Happy 2024

By: Ken Warzybok - Mon, Jan 1, 2024 12:02 AM

Wishing you and your families a Blessed and Joyous 2024!1

2023-2024 Michigan Knights of Columbus State Raffle

By: Kevin Rowley - Wed, Dec 27, 2023 8:32 AM

Thank you to all Brother Knights who have sold or bought and returned their raffle tickets with check, to
the State Office P.O. Box. You’ve done a great job including your “Early Bird” drawing ticket with each
book sold. Thank you also to all the brothers who have taken extra books of tickets to sell. Thanks to
all of you, we’re off to a great start again this year, raising much needed funds for our Michigan Charities
and local councils.


1st Early Bird Raffle Drawing
Our first of four Early Bird Raffle drawings is this Friday, December 29, 2023. One lucky brother will end
2023 with and extra $250.00 in their pocket. Will it be you? As they say, “you can’t win if you don’t
have a ticket.” Check those dresser drawers, desk drawers, kitchen counter tops, car trunks and glove
boxes, find your tickets and get them in for a chance to win.

Council Share
Would you like to donate $12.00 to your Council? Simply sell or purchase your book of raffle tickets and
your council will receive $1.00 for every ticket. That’s $12.00 per book sold. Some councils have really
jumped on the State Charity Raffle as one of the simplest fundraisers they’ve ever had. Your council
doesn’t have to apply for a license, you don’t have to recruit volunteers, cook pancakes or spaghetti,
simply sell your State Charity Raffle Tickets and your council receives $1.00 for every ticket sold. If just
the Elected Council Officers sell their tickets, your council will earn $144.00.Raffle cleanup

Dicastery on the Doctrine of Faith released the Declaration Fiducia Supplicans

By: Robert Bagley - Sat, Dec 23, 2023 3:35 PM

My Brothers and Sisters, Merry Christmas!

A few days ago the Dicastery on the Doctrine of Faith released the Declaration Fiducia Supplicans.
What is imperative for us to remember is that we are to follow Christ and Scriptures. The Catholic teaching on the sacrament of marriage is unchanged. Marriage is between one man and one woman. Same sex marriage will not be blessed in the Church because sin can not be blessed. What is a sin in God's eyes is still a sin.  In the history of our church we have had good Popes and bad, the very first Pope, Peter, denied Christ three times. We must continue to follow Christ and Scripture, do this and we will not be led astray.
Below are some explanations and bullet points that were sent to me by a member of Clergy that may help you understand what is going on and I highly recommend talking to your own Clergy for guidance. 

As you know, yesterday the Dicastery on the Doctrine of Faith released the Declaration Fiducia Supplicants.  I have read the document and I encourage each of you to read it. 

First, I draw your attention to the statement from the USCCB. It is clear and concise:


The Declaration issued today by the Vatican’s Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith (DDF) articulated a distinction between liturgical (sacramental) blessings, and pastoral blessings, which may be given to persons who desire God’s loving grace in their lives. The Church’s teaching on marriage has not changed, and this declaration affirms that, while also making an effort to accompany people through the imparting of pastoral blessings because each of us needs God’s healing love and mercy in our lives.” – USCCB

Second, I am sure that people will look to you for guidance regarding yesterday’s Declaration. I offer you the following talking points in the hope that you may find these helpful.

A disclaimer: I don’t intend this to be a complete treatment of the Declaration. It would be helpful if you read the entire document so that you can understand these talking points in their context:

·       Blessing has many meanings in the English language.  One of those meanings is “approval”; this is not the definition being used in this document.  This Declaration explains the meaning of imparting a blessing of God upon people.

·       The Declaration is an edifying theological treatment of the role and purpose of blessings within the Church and the Christian tradition. 

·       Some blessings are given to anyone who comes forth in good will to ask God for His grace.

·       With this kind of blessing, the Declaration presumes that people requesting them do so because they recognize their need for God’s grace to help them to overcome whatever difficulty they are encountering.

