State Cross Catholic Outreach Food Packing Program

By: Garret Kelenske - Wed, Sep 6, 2023 6:43 AM

State Cross Catholic Outreach

Food Packing Program


My Brother Knights, Families, and Friends, I hope this article finds all of you in good health and spiritual wellbeing. I would like to share a few of the updates about our new statewide Food Packing Program. The first of these events will be taking place in the Archdiocese of Detroit at Holy Family Council #11811 located in Novi at Holy Family Parish on October 14th.


I know many of you will be wanting to participate in this program and we have received the flyers and the activation of the QR codes to help facilitate either volunteering or contributing monetarily. At this point we are giving the Councils that are hosting these Diocesan events a little bit of time to get their volunteers signed up before we open it up to everyone. Please sign up using the QR code for Volunteers. As with all large programs there will be a little bit of paperwork to fill out. Remember the first one hundred and fifty people to sign up will get to do the actual food packing. It is also a great responsibility to make sure you can show up for the event. So, if you sign up, show up!


I have been asked “What is the best way to contribute?” well if you are a Council wishing to donate, please make your check out to the “Michigan State Council” and in the memo line please place CCO Program. We have recently decided to have your Council donations sent to the Cross Catholic Outreach Director in charge. It is like the way we run the Coats for Kids Program. This way we can keep an accurate count of monies being collected and since we are doing these programs at a Diocesan level your contribution will go towards your areas Packing Program. The other way is personal donations which we will gladly accept through the QR code, these donations will assure the individuals donating a receipt for their taxes from Cross Catholic Outreach. All QR donations made will be used towards the current Diocese event. I hope this helps and if you have large donations from businesses in your area this will also help them.  


This brings me back to Council donations, for each five hundred dollars donated the Council will be able to submit the proper form in the Food for Families Program category and they will receive a hundred dollars back from this Supreme recognized program and be able to collect one point on their Columbian Award application. Please get your donations in as soon as possible for this worthwhile event. As we get closer to the October 14th Food Packing event, I will have more information coming out.


To see the video, click here


Your Brother in Christ

Garret A. Kelenske

State Cross Catholic Outreach Director


Council and District Membership Incentives for September 2023

By: Jim Escott - Tue, Sep 5, 2023 7:11 AM

Council/District Membership Incentives for September - $10 / member!!!


August is over. Next week's report will contain a list of all incentives won by each council and District Deputy. Money's will be paid out in October at the end of Q1.


Councils Incentives:

  • For every e-member added to your council's prospect tab, your council will earn $10 in September.
  • For every member added to your council (counted in Officers' Online), your council will earn $10 in September.

District Incentives: For every $1 one of your councils earns, you will earn $1.

Council of the Month for July 2023

By: Ken Warzybok - Tue, Sep 5, 2023 7:08 AM

Council of the Month for July


Congratulations to all our winners!


  • Kalamazoo: Fr. Korst Council #2900, GK Chancelir Murdock.
  • Marquette: Bishop Eis Council #2894, GK Dave Guenther
  • Grand Rapids: St. Pius X - Grandville Council, #14598 GK Jeremy Marshall. 
  • Detroit East: Our Lady of the River Council #856, GK Michael Page.
  • Detroit West: Monroe Council #1266, GK Julian Rios.
  • Lansing: Irish Hills Council #6223, GK Matthew Girdham.
  • Saginaw: Bay City Council #414, GK Brad Covaleski.

From our State Faith Director 9-3-2023

By: Robert Bagley - Sun, Sep 3, 2023 6:44 PM


From Your State Faith Director1


"We will never be respectful enough; we will never adore with a heart sufficiently respectful of the Holy Eucharist. That is why it has been the custom of the Church for centuries and centuries to kneel to receive the Holy Eucharist. We should be prostrate on the ground to receive the Holy Eucharist, and not standing. Are we equals of our Lord Jesus Christ? Is it not He who is going to come on the clouds of Heaven to judge us? Isn't that what we are going to do when we see the face of our Lord Jesus Christ, like the Apostles on Tabor, who prostrated themselves on the ground out of terror and admiration before the greatness, the splendor of our Lord Jesus Christ?"


Thought for the Day by Archbishop Lefebvre.


My Brothers and Sisters, truer words have never been spoken. Do we really feel we are better than the Apostles, do we really believe we are equal to our Lord Jesus Christ? How arrogant are we? Do we realize to be arrogant is a sin? Give our Lord Jesus Christ respect and show Him the Reverence he deserves and commands. Kneel and Receive our Lord Jesus Christ on the tongue. 


