Diocesan Calendars

By: Ken Warzybok - Sun, Sep 17, 2023 6:16 AM

Attention Michigan councils,
Our Diocesan Calendars at www.mikofc.org (under "Event Calendar") are an incredible online tool that can showcase your upcoming local events. It's also an excellent place to visit from time to time to stay informed and get inspired by exciting council activities happening throughout the State.
What makes this resource so fantastic is that your events are easier for others within your own diocese to find.
If you want to have upcoming events listed on your Diocesan Calendar, reach out to your Diocesan Program Director. Just provide him with all the necessary details, such as the event title, date, time, descriptions, and even flyers if you have them.
Don't miss out on this incredible resource to further spread the word about your events. Contact your Diocesan Program Director and let's make your upcoming event a huge success!


Be Informed - Update on Reproductive Health Act

By: Ed Strach - Sat, Sep 16, 2023 7:06 AM

The proposed RHA package of bills seeks to repeal crucial requirements such as Michigan's informed consent and 24-hour waiting period, eliminate basic health and safety regulations for surgical clinics, and remove the legal barrier preventing taxpayer funds from being used for elective abortions.

rtl for swn

See the full press release here


And don't forget to join us on November 8th for the Michigan March for Life

John 3:16 vs Revelation 3:16

By: Robert Bagley - Thu, Sep 14, 2023 8:42 PM


John 3:16 is arguably one of the best-known and most often quoted Bible verses. This verse is so beloved because it is the core of our faith: “God so loved the world that he gave his only Son so that everyone who believes in him might not perish, but have eternal life.” I find it more than interesting that Revelation 3:16 shines an enormous light on the counter to John 3:16.
In the Book of Revelation, we see the Lord has some rather severe words about the lukewarm: “I know your works; I know that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either cold or hot. So, because you are lukewarm, neither hot nor cold, I will vomit you out of My mouth” (Revelation 3:16). Pope St. Pius V went so far as to say, “All the evil in the world is due to lukewarm Catholics.” Pope St. Pius X showed no less disdain with, “All the strength of Satan’s reign is due to the easygoing weakness of Catholics.” Wow! All the evil in the world? All the strength of Satan’s reign? Spit you out of My mouth? The level of fury toward the lukewarm is alarming. Why?
Here’s why. Let’s look at the passage from Revelation. Our Lord, first, wishes we were “hot or cold.” It’s easy to see why the Lord would wish someone were hot. Someone who is “hot” would be that soul blazing with the “fire of love” for God, with a fiery passion to do His will.
So, why would our Lord wish someone were “cold”? Someone who is cold has completely disconnected from God and can often even be antagonistic toward God. So, why would our Lord wish for that? Because “cold souls,” who have outwardly drawn the line in the sand and proclaimed their stance in relation to God, have a greater chance for hitting rock bottom and giving their life over to God; they have a greater chance for conversion. Furthermore, a soul clearly disconnected from God does little to influence souls that are “hot” from straying away from our Lord, as “cold souls” are seen clearly for who they are and where they stand.
So, why the outrage toward the lukewarm? Because the lukewarm do the most damage. They are highly effective in modeling for others how to be a very poor or even a “fake” Catholic. While “cold souls” openly disavow any claim to be a faithful Catholic, lukewarm souls make that claim while they betray the Lord at every turn.
Lukewarm souls are those who have allowed their faith to diminish to little more than what appears to be faith in the eyes of man. Lukewarm souls will often “use” their Catholic faith to build their own personal brand. So, you’ll often see public figures make the claim of being a devout Catholic while they advocate for a plethora of evil policies that horrify God. Or there are those lukewarm Catholics who see no problem voting these evil politicians into power. This is a-okay for the lukewarm, as they have convinced themselves that God’s mercy extends to allowing every kind of sin. Which is why lukewarm souls may go to a communal penance service once or twice a year “to be seen,” but really don’t see any reason for this sacrament.
The most horrifying thing about lukewarm souls is that they usually possess the sins against the Holy Spirit that are referred to as “unforgiveable.”
The unforgiveness is about unrepentance. Lukewarm souls have convinced themselves, and poorly modeled for others, that “they don’t need to prove their love for God.” In other words, they think they can commit any sin and avoid prayer and any charitable work beyond basic obligations, and their ticket is punched because of “mercy.” And, of course, nobody should “judge” anyone, according to the lukewarm soul. St. Thomas Aquinas said, “mercy without justice is the mother of dissolution; justice without mercy is cruelty. To correct the sinner is a work of mercy.”
Lukewarm souls are like a dangerous virus that spreads throughout the Church. On issues of human life, sex, marriage, family, faith, and morality, many within the Catholic Church have absolutely no problem advocating for laws, policies, and politicians that clearly oppose the will of God. This “lukewarm virus” has spread so far that as many as 40% of Catholics favor abortion and 61% of Catholics support gay marriage. Now, you can see why our Lord, Pope St. Pius V, and Pope St. Pius X are so outraged by the lukewarm.
To combat the demonic viral spread of lukewarmness, we must cultivate in ourselves the Holy Spirit gift of fear of the Lord, also known as awe and wonder. Fear of the Lord is the gateway gift to all the gifts of the Holy Spirit. If your local parish is cultivating a watered-down, lukewarm version of Catholicism that avoids Church teaching on any “hot button” issues, “GET OUT!” Or, if possible, work with the pastor to cultivate reverent liturgies, frequent confession, ample opportunities for Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, and the practice of many devotions. And, for heaven’s sake, have your pastor’s back when he hits hot-button issues. This all assists the faithful in “drawing nearer unto the Lord.” This gives the soul immunity to the virus of lukewarmness.


