DAVL Memorial Mass November 5th

By: Michael Cousins - Tue, Jul 11, 2023 6:05 PM

Memorial Mass

Detroit Archdiocesan Vocations League

Each year the Knights of Columbus along with the Detroit Archdiocesan Vocations League sponsor a Memorial Mass held at Sacred Heart Major Seminary.  It is a very moving event and the name of every Brother Knight who is being memorialized on a plaque is read aloud and also printed in the program.  The Mass is attended by the State Officers, Fourth Degree Color Corps and all Brother Knights and their families who wish to attend.  This is followed by a brunch where we get to meet some of the current seminarians and future priests.

Mass pic

This year’s Mass is going to be held on Sunday November 5, 2023 at 10 am (please be seated by 9:45)  Sacred Heart Seminary is located at 2701 Chicago Blvd. Detroit, 48206.  Enter on Linwood south of Chicago.

If you wish to memorialize a Knight from your family or Council fill out the plaque application that can be found on the State Website or contact Mike Cousins:  m.cousins@mikofc.org

Pray For Our Nation

By: Gary Merritt - Mon, Jul 10, 2023 7:30 PM

A way to show your commitment to bringing our country back to God.

You may purchase one of these signs for $15.00.  Proceeds are donated to The Wounded Warriors Project.



Pray for our Nation

A message being passed around to

all concerned

by The Knights of Columbus,

local Councils and Assemblies.

Your words understood by many,

Ignored by too many

A message which answers the all

important questions;

What, Who, When Where and Why

Prayers and two-way conversations between

you and God The Father, God The Son

and God The Holy Spirit

To be carried out at any time,

no matter who you are or where you are.

To prove to yourself and God, you believe,

you trust, and you know that HE

will forgive us.

Also, to prove that you believe that HE

is capable of doing all that is good.

 To bring this Nation back to Him.

Father God,

We come to you because the people of this nation and everything in it belongs to you. We are not here by accident. You are the one who set us in this place at this particular time for the glory of your name. But Father, people in this country, have become confused and disoriented in dealing with one another. They are turning against each other. We are no longer able to peacefully communicate with one another. We no longer live like brothers and sisters. Brother has turned against brother and child against parent. The urgency to live in peace is waning. But your word says that if we humble ourselves, believe in You and turn from our wicked ways you will help us to heal our hearts, heal our land and change the direction our Nation is moving. Remove bitterness and resentment from our hearts and help us to live as brothers and sisters with and for one another. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.


For info and to support this mission and to contribute, contact David at koc4veterans@gmail.com

David Reese

2023/2024 Fraternal Year Summer Leadership Meeting

By: Ken Warzybok - Sun, Jul 2, 2023 4:26 PM

The State Summer Leadership Conference was held at Treetops Convention Center in Gaylord from Friday June 30th to Sunday July 2nd, 2023.

The first-year District Deputies arrived on Thursday June 29 to attend workshops to get them up to speed. The workshops continued on Friday and Saturday morning to explain the State and Supreme expectations of the councils of our jurisdiction.

Of course, the conference was not all work, work, work. Saturday evening there was time to relax and enjoy a Western theme dinner and square dance with our families.

The new Fraternal Year is off to a great start!  VIVAT JESUS!

Michigan Knights of Columbus 87th Ultrasound

By: Ed Strach - Thu, Jun 29, 2023 6:21 PM

In the neighborhood of Southwest Detroit is a home that brings hope to the unborn and guidance for expectant mothers. This is home to Guadalupe Workers where the 87th Ultrasound dedication ceremony took place on Tuesday, June 27, 2023. This Ultrasound placement was led by Sacred Heart Council #13475, Grosse Ile.

Comments of support were also given by Past State Deputy Kenneth Unterbrink.

Other council support include:

Msgr. Eppenbrock Council #3615             Fr. Maurice Veryser Council #13810

Riverview Council #13980                         St. Edith Council #13645

Wyandotte Council #1802                          Msgr. Clement Kern Council #8284

Robert H. Jones Council #3078                 Bishop Foley Council #2660

Fr. Patrick O’Kelley Council #3860            St. John Neumann Council #16169

St. Francis of Assisi Council #440             Fr. John Kenna Council #11430

Special thanks to Livingston County Ultrasound Initiative for their contribution and continued support of the Ultrasound initiative!


