DAVL Memorial Mass 2023

By: Michael Cousins - Fri, Jan 6, 2023 7:17 PM

Each year the Knights of Columbus with the Detroit Archdiocesan Vocations League sponsor a Memorial Mass held at Sacred Heart Major Seminary.  It is a very moving event and the name of every Brother who is being memorialized on a plaque is read aloud and also printed in the program.  The Mass is attended by the State Officers, Fourth Degree Honor Guard and all brother Knights and their families who wish to attend.  This is followed by a brunch where we get to meet some of the current seminarians and future priests.

This year’s Mass is going to be held on Sunday November 5, 2023

Time: 10 am, please be seated by 9:45

Location: Sacred Heart Seminary 2701 Chicago Blvd. Detroit, 48206

Enter on Linwood south of Chicago.

If you wish to memorialize a Knight from your family or Council fill out the plaque application that can be found on the State Website HERE.

or contact Mike Cousins: m.cousins@mikofc.org   586-610-6497

Knights on Bikes Live K of C Principles

By: Gary Merritt - Fri, Jan 6, 2023 7:09 PM

Fraternal organization of Knights on Bikes is much more than a motorcycle club, with more than 200 Knights of Columbus members statewide.

It’s more than members with a passion for riding motorcycles. The group was founded in Texas in 2015, and as of 2023, multiple Knights on Bikes councils exist across the United States and Canada. Their motto: “In God We Trust and Ride.”

Membership is about more than leather-clad, rugged men on motorcycles, though; it’s a fraternal organization that unites men from different councils under a common hobby and the noble code of the Knights of Columbus.

“We are Knights on Bikes, but we are all Knights of Columbus members first,” Michigan state Knights on Bikes vice president James Kubinski told Detroit Catholic. “A lot of the stuff we do is the same as what we do as Knights of Columbus members — we will just show up on motorcycles, which gets some heads to turn. It’s a different format that is highly visible and cool.”

Read the entire article in Detroit Catholic HERE

Stay Informed

By: Gary Merritt - Thu, Jan 5, 2023 2:23 PM

Stay up to date with what’s happening in our State with the Knights of Columbus.

Go to our State website home page and look for this box on the right-hand column. Click the subscribe button & enter your email address.

Now you will receive notifications of new articles when posted on the website and other pertinent info, such as a digital Michigan Columbian. 

Help us help you to stay up to date by taking a minute to register.

January Community Reminders

By: John Hundiak - Wed, Jan 4, 2023 2:25 PM

Effective January 1, 2023, the price increase for Casey Bears goes into effect. The cost will be $130 per case of 12 and if you want them shipped to you, an additional $40 per case will be required.

At each of the upcoming Diocesan Meetings a few cases of Casey Bears will be available for purchase with no shipping charges added. This will be on a first come first served basis.

Remember all Diocesan level Essay Contest winners are due by January 7, 2023. E-mail the winning essays to John Hundiak, State Community Director

New Year Message from our State EFF Director

By: Paul Kelsey - Mon, Jan 2, 2023 12:07 PM



Happy New Year!

A Catholic man, by nature of his baptism and as a disciple of Jesus Christ, is called to be holy and to share in the evangelistic mission of the church. We hear this call clearly when Jesus says in the Gospel to "be perfect, as your heavenly father is perfect" (Mt. 5:48) and "go therefore and make disciples of all Nations". (Mt. 28:19)

As we begin 2023, remember that each council should provide men with the opportunity to grow and be formed in their fraternal life to fulfill this call.

In his last Spiritual Testament, the late Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI states " Jesus Christ is truly the way, the truth and the life, and the church with all her insufficiencies is truly her body."

During this next week, let us remember him in our daily prayer life.

Paul Kelsey

State EFF Director 

Membership update December 22

By: Jim Escott - Fri, Dec 30, 2022 10:09 AM

I'll talk more about this at the Diocesan meetings in January, but I wanted to ensure you all knew that, as of today, we reached 50% of our membership quota for this fraternal year.


Gentlemen, Congratulations

As you all go off and celebrate the end of 2022 and the beginning of 2023, I want you to realize and understand something very special happened here in Michigan in December.

Lots of people watched what we did, what you did, and were amazed.

Florida and Virginia started December several significant percentage points ahead of and are now sitting there several percentage points behind us wondering what happened.  What did Michigan do?

