Michigan RTL Dinner 2020

By: Gary Merritt - Sat, Apr 11, 2020 7:30 PM

New Date Wednesday Sept. 23, 2020

6:00 p.m. Social Hour

7:00 p.m. Dinner Served

New Venue

San Marino Club

1685 E. Big Beaver Troy, Michigan 48083


 $50 Individual

  $475 Table of Ten

Register online by Sept 12 at RTL.org


For more information contact Brad at respectlife@rtl.org

State RTL 20 dinner flyer 2

  Reverend Father, Brother Knights, Ladies, all;

  On this day that we all mourn the death of our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ we hope and pray that you and your families are healthy and safe.

 Today we have made the decision to postpone the Respect Life Banquet which was scheduled for April 27, 2020 to Wednesday September 23, 2020. The time and venue remains the same as previously communicated which are listed at the top left of this article.

 We realize that many may be fearful of attending any group events which was the main reason to push it out until September. For those of you that have reserved a table or a single reservation, you will be receiving communication from Brad Smith at RTL of Michigan informing you of this change. However, if you have not reserved a table or an individual reservation and would like to attend, please know that you can do so online at Rtl.org until September 12, 2020.

 This is a very difficult time for many and even more difficult for others, however on this most Holy of Holy Days let us not forget the Gift that we have been given by the Sacrifice that provided us Life.

 May God bless all of you!

 Tim & Cindy Donovan MI K of C Pro Life Chair Couple

 William Chasse' MI K of C State Deputy

 Mike Slater


Mike Slater

Mike is a 33-year-old graduate of Yale University where he majored in history. His passion is to speak for the prolife movement at pregnancy resource center events. Mike also speaks at churches about the importance of properly-defined masculinity, and the role they are called to play in the prolife movement. 


Family Fully Alive

By: Gary Merritt - Mon, Apr 6, 2020 7:30 PM

I hope this finds you in good health. With no social gatherings in the near future we have the opportunity to spend quality time with our families.

I started to think of all the different programs that the Knights of Columbus do. Many of them are focused on groups of people gathering and with the current situation, this makes our jobs much more challenging. As the State Family Director, one of the programs that we can easily do is the Family Fully Alive program. I know many of you are probably doing this, but for those who are not please stop and take the time that we now have to participate in this program.

The Family Fully Alive Booklet (#10162) can be downloaded from the Supreme website or our State website mikofc.org/resources/family/support materials. I will include the link at the bottom.

I have been asked to make a short video of this request and so all of you can put a face to the name. To view my video click here.

The themes from the program for the next three months are; April-Mercy and Forgiveness, May-Hope, and June-Self-giving Love.

Please view my video linked here.

Thank you all for taking the time to read this and for all you do for the Order! Family Fully Alive

Your Brother in Christ 

Garret A. Kelenske State Family Director

Looking to Father McGivney

By: Gary Merritt - Sun, Mar 29, 2020 7:30 PM

Looking to Father McGivney during COVID-19 pandemic

As many of us continue to work remotely, it is good to know that the founder of the Knights of Columbus remains with us in spirit as we work from home.

This Sunday, March 29, marks Founder’s Day, when we remember the date in 1882 that the Connecticut legislature approved the charter of the newly formed Knights of Columbus. Though we are not able to join together in person to celebrate, we can be united in thought and prayer as we honor the Order’s founder.

This is a good time to consider what message Father McGivney has for us, who carry on the work he began 138 years ago, when he gathered a group of Catholic men in the basement of St. Mary’s Church in New Haven. Let’s look briefly at four aspects of Father McGivney’s life and legacy.

To read entire article from Supreme Knightline by Brian Caulfield click here


Message From Our State Chaplain

By: Gary Merritt - Tue, Mar 24, 2020 7:30 PM

 Fr. Paul Erickson


My brother Knights,

This motto of our order has been at the fore of my mind in light of our current situation. In times of uncertainty--which we are certainly in now--I typically find that returning to the fundamentals gives me hope and peace. Especially given the news from our governor today, it seems that the uncertainty and strangeness of our situation will continue for at least the next three weeks.

But this is precisely why we should return to that foundation of our faith and our order. It is because Jesus lives that we have any hope at all. It is because Jesus lives that we have confidence that all trials give way to blessing. It is because Jesus lives that our sufferings have value and meaning. It is because Jesus lives that God works all things for our good. It is because Jesus lives that our faith is not in vain, but elevates us into glory.

