Council 13360 - Council #13360 - New Chaplain, Father Bill Spencer

By: Mark Tepen - Sun, Aug 12, 2018 7:30 PM

The Knights of Christ the King Council #13360 welcome new Council Chaplain, Father Bill Spencer.  We are so glad that you are a part of our council and look forward to you guidance and leadership in the upcoming fraternal year.  To show our appreciation, Council #13360 presented Fr. Bill with a personalized Council jacket.  Pictured below is Grand Knight Kelly Donnellon and Council Chaplain Fr Bill Spencer.

Fr Bill Jacket

Council 13360 - Council #13360 - Honorary Life Member Bill Millard

By: Mark Tepen - Wed, Jul 25, 2018 7:30 PM

On July 17, at the July Business Meeting, the Knights of Council #13360 recognized new Lifetime Member, Trustee Bill Millard.  Congratulations, Bill! Thank You for your years of service to the Knights of Columbus!  Pictured below is Grand Knight Kelly Donnellon presenting Bill his new honorary Life Membership card.

bill m

Council 13360 - Council #13360 - July Presentation / Talk

By: Mark Tepen - Wed, Jul 25, 2018 7:30 PM

Immediately preceding the July Business Meeting, Brother Knight, and Council Warden, Terry Dishneau gave a talk and led a discussion titled, “Random Thoughts, Observations, and Questions Related to Scripture.”  Topics and questions discussed included:

      Luke Chapter 24  - What do we learn from it?

      Why is the description of the Ascension different in Gospel of 

      Luke compared Acts of the Apostles?

      Was Moses the author of the Torah?

      How did a “book” become a part of the canon of scripture?


terry d

Pictured above:  Worthy Warden Terry Dishneau leading discussion before the July General Business Meeting

Council 13360 - Council #13360 - July and August Dates and Events

By: Mark Tepen - Wed, Jul 25, 2018 7:30 PM

July 25, 2018 District 57 Meeting - St. Francis  (Meal at 6:30, Meeting at 7:00)
July 30, 2018 Council 13360 - Past Chaplain and Past Grand Knight Appreciation Dinner
August 7, 2018 Council 13360 Officer's Meeting (8:00PM CTK Room 2)
August 8, 2018 4th Degree (Assembly 0489) Corn Roast - St. Thomas Picnic Grounds
August 9, 2018 Columbian Squires (Circle 5514) Meeting - 7:00PM CTK Room 2
August 10, 2018 Vocations Night - Lugnuts Game -  7:05PM Lansing
August 21, 2018 Michelle Hufnagel - August Talk / Presentation -  7:00PM CTK Room 2              
August 21, 2018 Council 13360 Business Meeting - 8:00PM CTK Room 2  
August 25, 2018 Knights of Columbus Day - Tigers Game - Comerica Park
August 26, 2018 Coffee and Doughnuts - Team A


Council 13360 - Council #13360 - June Knight and Family of the Month

By: Mark Tepen - Thu, Jul 19, 2018 7:30 PM

Knight of the Month, June:  Larry Gjernes  Larry has been guiding our Squires Circle, for adolescent boys, for the last several years.  He served for several years as Recorder of our council, and has recently led our council's efforts at the annual party honoring our parish's Youth Altar Servers.  Larry is also taking evening classes as preparation for the Lansing diocese's diaconate.


Family of the Month, June:  Lawrence "Koz" and Clare Kosmalski. Koz has regularly helped lead the Children's Liturgy of the Word.  He is busy with his employment in the security team of Fiat Chrysler, and serves part time as a police officer in the Inkster PD.  Clare not only is teaching their children in the home-school programs, but also served as overall leader of this summer's Vacation Bible School.


Council 13360 - Council #13360 - At 2018 Michigan State Convention

By: Mark Tepen - Tue, Jul 17, 2018 7:30 PM

The 2018 State Convention for the Michigan Knights of Columbus was held on May 24 - 26 at the Grand Hotel on scenic Mackinac Island. Representing Council #13360 and helping elect our new State Officers were Delegates Kelly Donnellon and Mark Tepen.  Also at the Convention were Council Chaplain Fr. Satheesh Alphonse, Council Chancellor and State Director Dcn Wayne Slomiany, and District Deputy Dan Gibbons.2018 MI Convention Grand Hotel

Above: The site of the 2018 MI State Convention, the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island

2018 MI Convention Mackinac Streets

Above: Bicycles and Horse-drawn carriages line the streets in front of the stores and shops on Mackinac Island.