This was a team effort.  We would not have made it without all of your ideas, hard work, and just plain inviting men to join.


I thank God for all of you.  I am blessed and humbled to be able to work with you and share in your accomplishment.

Three final thoughts...

Be proud of what you did (what we did).  It was (and is) very special.

Enjoy your holiday, your family and friends.


Reflect on what happened here in December and think about how we make these things standard practices.  Let's not make December 2022 a fluke, a one time thing.  Let's make this the start of the new era in Michigan.

 Jim Escott State Membership Director

State Raffle Update 12-30-22

By: Kevin Rowley - Fri, Dec 30, 2022 9:30 AM

On Wednesday, December 28, 2022 Executive Secretary, Larry Grabowski, Michigan Columbian Editor, Gary Kolbicz,  State Raffle Directors,  Kevin Rowley and Mike Haughey gathered at the State Office to conduct the first of four $250.00 Early Bird, seller incentive drawings.  

At 1:00 pm, with all tickets processed and up to date, Gary Kolbicz gave the barrel a final spin and State Raffle Director, Mike Haughey reached into the barrel and pulled the winning ticket! 

The $250.00 Winner - Brother Knight, Richard Marecki of Warren, Michigan.  

Congratulations Brother Knight, Richard Marecki and thank you for supporting our Michigan Knights of Columbus, State Charity Raffle !

With the first Early Bird Drawing Completed, you still have three remaining chances to win $250.00.   Remaining drawings will be held on January 28, 2023, February 28, 2023 and March 28, 2023.   So don’t delay, sell your book of 12 tickets and mail them in with your check and your Early Bird Raffle Ticket today!

Council’s Benefit 

To date, through your efforts, we have collectively raised over $40,000.00 for local councils, through the sale of State Charity Raffle tickets.  Remember, $1.00 of every ticket you sell goes directly to your Local Knights of Columbus Council.  (One sold book equals a $12.00 donation to your Council on your behalf)

A little Trivia

Did you know the bar code on the bottom of your ticket stubs are unique to you.  The bar code contains your Council number and membership number.   This allows us the ability to track ticket sales by member and Council. 

A sincere thank you to everyone for your participation and strong support of our Michigan Knights of Columbus Charity Raffle. 

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year,

Mike Haughey & Kevin Rowley

State Raffle Directors Michigan State Council Knights of Columbus 

January 2022 Michigan Columbian Newsletter

By: Gary Kolbicz - Thu, Dec 29, 2022 1:50 PM

My Brother Knights & Families, Vivat Jesus. Happy New Year to you all. The members of the Michigan State Board and their wives hope that you and your families had a very blessed Christmas and holiday season.

Christopher A. Kolomjec State Deputy

The January 2023 Michigan Columbian Digital Edition can be found by clicking on the logo below. 

Merry Christmas from Paul Kelsey

By: Paul Kelsey - Tue, Dec 27, 2022 1:16 PM

The new evangelization challenges us to share the good news of Jesus Christ with "Competing Cultures" in our cities and neighborhoods.  "If I'm a man, I'm called to pass on the faith" says Father Mike Schmitz. "If I'm a man I am called to live the faith." stepping into the breach, adds Ryan Young in Knightcast  episode 3, “means getting out of our comfort zone”.


GOSPEL-Luke 2: 1-14

In those days a decree went out from Cesar Augustus that the while whole world should be enrolled. This was the first enrollment, when Quirinius was governor of Syria. So, all went to be enrolled, each to his own town. And Joseph too went from Galilee from the town of Nazareth to Judea, to the City of David that is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and family of David, to be enrolled with Mary, his betrothed who was with child.

While they were there, the time came for her to have her child. And she gave birth to her firstborn son. She wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him in a Manger because there was no room for them in the inn. Now there were Shepherds in that region living in the fields and keeping the night watch over their flock. The angel of the lord appeared to them, and the glory of the lord shone around them, and they were struck with great fear. The angel said to them,

Do not be afraid; for behold I proclaim to you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For today in the city of David a Savior has been born for you who is Christ and Lord. And this will be a sign for you: you will find an infant wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger.

And suddenly there was a multitude of the heavenly host with the angel, praising God and saying:

"Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests."

The Gospel of the Lord, thanks be to God!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Paul Kelsey

State EFF Director