Ed Strach State Life Director

GR Diocesan Knights Priests, Religious, Clergy Dinner 2023

By: Gary Merritt - Thu, Jun 29, 2023 1:47 PM

Another succesful Priests Appreciation Dinner was held in the Grand Rapids Diocese.

The Honor Guard of the Fourth Degree posted the Colors and led us in the Pledge of Allegiance. Opening prayer and grace was led by Fr. Tony Russo, 8117 Council Chaplain and Pastor of St. Robert of Newmister. Our emcee for the evening, Scott Hamilton, welcomed all in attendance. After dinner he introduced the speakers and kept things moving.

The lighthearted atmosphere of the evening was shown when Fr. Mark Bauer was mistakenly introduced as the State Chaplain. Although Fr. Mark appreciated the promotion, he did not accept; he said he is comfortable serving as the GR Diocesan Chaplain.


Bishop David Walkowiak's address highlighted the importance of this type of an event, where we can gather, religious and lay in a casual atmosphere. Renewing old friends and making new ones. He thanked the Knights for their service to the church and its principles.

Fr. Logan Weber had the pleasure of leading us in the St. John Vianney Prayer for Priests.

The Fraternity and visiting continued long after the closing prayer.

A Special Experience at the Michigan Convention

By: Gary Merritt - Thu, Jun 29, 2023 6:19 AM

A Miracle for my family at the convention.

The Son of Man came eating and drinking and they said, ‘Look, he is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners.’ But wisdom is vindicated by her works.” Matthew 11:19


On Friday May 26, just after midnight during the recent Michigan Knight of Columbus Convention, my family and I were enjoying the hospitality rooms.at the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island, eating and drinking while going from room to room. We were having an incredible time, seeing the sights from the Presidential Suite, the lights on the Mackinaw Bridge and the new pool at the Hotel. The delicious taste of foods from around the state that we experienced in the various rooms was amazing!

While in the Yooper’s suite, with simple conversation holding our family for the perfect timing of what was to come next! What are the chances with so many knights and their families at the event this would happen to us?

A simple miracle? A calling from Jesus! I believe so!

As our young adult children were in conversation, mom, my wife, would say, “We should just leave and see if they will notice we’re gone.” Leaving we would go down the hall and sit at a bench outside a different room. A couple minutes later my son TJ would meet up with us and we were approached by Father Al, a priest from the UP. “You’re sitting on my bench.” We responded, “Really, how is that? “Mine is the Teddy Rosevelt Room and the animal carvings on the bench go with the room and his love of hunting! Father Al then said, “I also have Jesus with me!”  I responded, ”That’s great, I have Jesus with me too all the time!” Father Al responded back, “No I mean I have Jesus with me in my room in a different way. Come in and see!” 

There in his room was the tabernacle for Jesus in the Eucharist to be kept there with bishop’s approval for the Mass while on the Island. I immediately went in and genuflected with my wife Liz by my side and son TJ doing the same! Then my daughter Chelsea and her husband Chad would be allowed to pay their respects! There as a family we were eating and drinking having a merry time and there was Jesus in our midst in an unusual way, calling us! Reminding us that he is always with us but here in a unique way, a physical reminder of his presence in our lives!

What are the chances of this happening to us? A Miracle for my family!

Jim Dennis Incoming Grand Knight 2024/25 Pier Marquette Council #1492 Ludington.

6824 Motor City Mission Youth Dinner!

By: District Deputy 113 - Wed, Jun 28, 2023 6:26 PM

A Big thank you to Bill Venglar and Jeff Mackey for helping with the Motor City Mission Youth Dinner! 

We had almost 100 youth and sponsors that came together for a BBQ dinner on Tuesday 6-27. 

Many of the youth personally thanked us for making them dinner after a day of volunteering. 

Seasoned BBQ'ers Jeff and Bill flipped over 100 hot dogs, 85 burgers and even a few cheese-burger tacos.  It was a great success!

Thank you.
Paul Miner
Grand Knight
Fr. George Ging Council #6824

Membership Plans for July Forward

By: Jim Escott - Mon, Jun 26, 2023 6:45 PM

The new Fraternal Year begins in only FOUR days. Is YOUR council ready???

     Do you have any recruiting events planned?

          Summer is a great time for Church Picnics.

          Reach those college students home for the summer.

          Hold a Delta Drive this summer.

     Did you update the Council Activity Tracker (CAT) system?

          Council Activity Tracker resources

     Do you have Exemplifications scheduled?

        District Deputies - Get those Exemplifications scheduled for July August, and September.

        To schedule an exemplication and view schedules