And right there, in the life of Jesus, we find out the measure and meaning of our own lives. As God our Father provides for the needs of His Son, so He does for us. As situations and circumstances change, God remains the same. This means that the abundance of grace and blessing that He has in store for you is still available. His graces will look different than what we are used to, but this makes sense because our current situation is different than we are used to. The grace is given to be used, to take root, and bear fruit in our lives, even now.

Knights, the time is now here to take up our motto, not as a nice platitude to begin our meetings, speeches, and conferences, but as an actual way of life. Vivat Jesus must be the mark of our whole lives--Jesus lives! This is the core of everything that it means to be a Knight of Columbus. This is the core of everything that it means to be Catholic. This is what it means to be joined to the Body of Christ, which is a living reality.

While we should act in prudence and obedience to just and right rules, we do not have to let fear dominate our lives. Jesus lives! Be creative in your efforts to serve your family or neighbors, even if you cannot be with them in the flesh. Speak with kindness and compassion in the virtual arena, a place where kindness and compassion are usually in want. Spend time in the quiet place of prayer with Jesus, come to know Him in those deeper places of your heart. To do this is to live from that place of faith, that place of vivat Jesus.

My brothers, times of trial are times where the Lord shines the brightest on His Church. Especially coming out of the isolation (whenever that may be), we will be the ones to put things back together. It is on us, when all is said and done, to bring the life of Christ to the world around us. This has not changed. This will not change. Let us live that now, that we may share it with all those around us.

I want to leave you with a few words from St. Theresa of Avila. I have returned to these words in many seasons of struggle, and I hope that you find comfort and solace in them.

 "Let nothing disturb you. Let nothing frighten you. All things are passing away.

God never changes. Patience obtains all things. Whoever has God lacks nothing;

God alone suffices."

May the peace and blessings of God, who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, be yours in these trying times. May the life of Christ bring you an abundance of riches in mind and heart. May you vivat Jesus ring out through these days by the way you choose to live. And may you be safe and protected by His mighty hand.

Your Chaplain, Fr. Paul Erickson

Message from our SD Including Convention & MI Drive

By: Gary Merritt - Mon, Mar 23, 2020 7:30 PM

SD Chasse 

Brother Knights:

I pray this finds you well.
Due to the Corona Virus this year's State Convnetion on Mackinac Island is CANCELLED!


All deposits will be refunded by the Grand Hotel.

We will be delivering the Convention by the way of a Virtual Convention. When all details and time of convention is solidified you will be informed.

The State Board and Convention Committee is working hard and will have this date by April 1st or sooner.

Our hopes are that all delegates will be able to attend the Virtual Convention. Please whatch your email and this website for more information and pass this information to all of your delegates.

After careful consideration on the well-being of all brother Knights and their families we have decided it's best for everyone that we also cancel this year’s MI Drive. It wasn't an easy decision to make but due to many questions and the perception that some could take, it was the best decision to cancel the Palm Sunday time frame.

My hopes are that you try to reschedule the drive for the month of May (if conditions are better) and or October. The State Office will have insurance for those time frames. Please remember those that count on us for our Drive monies. Many organizations would find it difficult without our support.

If there are any questions, please feel free to contact George Stump our State MI Director with any of your questions.

Normalcy will return and the Knights of Columbus will always support the less fortunate.

Please keep up your best spirits as we manage our way through this unusual situation.  Be patient, hope for the best, this will pass. But always plan prudently.

As we find ourselves in an unprecedented time, with our Church, schools, businesses and council events being closed or postponed to a later date due to the concerns from the most recent virus, we cannot sit and be idle on the sidelines. This is a time we as Knights look at our councils and their families to see where we can help; help the elderly, help with food delivery, help get formula and diapers to babies and their families. We step up when others will not or cannot.

Ask your pastors who or how your councils can help.

Be smart when helping in your community by practicing good hygiene and washing your hands often. Many people can’t help themselves and this is where we the Knights of Columbus come in. 

Please stay calm, don’t overreact and have faith with prayer. This will pass and we will get back to normalcy.

I know at times like this the last thing some may think about is asking men to join our great organization but now is the time more than ever. The more that join our ranks the stronger we will be, the more we can do. We will always protect the Catholic Church, Be here for our Bishops, Priests and all Clergy. 

