Council 11957 - September is Life Insurance Awareness Month

By: Paul Biebere - Thu, Aug 29, 2019 7:30 PM

Posted For: Council #11957

September is Life Insurance Awareness Month. It’s the one month each year that the life insurance industry coordinates a campaign aimed at educating folks about the importance of life insurance and helping them get the coverage they need.

Click the link below to read more about why Fr. McGivney intitiated the Knights of Columbus Insurance program and the benefits of having good insurance policy.


September is Life Insurance Awareness Month

Council 11957 - St. Therese of Lisieux Council 11957 Support for Fun Fest

By: Paul Biebere - Thu, Aug 22, 2019 7:30 PM

Posted For: Council #11957

     On Saturday, August 3, 2019. St. Therese of Lisieux Parish celebrated their annual Fun Fest on the parish grounds. The activies began with an outdoor mass celebrated by Msgr. John Kasza and Deacon Greg Willoughby. While mass was going on, members of Knights of Columbus Council 11957, and their spouses, were busy setting up the eating area and preparing hot dogs, hamburgers and sausages for the parishioners who departed the mass hungary and thirsty. All the food and condiments were purchased, prepared and served by by our brothers. Every one went home that night tired and satisfied with a job well done. 

To see more pictures from this event, see an article that was posted on Sept. 12, 2019.

Council 11957 Calendar of Events

By: Paul Biebere - Tue, Aug 13, 2019 7:30 PM

Posted For: Council #11957

August 5  -   Officers Meeting 6:30 pm

                     General Membership Meeting 7:30 pm Social Follows

August 15 -   Feast of the Assumption Masses at 8:30 am and 7:00 pm

August 25 -   Corporate Communion at 11:45 am mass. with Installion of 
                      Officers immediately following.

                      A buffet luncheon will follow in the Social Hall. All Council 11957
                      members are encouraged to attend. 

                      Please wear coats and ties.

Sept. 3  -       Officer's Meeting 6:30 pm (Being held on Tuesday this month only)

                      General Membership Meeting 7:30 pm with Social following.

Sept. 15  -     Pancake breakfast and bake sale following 8:00 and 9:45 am

Oct. 6    -       Pancake breakfast and bake sale following 8:00 and 9:45 am

Oct. 7    -      Officer's Meeting 6:30 pm 

                     General Membership Meeting 7:30 pm with Social following.

Oct. 11-13 -  Annual MI Drive 8:00 am - 5:00 pm daily