2018 MI Convention Mark Kelly and Dan 2018 MI Convention Mark and Dcn Wayne 

Above Left:  1st Delegate DGK (GK-elect) Kelly Donnellon, 2nd Delegate GK (DGK-elect) Mark Tepen, and District Deputy #57 Dan Gibbons

Above Right:  Council #13360 Grand Knight Mark Tepen and Council Chancellor and State Director Dcn Wayne Slomiany

2018 MI Convention Living Rosary 2018 MI Convention Mark and Fr Satheesh

Above Left:  The Living Rosary on the front lawn of the Grand Hotel was once again a highlight of the State Convention.

Above Right:  Council #13360 Chaplain Fr. Satheesh Alphonse and GK Mark Tepen grab a bite to eat.

2018 MI Convention Color Corps

Above: The Color Corps, including members with the old and the new regalia, were out in full force to support the Living Rosary.

2018 MI Convention Keynote Speaker Patrick E Kelly

Above:  Deputy Supreme Knight Patrick E. Kelly was the Guest Speaker at this year's convention.

2018 MI Convention Scenic Mackinac

Above:  One last picture of scenic Mackinac Island.

Council 13360 - Council #13360 - May Knight and Family of the Month

By: Mark Tepen - Sun, Jul 1, 2018 7:30 PM

Knight of the Month, May:  Dr. Dan Benz.   Dan volunteered to assist other Knights serving coffee & donuts on the Sunday after the Pentacost Vigil.  When additional help was needed, Dan happily stayed extra time to help setup and serve at this parish and community building event.


Family of the Month, May:  Dr. Stephan and Kathy Bishop.   Both have helped with intercessory prayer as part of the Friday evening Upper Room program.  Their daughter, Stephanie, among other activities, often assists at Mass as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion.  Stephan has served as an officer of our council, when his professional duties have permitted. 



Council 13360 - Council #13360 - Welcomes New 3rd Degree Knights

By: Mark Tepen - Thu, Jun 28, 2018 7:30 PM

On June 9, Council #13360 hosted a Major Degree Ceremony at Christ the King in Ann Arbor.  A total of 15 candidates, including 4 from Christ the King Council #13360, achieved full Knighthood at this ceremony.  On behalf of our Council, I would like to congratulate and welcome new 3rd Degree Knights, Tony Redente, Ted Koehler, Jose Rivera Melendez, and Bill Beavers!

New 3rd Degree Knights - June 2018

Above (L to R):  District Deputy #57 Dan Gibbons, Tony Redente, Ted Koehler, Jose Rivera Melendez, and Bill Beavers

Council 13360 - Council #13360 - Clergy Appreciation Dinner

By: Mark Tepen - Mon, Jun 11, 2018 7:30 PM

On May 17, the 4th Degree Knights of Cardinal O'Hara Assembly #0489 hosted a Clergy Appreciation Dinner, honoring our priests and deacons.  A number of Knights of Council #13360 were in attendance, honoring and showing support for our clergy.  The Knight of Christ the King Council #13360 would like to thank all of the priests and deacons who sacrifice of themselves and their families and serve us so well.

Clergy Appreciation Dinner

Pictured above:  Gene and Joan McKay, Steph and Kathy Bishop, Fr Bill Spencer, Dcn Larry and Susan Randolph.

Clergy Appreciation Dinner 02

Pictured above:  Dcn Lou and Mary Russello and Dcn Dan and Dolly Foley

Clergy Appreciation Dinner 03

Pictured above:  Kelly Donnellon (standing), Bill and Carolyn Millard, Dcn Gerry and Nuala Holowicki

Council 13360 - District Deputy Dan Gibbons Newsletter Article - June 2018

By: Mark Tepen - Tue, Jun 5, 2018 7:30 PM

The four principles of our order are charity, unity, fraternity and patriotism. Each of these guides us to be better men. This month I'd like to focus on fraternity - the bond of our faith to build friendships and help each of us take on the task of being men in today's society.

 Last weekend was the state convention for the Knights. I got to catch up with fellow brothers in other Districts that I have met through the years and also got to make some new friends. After the convention, my wife and I visited her sister and husband before we came home.

 There were two knights from one of our councils (I will not name to avoid embarrassment) and their deep friendship was apparent to everyone. They joked and kidded each other as good friends do, and also didn't hold back in ribbing their District Deputy about his misspelled emails! They spoke passionately about the knights and their experiences of being active members in their councils, and about how their faith helps them in their everyday lives. It was was rewarding to see male friendship in action.

 The visit to my in-laws was a different story. My brother in-law is a cradle catholic, retired after 30 years at GM, and is now recovering from cancer. I have spoken to him several times about joining the Knights, but he isn't interested. My sister-in-law mentioned in private that it was sad the local knights have only approached them about donating money, not about joining the organization.

 Hopefully, this is not true, because here is a man in dire need of male friendship. Let's all take the next few weeks and look for men in our parishes that need a friend.

  Vivat Jesus!


Dan Gibbons

District Deputy

District 57, State of Michigan