Please share this with your council officers. God bless everyone,

Bill Chasse Michigan State Deputy 

State RTL Dinner

By: Gary Merritt - Sat, Mar 21, 2020 7:30 PM

Thursday, March 19, 2020 


New Date Wednesday Sept. 23, 2020

6:00 p.m. Social Hour

7:00 p.m. Dinner Served

New Venue

San Marino Club

1685 E. Big Beaver Troy, Michigan


 $50 Individual

 $475 Table of Ten

Register online by March 8 at RTL.org


For more information contact Brad at respectlife@rtl.org

State RTL 20 dinner flyer 2


 Mike Slater


Mike Slater

Mike is a 33-year-old graduate of Yale University where he majored in history. His passion is to speak for the prolife movement at pregnancy resource center events. Mike also speaks at churches about the importance of properly-defined masculinity, and the role they are called to play in the prolife movement.

Mike is the host of The Mike Slater Show each weekday on KFMB in San Diego where he speaks to the conservative heart by focusing on the five values that most inspire a virtuous life: curiosity, gratitude, hope, zest, and love. Where other talk hosts may use anger, frustration, and hopelessness to talk about current events, Slater tells stories that connect to eternal principles and conservative values. He is also the author of How To Change Someone’s Mind and the children’s book Imagine Jack and the History Kids.

You may have heard Mike when he filled in for Glenn Beck’s TV and radio show. Mike is a frequent guest on Fox News and Fox Business and guest hosted for the Dr. Drew Show on CNN Headline News. Slater was named a Top 5 “Young Guns” of Talk Radio by TALKERS Magazine and he recently conducted a 90-minute interview with Donald Trump in his Trump Tower boardroom.


Message from our State Deputy

By: Gary Merritt - Thu, Mar 19, 2020 7:30 PM

SD Chasse 

Brother Knights: I pray this finds you well.

Please be advised that your State Officers are closely monitoring the situation regarding the upcoming State Convention.  As of today, the Supreme Office has only cancelled those conventions scheduled for April. Those conventions will be held by online and/or tele-conferencing. We continue to be in close contact with the Grand Hotel and the other island hotels that serve our convention annually.

It is possible that all conventions will be canceled and if this happens, they will be done by a virtual meeting. Supreme is looking into Dobie Connect.   Please continue to plan for our state convention and we will keep you up to date by EMAIL if there are any changes.  Keep in mind any deposits required by the hotels will be refunded if necessary but will be governed by each individual hotel’s policy regarding cancellation and refunds.  The Michigan Knights of Columbus have no say regarding these policies.  Therefore, any questions should be directed to the hotels once they are assigned.

After careful consideration on the well-being of all brother Knights and their families we have decided it's best for everyone that we cancel this year’s MI Drive. It wasn't an easy decision to make but due to many questions and the perception that some could take, it was the best decision to cancel the Palm Sunday time frame.

My hopes are that you try to reschedule the drive for the month of May (if conditions are better) and or October. The State Office will have insurance for those time frames. Please remember those that count on us for our Drive monies. Many organizations would find it difficult without our support.

If there are any questions, please feel free to contact George Stump our State MI Director with any of your questions.

Normalcy will return and the Knights of Columbus will always support the less fortunate.

Please keep up your best spirits as we manage our way through this unusual situation.  Be patient, hope for the best, this will pass. But always plan prudently.

As we find ourselves in an unprecedented time, with our Church, schools, businesses and council events being closed or postponed to a later date due to the concerns from the most recent virus, we cannot sit and be idle on the sidelines. This is a time we as Knights look at our councils and their families to see where we can help; help the elderly, help with food delivery, help get formula and diapers to babies and their families. We step up when others will not or cannot.

Ask your pastors who or how your councils can help.

Be smart when helping in your community by practicing good hygiene and washing your hands often. Many people can’t help themselves and this is where we the Knights of Columbus come in. 

Please stay calm, don’t overreact and have faith with prayer. This will pass and we will get back to normalcy.

I know at times like this the last thing some may think about is asking men to join our great organization but now is the time more than ever. The more that join our ranks the stronger we will be, the more we can do. We will always protect the Catholic Church, Be here for our Bishops, Priests and all Clergy. 

Please share this with your council officers. God bless everyone,

Bill Chasse Michigan State Deputy