Antonio G. Vittorini Memorial Pasta Dinner for Vocations

By: Gary Merritt - Wed, Jan 9, 2019 3:30 AM

Annually, the Knights of Columbus at St. Therese of Lisieux in Shelby Twp. host and sponsor a fundraising pasta dinner with proceeds helping seminarians to continue their education in their journey toward ordination to the priesthood.  Last year, in January just before our annual pasta dinner we lost our beloved State Secretary of the Michigan Knights of Columbus, Antonio Vittorini.  We were proud to be the home council of Tony.  He had a very special place in his heart for seminarians, especially those from Sacred Heart Major Seminary right here in Detroit.  He helped at many of the pasta dinners by supervising the creation of the pasta sauce – his own recipe.  Beginning this year, all pasta dinners for vocations will be known as The Antonio G. Vittorini Memorial Pasta Dinner for Vocations to honor Tony’s commitment to vocations and the seminarians. 


 To keep Tony’s commitment alive, The Knights of Columbus of St. Therese of Lisieux Council #11957 wish to invite all of you to this years’ ANTONIO G. VITTORINI MEMORIAL PASTA DINNER FOR VOCATIONS ON Saturday, January 26, 2019 beginning at 6:00 p.m. doors open at 5:30 p.m.  Free will donations will be accepted at the dinner.  St. Therese of Lisieux 48115 Schoenherr Shelby Twp., MI 48315.

Tables of 10 may be reserved by calling Grand Knight John Lamanna at 586-306-3178 or Deputy Grand Knight Rick Fisher at 586-215-9182




March for Life trip cancelled

By: Gary Merritt - Wed, Jan 2, 2019 3:30 AM

March for Life logo 19


 December 29, 2018

Reverend Fathers, Religious, Brother Knights, Ladies,

Per State Deputy William Chasse; Unfortunately, due to the lack of response received by our deadline of December 27, 2018 for reserving a seat on our chartered bus we have been forced to cancel this year's bus trip to the March for Life in Washington, D.C.

However, for those of you that still plan to attend via your own transportation please be assured that your reservation at the hotel is secured.

For those of you that planned on attending by riding the bus and are unable to provide your own transportation please contact the hotel to cancel your room reservation at 301-589-5200.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused anyone and we appreciate your understanding.

lf you need any assistance please feel free to contact me at 517 -214-5120 or

 Tim and Cindy Donovan State Pro-Life Chair Couple

Knights of Columbus - Year in Review

By: Gary Merritt - Fri, Dec 28, 2018 3:30 AM

Supreme 18 in review 

Knights of Charity


From putting coats on kids to helping victims of natural disasters to protecting Christians in the Middle East, the Knights of Columbus were true Knights of Charity in 2018. Here's a recap of what our Knights accomplished.

Watch the Supreme video



Family of the Month and the Year

By: Gary Merritt - Wed, Dec 26, 2018 3:30 AM

 A Higher Purpose

Stimulate and support the development of strong and vibrant families. Local councils will establish a committee to recognize a deserving Family of the Month and Family of the Year with potential for recognition on the international level.


Each month, the council Family of the Month committee selects one parish family that models Christian family values and visibly lives them every day. Once a year, each participating council also selects one of the previous twelve Family of the Month winners to represent the council/parish as the potential international Family of the Year. The Knights of Columbus Family of the Year is chosen by the Supreme Council and recognized each year at the annual Supreme Convention.

To view a list of participating councils click here. This list from Suprme shows 22 Michigan councils credited for the program this November. If your council does choose a family but does not submit the form your council is not credited. The chosen family also is denied the opportunity to be in the drawing at Supreme for one of the hundred family awards distributed monthly.

If your council does not particpate in the program it is missing the opportunity to recognize a derserving family. To find out more information on the program and it's action steps click here.

Local Councils in Action

By: Gary Merritt - Tue, Dec 25, 2018 3:30 AM

To promote the activities of our local councils around the State, various council programs will be posted here.

Send your stories of worthy council programs along with pics to


St. Monica’s Fr. Adolph Nadrach Council # 12998  Kalamazoo

St. Monica’s Fr. Adolph Nadrach Council # 12998, District #44 presented a scholarship award of $1,000 to Alyssa Aiello prior to their June 19th council meeting.  This is the second year for awarding scholarships to high school seniors who are members of St Monica Parish.  Alyssa will attend Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo.

12998 scholarship

Brother Pete Abraham, Larry Aliello,  Chaplain Fr Larry Farrell,  Alyssa Aiello, Amy Aiello, Brother Ed Robinson, Michael Aiello, Brother Tony Cipich


St. Pius X Council #3848

St. Pius X Council #3848, in Warren, recently celebrated its 65th Anniversary.  Festivities began with a Corporate Communion Mass at St. Martin de Porres Parish, with Pastor/Council Chaplain, Fr. Nick Zukowski presiding.

Council 3848 65th

After Mass, a dinner, opened to the parish, was hosted by the council.  125 people were in attendance to celebrate the council's founding.  Among the State Dignitaries in attendance were:  Michigan State Deputy William Chasse, State Secretary Walter Winkle, Jr, State Treasurer Christopher Kolomjec, Sr. and their wives.