Pray for each other, 


Bob Bagley State Faith Director


You are invited to the Heart of Christ Gala

By: Ed Strach - Sat, Sep 2, 2023 3:36 PM

The Christ Medicus Foundation is seeking your support of the first annual gala for the historic opening of the Heart of Christ Medical Clinic this September, 2023. The Clinic is the work of God’s Grace, the Knights of Columbus, Mother and Unborn Baby Care, Christ Medicus Foundation, Ascension, Trinity Health, and Catholic Charities of SE Michigan. This Heart of Christ Clinic will follow in the footsteps of Christ by serving, healing, and empowering the most vulnerable members in the community.

WHEN: Thursday, Sept. 28, 2023 (6:00 - 9:00 PM) 
WHERE: Burton Manor (27777 Schoolcraft Rd., Livonia, MI)  

For tickets and sponsorship opportunities click here

State Chaplain's Lenten Pilgrimage

By: Father Aidan Logan - Fri, Sep 1, 2023 7:26 PM

My Brother Knights,


Please the information below regarding the State Chaplain's Lenten Pilgrimage March 6 - 14, 2024.  Please review the information on the flyer and follow the instructions if you have any interest in coming on the Pilgrimage.  Have a great Labor Day weekend!




Rev. Aidan Logan


State Chaplain





Membership - Handling Objections

By: Jim Escott - Thu, Aug 31, 2023 5:55 AM

Membership - Handling Objections

I'm too busy to join


How often have you asked someone to join and their response to you is... "I'm too busy". Here are some suggested responses you can give to overcome this obstacle.


  • 24 Hour Knight - Supreme has a great pamphlet you can order (for free) that shows men they only need to spend 24 hours a year on Knights activities. Everyone has 24 hours.
  • There's no additional time required - Many men in the parish already donate a significant amount of their time to church activities. Church Choir, usher, Eucharistic Minister, etc... Just become a member (to show your support) and just keep doing the things you're already doing. Nothing more.
  • E-membership - The Knights created a type of membership for people like you. Just become an e-member (for free) to show you support the Catholic Church. You don't need to do more. Then, in the future, if your situation changes, you can volunteer and be more engaged.
  • The Knights should complement your life, not complicate it. Get involved only if and only when you have time. If you're busy. That's OK. Just being a member is helpful.
  • Have a voice - The knights have a voice in Congress on many issues impacting our lives. As a member, you share in strong Catholic values and we can represent you.

July 2023 Family of the month

By: Ken Warzybok - Wed, Aug 30, 2023 9:20 AM

Congratulations to the July Family of the Month winner nominated by Portland Council 2168!1


Silver Rose program explained by our State Faith Director

By: Robert Bagley - Tue, Aug 29, 2023 7:14 AM

Silver Rose


So many have asked “What is the Silver Rose?” So here is some info!

Silver Rose


Share the message of Our Lady of Guadalupe and promote respect for life by participating in this meaningful pilgrimage. The Silver Rose program demonstrates the unity between Knights of Columbus in Canada, the United States and Mexico, through a series of prayer services promoting the dignity of all human life and honoring Our Lady.




Each year, from early March through mid-December, Silver Roses are stewarded by Knights of Columbus councils along routes from Canada to Mexico. Every stop the Silver Rose makes throughout the pilgrimage is a rosary-centered occasion for Knights, parishioners and community members to pray for respect for life, for the spiritual renewal of each nation, and for the advancement of the message of Our Lady of Guadalupe.


Robert "Bob" Bagley

State Faith Director


The WE ARE ONE Committee 2023 Golf Outing is a great success!

By: Ken Warzybok - Mon, Aug 28, 2023 7:46 AM

1On August 27th, the We Are One committee hosted their second annual golf outing. It was a gorgeous day at Timberwood Golf Course in Ray, Michigan, and everyone had a great time!


3During the event, we had the pleasure of honoring two remarkable individuals. Patricia Winkle and Brother Knight Major Kelly (still helping out at an impressive 98 years young) were both bestowed with the title of Honorary Members of the We Are One Committee. It was a well-deserved recognition for their outstanding contributions and dedication.


As the sun set on this memorable day, we couldn't help but reflect on the success of the event. The We Are One committee is grateful for the unwavering support of everyone involved, and we look forward to seeing you all at the Halloween party on October 27th at Zuccarro's!


- The We Are One Committee