State Cross Catholic Outreach Program - How YOU can help

By: Garret Kelenske - Thu, Sep 14, 2023 5:53 AM

The Cross Catholic Outreach meal packing is only ONE month from today! There are several ways that you and your council or Assembly can get involved!
Contact information and QR codes are on the flyer below to volunteer or to make a donation.
For more information, click here


The Arm of St Jude

By: Robert Bagley - Thu, Sep 14, 2023 5:48 AM

The arm of St Jude is coming to the United States and visiting the Grand Rapids Diocese.

As one of the Church's most revered saints, St Jude is the ultimate refuge for those who find themselves in desperate situations. When circumstances appear bleak and insurmountable, Saint Jude emerges as the beacon of hope.

Join us and witness firsthand the miracles he has in store for you.


Click here for more information.





A delicious way to support Cross Catholic Outreach

By: Richard Shelt - Tue, Sep 12, 2023 5:43 PM


Our Cross Catholic Outreach Food Packing event is just around the corner!

Mark your calendars for October 14th at Holy Family Parish in Novi, hosted by Council #11811. Thank you to all those who have already sent in donations or signed up to help with the packing. Your support means the world to us.
But wait, there's more! The Pulte Charitable Foundation’s FIVE Steakhouse at St John’s resort in Plymouth has generously offered to donate 5% of their September sales to our upcoming food packing event.
Now, here's where you come in. Let's show our support by paying a visit to FIVE Steakhouse. Whether it's breakfast, lunch, dinner, or their mouthwatering Saturday/Sunday brunch, every meal you enjoy there will contribute to the Cross Catholic Outreach cause. You won't be disappointed.
To check out their menus and get more information about St John’s Resort, click here

Thank you once again for your support. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of those in need!

Take Action: Reproductive Health Act Introduced in Michigan Legislature

By: Ed Strach - Thu, Sep 7, 2023 4:44 PM


On September 6, the Reproductive Health Act was introduced in the Michigan House by pro-abortion Democrat legislators. The bill package calls for the repeal of many commonsense abortion regulations, regulations which continue to enjoy the broad support of Michigan citizens, including the majority of those who voted for Proposal 3.


To read the full article and for more information, click here


Blessed Michael McGivney Feast Day Mass

By: Thomas Wegener - Thu, Sep 7, 2023 2:29 PM


Fr. Bob Bacik, Lansing Diocesan Chaplain, Council 788 Co-Chaplain, and Pastor of St. Gerard Majella Parish in Lansing is shown celebrating Mass on Sunday, August 13th, the Feast Day of Blessed Michael McGivney, the Order's Founder.


Members of Richard Council 788 and their families were inattendance. 


The gathering space of the church welcomed all for Mass with a portrait of Fr. McGivney.  During the Eucharistic Prayer the name of Blessed Michael McGivney was offered. 


At the end of Mass, during Father's remarks, he again mentioned the Feast Day of Fr. McGivney and the Knights of Columbus and invited those who would like information about the KofC to visit the Knights who were assembled in the gathering space during a membership drive.


2024 Michigan State Bowling Tournament

By: Gregory Zawalski - Thu, Sep 7, 2023 7:05 AM


1Brother Knights,


The Michigan Knights of Columbus Bowling Association “Mixed” bowling tournament will be held on October 14th 2023 starting at 10:00 in Westland, Michigan. This is a good opportunity to invite prospective members to show them the fraternity that they can join. Each team only has to have one active Knight. So, get a team together and come out and have a good time. If you are interested, please complete the mixed form and submit it by September 30th.


In 2024, the 82nd Annual State Bowling Tournament will be held in Lansing, Michigan, hosted by Richard Council #788 at Royal Scot Bowl and Golf. Officers Day will be February 17th and the Open weekends February 24th through March 24th. Participation is open to all members in good standing who belong to a council in the Michigan Jurisdiction. Please see the Tournament Flyer and Richard Council 788 ad placement form for more information.


Please visit the Michigan KofC Athletics website here


Sincerely and Fraternally


Gregory Zawalski - Vice President

Michigan State Bowling Association