above Left:  Grand Knight Mark Tepen and grandaughter, Raelin Brahm, collecting donations at Busch's Market.

Above Right:  If you still have a Tootsie Roll bank that you would like to return with a donation, please do so soon!

Council 13360 - Council #13360 - Support Jericho March at 40 DFL

By: Mark Tepen - Sun, Apr 1, 2018 7:30 PM

Every Sunday during the 40 Days for Life, a Jericho March was held outside Planned Parenthood in Ann Arbor.  Members of Council #13360 were there every Sunday to show our support.  On Sunday, March 25 was the final lap of the Jericho March, ending this Spring's 40 Days for Life.  And leading the charge at this event our own brother, Deacon Wayne Slomiany, together with Associate Pastor Mike Frison from Knox Presbyterian Church.   The Knights of Christ the King Council #13360 would like to thank all who came out to support this event!   

Jericho 2018 1

 Jericho 2018 4   Jericho 2018 2  Jericho 2018 3




Council 13360 - Council #13360 - Blood Drive April 14, 2018

By: Mark Tepen - Wed, Mar 28, 2018 7:30 PM

Christ the King Council #13360 and the American Red Cross are holding a blood drive on Saturday, April 14. If you are in the area, interested, and eligible to donate, please make your reservation online. See flyer for more details.

Blood Drive April 14