·       People ask for blessings for many things such as: physical health struggles, mental health struggles, and sometime moral struggles. We do not need to wait for physical or mental healing before we impart a blessing, nor do we need to wait for moral perfection before imparting a blessing. The blessing is intended to help them in their struggle.

·       These blessings are to be spontaneous blessings, in response to spontaneous requests (i.e. you are asked after Mass, or in the store, or on pilgrimage, etc.). We often receive these kinds of requests and they should be familiar to us.

·       These pastoral blessings are not to be given within rituals, nor are they to be given according to any standardized form, nor are they to be done with the intention of being witnessed by a group of people.

·       This is a spontaneous blessing of the individuals coming forward; it is not in any way to be construed as a blessing of their unions.

·       Pastors are to remember that “any blessing will be an opportunity for a renewed proclamation of the kerygma, and invitation to draw ever closer to the love of Christ.” (44)


I hope that this information is helpful to you as you attempt to shepherd your people according to the mind and heart of Christ and the Church. Catholic teaching on the sacrament of marriage is unchanged. We are asked to respond generously to those who request our prayers and the aid of divine grace. 

This was sent out by the Bishop of the Kalamazoo Diocese, and I found it very helpful. I pray that it helps you during this time of confusion. 


Love and Pray for each other!


Bob Bagley 

State Faith Director

Twelve new Knights in Multi-Council and Bi-District Emplification

By: Richard Shelt - Mon, Dec 18, 2023 10:57 AM

A multi-council/bi-district Exemplification of Charity, Unity, and Fraternalism was held on Thursday December 12th, bringing in a total of 12 new members!
From District 114: Fr Victor J. Renaud Council 3292 (Plymouth) had nine new members; Fr Daniel A. Lord Council 3959 (Livonia) had two new members
From District 110: Fr Patrick O’Kelley #3860 (Dearborn Heights) had one new member.
Congratulations and welcome to our new Brother Knights!


Wreaths Across America events held throughout Michigan

By: Eugene Suchyta - Sun, Dec 17, 2023 9:04 AM

On Saturday, December 16, 2023, members of the Fourth Degree Color Corps and Knights on Bikes joined veteran groups across the state to celebrate Wreaths Across America. This event is held in all 50 of the United States of America to help remember the fallen, honor those who serve, and teach the next generation the value of freedom.


See the video here

Michigan District 1 holds 4th Degree Exemplification in Dearborn

By: Eugene Suchyta - Sun, Dec 17, 2023 6:57 AM

On Wednesday, December 13th, Michigan District 1 held a small Fourth Degree Exemplification at St. Kateri Tekakwitha in Dearborn. Twelve new Sir Knights were Exemplified.


State Warden Dan Fuller, FVSM Cliff Wasmund, Former District Masters Mark Brezenski and John Hundiak joined District Master Gene Suchyta at the event hosted by Msgr. Schulte Assembly 492.


Eugene Suchyta

Master - District #1



Groundbreaking for Special Needs Field

By: Ken Warzybok - Tue, Dec 12, 2023 7:00 AM

On November 29th, the Groundbreaking Ceremonies for Clinton Valley Little League Challenger Division was conducted at Neil Reid Park in Clinton Township. This totally adaptable Special Needs Field is to be named after our beloved founder "Blessed Fr. Michael J. McGivney".
McGivney Field resized
Since 2006, the Knights of Columbus have donated over $225,000.00 to the league. Included in that figure is $60,000.00 which was raised as a Special Olympics Initiative to help build a field for their Senior League. Contributing to this initiative were 42 Councils from Wayne, Oakland, and Macomb Counties.
In attendance from the Michigan State Council were State Community Director John Hundiak, State Special Olympics Director Robbie Waclawski, joined by Grand Knight Bob Szymanski Council 13950 St Mary's of the Hills in Rochester Hills, MI.
The Blessing and Naming of the field is tentatively scheduled for the Saturday of Father's Day Weekend (June 15, 2024) weather permitting.
- Ken Dumais