Council 10542 - Spartan Speedway Clean Up Schedule
Fri, Mar 30, 2018 7:30 PM
-Posted For: Council #10542
On Mar 20, 2018, at 11:56 AM, Knights of Columbus Email <> wrote:
Spring is turning the corner and heading into the home stretch! And with that comes the thought of race cars at the Spartan Speedway! Dennis Jenkins proudly heads up the fund raiser and clean up efforts for our council at the Spartan Speedway.
I encourage you all to take yourselves and your families and go to the Spartan Speedway and support a local business that supports the K of C! Come back in the morning and help clean up the stadium with you brother knights and enjoy camaraderie, coffee and doughnuts following the clean up at Tim Hortons.
Below is the clean up schedule as provided by Dennis.
Date Group
April 27 Crew 43
May 4 Knights of Columbus
May 11 Troop 43
May 18 Troop 43
May 25 Crew 43 note bus race troop and crew 43 parking
June 1 Knights of Columbus
June 8 Troop 43
June 15 Crew 43
June 24 Troop 417
June 29 Knights of Columbus
July 6 Troop 43 note bus race troop and crew 43 parking
July 13 Knights of Columbus
July 22 Troop 417
July 27 Crew 43
Aug 3 Knights of Columbus
Aug 10 Troop 43
Aug 19 Troop 417
Aug 24 Knights of Columbus
Sept. 2 Troop 417
Sept 7 Crew 43 note bus race troop and crew 43 parking
If the date has a rain date you are responsible for cleanup of rain date.
I tried to keep things as even as possible. Knights have an extra date. Troop 417 is short a date. was tough working around all schedules.
contacts for each group
Spartan Speedway Jim Leasure 517-204-2707
Crew 43 Jeanette Hensler 517-930-1154
or Joe McIntosh 517-410-3486
Troop 43 Tafie Vedrody 248-709-2157 or
Joe McIntosh 517-410-3486
Troop 417 Tony Moss 517-614-1178
K of C Dennis Jenkins 517-449-9402
Paul C. Mapes SK, GK
Council 10542 - March 2018 Newsletter
Fri, Mar 30, 2018 7:30 PM
-Posted For: Council #10542
Council 788 - April Newsletter On-Line
Thu, Mar 29, 2018 7:30 PM
-Posted For: Council #788
-- Lansing Columbian April 2018 (Flipbook) -- -- Lansing Columbian April 2018 (PDF) -- This new issue of the Lansing Columbian is made available for viewing in the two formats above. A Flipbook version that needs no plugin to read or a PDF version that needs a plugin. |
Council 13360 - Council #13360 - Blood Drive April 14, 2018
Wed, Mar 28, 2018 7:30 PM
-Posted For: Council #13360
Christ the King Council #13360 and the American Red Cross are holding a blood drive on Saturday, April 14. If you are in the area, interested, and eligible to donate, please make your reservation online. See flyer for more details.
Council 13360 - Council #13360 - February - Knight and Family of the Month
Mon, Mar 26, 2018 7:30 PM
-Posted For: Council #13360
Knight of the Month, February: Terry Dishneau
Terry was named Knight of the Month for the many ways he unselfishly serves. He is the heart and soul of the KofC Parking Lot attendants virtually every time the parish requests our council's help. He not only pitches in on the regular council schedule for serving Sunday Coffee& Donuts, but also takes care of handling the donated printer cartridges. Terry is one of the Knights taking turns at the KofC Adoration Hour (1:00am on Saturday mornings).
Family of the Month, February: Alfredo & Debbie Abolio family.
Not only is Al the elected Advocate for our Council, but he regularly serves at our council's Sunday Coffee & Donuts. Al also is helping with Alpha setup and takedown, as well as such Alpha food service tasks as needed. Debbie is an active member of the Secular Carmelite (OCDS) group here. With some of their children being active in LifeTeen, Al welcomes our teens as they arrive for LifeTeen, as well as people arriving for Alpha. One of their sons has been active as an Adult Server at Sunday Masses, and Al is one of our ushers.