Council 13360 - Council #13360 - Blood Drive CANCELLED

By: Mark Tepen - Sat, Apr 14, 2018 7:30 PM

Posted For: Council #13360

Due to circumstances beyond our control, the Blood Drive scheduled for tomorrow, April 14, has been cancelled. The Knights of Christ the King Council #13360 would like to thank everyone who signed up to donate blood and those who considered donating. We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused. Our next Blood Drive has not yet been scheduled, but when it is, we will let everyone know.

Blood Drive April 14 Cancelled

Council 13360 - District Deputy Dan Gibbons Newsletter Article - April 2018

By: Mark Tepen - Sun, Apr 1, 2018 7:30 PM

Posted For: Council #13360

A few months ago I watched To Kill a Mockingbird on cable. After the movie, the host mentioned that a survey of movie critics showed the number one heroic character in cinema was Atticus Finch. Gregory Peck played this southern attorney who always did and said the right thing to perfection.

I would agree with the survey because Atticus is the type of man I long to be, a man of true virtue. He put the love of his children, and service to his clients above his own pleasure and comfort.

This is what it means to be Catholic, willing the good of the other person. We are called to serve others, humbly. Our actions and words impact the world around us. We may never know the impact we've had on others, but we can be assured through our faith in Jesus that good will come from living our lives for him.

The core principles of the Knights of Columbus; charity, unity, and fraternity unite us all and together help us build Christ's church - one, holy, catholic apostolic.

We owe every man in our parishes the opportunity to be a knight, and be a virtuous hero to those we love.

Vivat Jesus!

Dan Gibbons, DD

District 57


Council 13360 - Council #13360 - Support Jericho March at 40 DFL

By: Mark Tepen - Sun, Apr 1, 2018 7:30 PM

Posted For: Council #13360

Every Sunday during the 40 Days for Life, a Jericho March was held outside Planned Parenthood in Ann Arbor.  Members of Council #13360 were there every Sunday to show our support.  On Sunday, March 25 was the final lap of the Jericho March, ending this Spring's 40 Days for Life.  And leading the charge at this event our own brother, Deacon Wayne Slomiany, together with Associate Pastor Mike Frison from Knox Presbyterian Church.   The Knights of Christ the King Council #13360 would like to thank all who came out to support this event!   

Jericho 2018 1

 Jericho 2018 4   Jericho 2018 2  Jericho 2018 3




Council 13360 - Council #13360 - Spring 2018 M.I. Drive

By: Mark Tepen - Sun, Apr 1, 2018 7:30 PM

Posted For: Council #13360

We had beautiful weather for the Spring M.I. Drive this year and the Knights of Christ the King Council were at Busch's Market in Ann Arbor handing out Tootsie Roll and collecting donations to support those with Special Needs.  In addition, the Knights have been collecting the Tootsie Roll banks, filled with donations, after weekend Masses.  The total amount of the donations collected is not available at this time, but the Knights would like to thank everyone for their most generous donations to this very worthwhile cause!

Mark and Raelin  Tootsie Roll Banks

Above Left:  Grand Knight Mark Tepen and grandaughter, Raelin Brahm, collecting donations at Busch's Market.

Above Right:  If you still have a Tootsie Roll bank that you would like to return with a donation, please do so soon!