Membership Tournament Challenge

By: Gary Merritt - Thu, Apr 4, 2019 7:30 PM


Just when we finished a wild March Madness with College Basketball here in Michigan, we have a new challenge and a new bracket to work on. . .


The Supreme Council has challenged the states and provinces to a "Membership Tournament Challenge".  This challenge is matching us against Minnesota in the first round.  

  • Winners will be based on the highest percentage of membership intake.  

  • Each of the rounds after the first will earn the state CASH for winning.  

  • The prizes start at $500 and grows by $500 in each of the following rounds.

    We have the chance to finish this year very well and this challenge from Supreme will add dollars that we can share directly to the Sacred Heart Major Seminary Endowment Scholarship Fund to support our seminarians now and in the future.

    Michigan only needs 800 new members to reach our goal for the first time in 10 years.  Our challenge is to recruit just 9 men a day for the rest of the year.  With over 430 Councils, we only need each council to recruit 2 men to surpass our goal of sustainability in Michigan.

    The details of the challenge and our bracket are attached - lets continue Michigan's winning of brackets this year and win some cash for our Seminarians.  

    With your help - "We Can Make Michigan Great Again"

 membership tourney challenge 19

2019 Michigan State Free Throw Competition

By: Gary Merritt - Wed, Mar 27, 2019 7:30 PM

The 2019 Michigan State Free Throw Competition was held at Sacred Heart Parish Gym in Mount Pleasant on 3/17/2019.  Pictured along with the contest winners and runners up are State Advocate Barry Borsenik and State Youth Activites Director Mike Haughey.

19 st free throw winners

Listed here are the winners and runners-up in each of the 12 divisions with their scores our of 25 free throw attempts:

Group              Name                                      City                  Shots made

9 year old Boys – Gunner Jones                      Gaylord            (25)

9 year old Girls – Zoie Stubleski                      Erie                   (18)

10 year old Boys – Tyson Ratuszny                 Hudsonville     (24)

10 year old Girls – Gracelyn Jo Rockey           Portland          (19)

11 year old Boys – Connor LaMarre Ayala     Bay City           (22)

11 year old Girls – Tess Tillman                      Royal Oak        (22)

12 year old Boys – Trenton Taratuta              Hillman            (24)

12 year old Girls – Braxcynn Baker                 Lowell              (19)

13 year old Boys – Corey Cox                         Luzerne             (24)

13 year old Girls – Katelyn Baney                   Paw Paw           (21)

14 year old Boys – Matthew Bardenhagen    Lake Leelanau (22)

14 year old Girls – Makayla Kemyszek           Posen                (20)

The winners will be submitted to our Supreme Council for consideration in our International Level scoring.

Many thanks go out to the host council, Mt. Pleasant #1297.  Among the many people that volunteered their time to help conduct were State Fund Raising Director Kevin Rowley, Detroit Program Director Mike Fontana, Saginaw Program Director Ray Gehlman, Gaylord Program Directors Philip Parker and Joel Kendzorski, DD's William and James Erickson, GK Paul Desjardins and many others.  Marquette Program Director Mike Prokopowicz conducted the Upper Peninsula free throw so the scores would be considered for the state awards  The National Anthem was sang by Mount Pleasant's own Marge Schaefer, and State Advocate Barry Borsinik was on hand to help kick off the event.  A great day!

Michigan KC 55th Ultrasound

By: Gary Merritt - Fri, Mar 22, 2019 7:30 PM

Wednesday March 20, 2019 marked the dedication of the 55th Ultrasound Machine in Michigan.

Fr. Mike Alber from St. Patrick Church in Portland provided the opening prayer and blessing of the Ultrasound machine which took place at Positive Solutions & Informed Choices in Ionia.

ultrasound 55 1

In attendance, District Deputy Bill Vallier, Portland Council #2168 GK Bill Christian, PSIC Executive Director Katie Kramer, PSIC Board President Paul Lewis along with PSIC staff and Brother Knights from Portland Council #2168. Others in attendance and pictured are Grand Rapids Diocesan Program Director Garret Kelenske,  State Pro Life Chair Couple Tim & Cindy Donovan and State P.R. Director Gary Merritt.

Sponsoring Council: Portland Council #2168 along with the help of neighboring Councils #14404 in Lake Odessa, #11113 in Saranac, & #8071 in Pewamo.

ultrasound 55 2

Board President Paul Lewis communicated the importance of this Ultrasound Machine while thanking the Knights of Columbus for their generosity and commitment to protecting the unborn. Executive Director Katie Kramer also communicated her thanks to the K of C recognizing the great work that's being done at these Pregnancy Centers opening the hearts and minds of those facing difficult decisions. Reverend Marilyn Danielson concluded the ceremony by providing us with an inspirational closing prayer.


Many thanks to all who participated and donated that may not be mentioned, please know that without all of you none of this would be possible.

The Ultrasound Initiative has provided an opportunity for the Michigan Councils to install 55 units in clinics around the state. This is a great gift and tool for the facilities helping them promote their life saving position, but it is the just beginning of the Knights commitment to this tool. Continuing support is needed such as repair and warranty cost of the unit and other necessities the clinic uses to support the new mothers. To find a clinic near your council, click here to see a list of the clinics that have received a unit thru the Knights program and consider supporting one.

And last but far from least, let us not forget Supreme Council Knights of Columbus for their matching funds program which has surpassed its original goal of 1,000 Life Saving Ultrasound Machines Order wide.