Bishop Britt Council 8117 Ada

8117 playground build


District 44 of Kalamazoo

District 44 rakes leaves


Bishop Kevin M. Britt Council #13526 Belmont

The Bishop Kevin M. Britt Council #13526 in Belmont hosted the 2019 Grand Rapids Diocesan Free Throw competition. This is the eleventh year the council has hosted the event. Over 80 young athletes participated in the event with winners advancing to the State tournament. Winners were awarded trophies and runners up were also awarded special recognition. All participants received certificates.

13526 Free Throw 19


Albert Doerr Council 7869 Remus

In early December members of Albert Doerr council distributed eighty coats to children of three elementary schools in the Remus area. One little Girl came in from the playground only wearing a hoodie sweatshirt that had a broken zipper and she appeared very cold. A teacher and one of our Knights fitted the girl with a new coat and she smiled. She did not thank the teacher nor the Knight but she crossed her arms and looked up and said; "Thank you Jesus"! It’s these small things we make possible which make our efforts worthwhile. Don Roarty, GK

7869 Coats for Kids 18



Domestic Chrurch Advent & Christmas Prayers

By: Gary Merritt - Sun, Dec 16, 2018 3:30 AM

Domestic Advent Christmas prayers logos   

 Grant your faithful, we pray, almighty God, the resolve to run forth to meet your Christ with righteous deeds at his coming, so that, gathered at his right hand, they may be worthy to possess the heavenly kingdom. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever, Amen.





 Almighty and merciful God, may no earthly undertaking hinder those who set out in haste to meet your Son, but may our learning of heavenly wisdom gain us admittance to his company.

Who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever, Amen.




 O God, who sees how your people faithfully await the feast of the Lord’s Nativity, enable us, we pray, to attain the joys of so great a salvation and to celebrate them always with solemn worship and glad rejoicing. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the Unity of the Holy Spirit, one God for ever and ever, Amen.






 O God, who wonderfully created the dignity of human nature and still     

more wonderfully restored it, grant, we pray, that we may share in

the divinity of Christ, who humbled himself to share in our humanity.

Who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one

God, for ever and ever, Amen.









 O God, who were pleased to give us the shining example of the Holy Family, graciously grant that we may imitate them in practicing the virtues of family life and in the bonds of charity, and so, in the joy of your house, delight one day in eternal rewards. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever, Amen.


Michigan KC 53rd Ultrasound

By: Gary Merritt - Sun, Dec 9, 2018 3:30 AM

Wednesday December 5th, 2018 marked the dedication of the 53rd Ultrasound Machine in Michigan.

Fr. Dave Buersmeyer provided the opening prayer and blessing the Ultrasound machine which took place at Mother & Unborn Baby Care in Southfield. Sponsoring Council: Fr Dolan Council #3170 which included an anonymous donor.

53 ultrasound 1

In attendance, District Deputy John Snyder, Council #3170 GK Gariepy, Mother & Unborn Baby Care Executive Director Nancy Peterson, Mother & Unborn Baby Care Director of Client Services Christina Marchetti along with Board Chairman Jack McGrath, staff and Brother Knights from Fr. Dolan Council #3170.

Others in attendance and pictured are Bishop Gallagher Assembly #0482 Ernie Gargaro, Detroit Archdiocesan Program Director Mike Fontana, MI K of C Pro Life Chair Couple Tim & Cindy Donovan, and MI K of C State Warden Charles McCuen III.

53 ultrasound 2

Board Chairman Jack McGrath communicated the importance of this Ultrasound Machine while thanking the Knights of Columbus for their generosity and commitment to Protecting the Unborn. Executive Director Nancy Peterson also communicated her thanks to the K of C along with our State Warden Charles McCuen III recognizing the great work that's being done at these Pregnancy Centers opening the hearts and minds of those facing difficult decisions.

Fr. Dave Buersmeyer concluded the ceremony by providing us with an inspirational closing prayer.

Many thanks to all who participated and donated that may not be mentioned, please know that without all of you none of this would be possible.

And last but far from least, let us not forget Supreme Council Knights of Columbus for their matching funds program which has reached its original goal of 1,000 Life Saving Ultrasound Machines Order wide.

You may find a list of facilities that have received an ultrasound through the Knights of Columbus program in Michigan here.

God bless,

Tim & Cindy Donovan Pro Life Chair Couple MI Knights of Columbus

46th Annual March for Life, Washington, D.C.

By: Gary Merritt - Sun, Dec 9, 2018 3:30 AM

March for Life logo 19


 December 29, 2018

Reverend Fathers, Religious, Brother Knights, Ladies,

Per State Deputy William Chasse; Unfortunately, due to the lack of response received by our deadline of December 27, 2018 for reserving a seat on our chartered bus we have been forced to cancel this year's bus trip to the March for Life in Washington, D.C.

However, for those of you that still plan to attend via your own transportation please be assured that your reservation at the hotel is secured.

For those of you that planned on attending by riding the bus and are unable to provide your own transportation please contact the hotel to cancel your room reservation at 301-589-5200.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused anyone and we appreciate your understanding.

lf you need any assistance please feel free to contact me at 517 -214-5120 or

 Tim and Cindy Donovan State Pro-Life Chair Couple