Council 788 - Saturday Afternoon Burgers
By: Bill Schaner -
Fri, Mar 2, 2018 3:30 AM
Knights of Columbus Council 788 is hosting the Knights of Columbus State Bowling Tournament this year, so we will be opening the club this Saturday, March 3rd, at 3:00 pm to welcome brother Knights from around the State. Stop out and get a $6 burger basket with a draft Miller Lite or Bud Light from 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm. This event is open to the public.
Council 13360 - Council #13360 - 2017 Humanitarian Award Presentation
By: Mark Tepen -
Sat, Feb 24, 2018 3:30 AM
On February 11, the Christ the King Council #13360 Humanitarian Award was presented to Michele Hufnagel. This award, in memory of our late brother, David L. Koehler, is awarded to the individual, family, or group that exemplifies, in their actions or projects, the treatment of all human beings with dignity.
Dave Koehler (1941-2008) was a Knight of Columbus and a key member of the group of Christ the King parishioners who worked to make fellow parishioners aware of the needs of those in our parish who are developmentally-disabled or similarly in need. He strove to encourage fellow parishioners to look with kindness and respect upon such people, and to avoid the natural tendency to ignore such people. His efforts were tragically cut short by his death in April, 2008. Dave’s brother Knights of Columbus at CTK have established this award to honor his memory and to continue, in some small way, the work which he had begun.
Michele Hufnagel works to assist the Parish religious education program to effectively incorporate children with developmental disabilities. She teaches the teachers how to adjust their instruction for children with disabilities. She also accompanies children to their classes and provides assistance in the learning process. Finally, she works with parents to learn more about needs and possible supports to develop. Thank you, Michele, for your work supporting those in our Parish with special needs.
Pictured above are the 2017 Council Humanitarian Award winner, Michele Hufnagel, her husband Alan (far left), Council #13360 Lecturer, Bill Champion (2nd from left), and friends and family.
Council 13360 - District Deputy Dan Gibbons Newsletter Article - Feb 2018
By: Mark Tepen -
Fri, Feb 23, 2018 3:30 AM
A friend of mine, when describing the busyness and unpredictability of her family uses the phrase "Life is just messy". I'd like to extend that even further and state "The world is messy". Everywhere we look, it seems society is spiraling out of control. However we know who is in control, and God allows evil and wickedness to happen to achieve a greater good.
Through history we can see where evil was confronted by ordinary men and the world was changed. Two thousand years ago 12 men responded to the call, and turned the world upside down. And now it is our turn. We, as knights are called to do our part in changing the world. How do we do this? By living virtuous lives. Being men of courage and honor. Loving our wives and children to show them their lives matter, that their decisions and actions matter. Reaching out to those around us with love; the downtrodden, our relatives, our friends, and even our enemies. They all were created by God and we need to bring his love to them.
We need to look at service as a good thing. Especially if it is the mundane thing like setting up tables and chairs for the church, cleaning up the scattered paper left in the pews after Mass, or allowing the car next to you to pull in front as you leave the parking lot. This is humbling work, but that is what makes it great. To be humble doesn't mean to be weak. It means to truly know your self as a child of Christ - there is nothing greater than that.
I have been able to make almost all the council meetings since becoming the District Deputy and can honestly say that I am changed after each meeting. I see good men striving to do the right thing. Taking time out of their day to sit down with other men of faith and share their lives. God is at work in all of us!
Together we can change the world. We need to give each man in our parishes, young and old, the opportunity to be a Knight of Columbus. Keep up the great work, and let's pray for each other.
Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi
Dan Gibbons
District Deputy
Council 788 - Monday Night Burger Night
By: Bill Schaner -
Sun, Feb 18, 2018 3:30 AM
Come out to the club on Monday February 19th from 5:00 - 7:00 pm for a freshly made burger with fries for only $6. This event is open to the public so bring some friends down to the Columbus Hall, at 5300 N Grand River Avenue, and enjoy a burger at the club.