God bless, Tim & Cindy Donovan Michigan State Pro Life Chair Couple Knights of Columbus

New Council 17237

By: Gary Merritt - Fri, Mar 22, 2019 7:30 PM

This is the new college council St Albert the Great #17237 at St Albert the Great Parish associated with Michigan Technological University in Houghton. The Initiation Degree was held at Church of the Resurrection in Hancock (Council #692) on March 2, 2019. Following the Degree a lunch was hosted by the Hancock Council.

17237 new 3-2-19

This is the new college council St Albert the Great #17237 at St Albert the Great Parish associated with Michigan Technological University in Houghton. The Initiation Degree was held at Church of the Resurrection in Hancock (Council #692) on March 2, 2019. Following the Degree a lunch was hosted by the Hancock Council.

First Row L-R: Jeremiah Mason (#1245-Calumet, John Sullivan (GK #1245 Calumet), Steve Macke (DGK #13115 Houghton, Fr Dustin Larson (Chaplain #17237 Houghton), Fr Gracious Pulimoottil (New Knight #1245 Calumet), Vern Miron (Marquette Diocesan Regional Director, #2934 L'Anse), Ed Glowacki (DD #63, #13224 Chassell

Top Row Left: Fred Wuori (FS #17237), Top Row Right: Rich Barrett (Field Agent, #692 Hancock).  Next to Rich is Frank Ozanich a new Knight from #1245 Calumet.

The remainder of the men in the picture are the new Knights of Council #17237.

Vivat Jesus!

Ed Glowacki, DD #63

2019 Michigan Knights of Columbus State Spelling Bee

By: Gary Merritt - Thu, Mar 21, 2019 7:30 PM

I am pleased to announce the results of the 2019 Michigan Knights of Columbus State Spelling Bee.  24 bright young participants from across our state competed in this year's event, which was held on Saturday, March 16th.  These fine contestants were winners and runners up from our previously held diocesan spelling bees. Both age divisions contained excellent student spellers that competed very well. 

 State Spell Bee winners 19

The results from the two divisions are:

Grade 4-6

Winner: Samantha Keilen from Westphalia

Runner Up: Ryan Putman from Southgate

  ____________                       _________

Grade 7-9

Winner: Mary Dimick from Ann Arbor

Runner Up: Savana Roggenbuck from Harbor Beach

 Michael Haughey State Youth Activities Director

Sacred Heart Major Seminary Endowment Scholarship Fund

By: Gary Merritt - Tue, Mar 12, 2019 7:30 PM


The E. S. F. is an agreement between the Michigan Knights of Columbus and Sacred Heart Major Seminary initiated April 5th, 2018.  The agreement specifies that the Michigan jurisdiction will commit to fund the Scholarship Fund in the amount of $1,000,000.00.

 Sacred Heart Sem pic

  • Knights of Columbus have always supported our Bishops, Priests, Deacons, and Seminarians.

  • Sacred Heart Major Seminary is a institution utilized and funded by all seven of Michigan’s Diocese and its Catholic population.


  • Annual costs for“formation” range between $40,000 and $50,000.

  • R.S.V.P. is a great financial resource, but it is normally assigned to a specific seminarian’s incidental expenses.

  • Council excess vocations project funds can be directed to the E.S.F.

A Message from the Endowed Scholarship Fund Chairperson John L. Rademacher

SHEF themo 12-9-19


Thanks for being a supporter and member of the Sacred Heart Major Seminary family.  Whether a financial supporter, a prayerful supporter or both, your support is duly noted.  Hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit and then acting to support the mission of discernment, formation, to the end of holy and happy priests is indeed what the Knights of Columbus continuously support.

Sacred Heart Major Seminary celebrates 100 years of service (1919-2019) educating not only priests, but religious, deacons and lay people.  Imagine the number of individuals who have passed through the walls of this magnificent building. Many have touched each of us as Christ’s shepherds within our parish community. Cardinals, Bishops, who have ministered the sacraments and ordained countless seminarians over this 100-year legacy.

Personally, I have visited S.H.M.S. and sensed the presence of the Holy Spirit at work supporting and guiding the seminarians in formation. I urge each of you to set up a guided tour of the campus and structure.  View the seminarians attending classes and praying throughout the day in the chapel.  Note the beauty of the structure . . .100 years of history awaits you.

Side-step and let’s review our progress towards the ENDOWED SCHOLARSHOIP FUND (E.S.F.)

The Michigan K of C jurisdiction signed an agreement to raise $1.0 million dollars to support the cost of formation and educational expenses the seminarians incure during their tenure at S.H.M.S.  To date, we have raised $230,000 and presented $195,794.35 via the Archbishop’s Gala in both 2018 and 2019. 

Council Financial Secretaries will begin the process of dues notice for the Fraternal Year 2020, starting with December 1st and continuing through the first quarter of 2020.
Inclusive with the dues notice amount will be the request for donation of $6.00 per member for the Endowed Scholarship Fund (E.S.F.)
Monies collected from the members should be sent via council check to State Secretary Walter Winkle, Jr.  2600 Ellsworth Columbus, MI.  48063. The check should be written to Michigan State K of C Charities.  Memo:  Endowed Scholarship Fund.

District Deputies were given a packet of "yellow handouts" at the Summer  Leadership meeting for each council F.S. to include with the dues notice  per member.  Kindly remind the F.S.'s of your councils to incorporate the  "E.S.F." with the 2020 dues notice when attending council meetings.
The "yellow handout" describes the purpose of the E.S.F. and the commitment from the Michigan Jurisdiction to Sacred Heart Major Seminary (S.H.M.S.).

In behalf of the Michigan Seminarians attending SH.M.S, we thank you for your support.


 John Rademacher  517-749-6757.