Council 13360 - Council #13360 - January Knight and Family of the Month

By: Mark Tepen - Fri, Mar 8, 2019 3:30 AM

Posted For: Council #13360

January Knight of the Month:  The late Bill Champion. 

Bill served for many years as Lecturer of our council.  Bill organized the bi-monthly talks by various guest speakers held usually at 7:00pm before the council's Business Meeting.  Bill also was the primary connection between our council and the parish Right-to-Life group.  He also gave witness to the inherent value of each human life by the way in which he lovingly cared for his wife, Theresa, as her dementia worsened over the last several years.  


January Family of the Month:  Deacon Lou and Mary Russello. 

Deacon Lou, a member of our KofC council, has assisted at many different parish programs and activities in his role as an ordained deacon.  He is now recovering from illness and temporarily stepping back from major duties.  Mary is ready to step up for so many different parish activities and programs.


Council 13360 - Council #13360 - Desert Meal Seminarian Fundraiser

By: Mark Tepen - Fri, Mar 8, 2019 3:30 AM

Posted For: Council #13360

Desert Meal Pic1

The Knights of Columbus of Christ the King Council #13360 will once again host their annual Desert Meal to aid SHMS Seminarians’ Pilgrimage to the Holy Land.  All parishioners and guests are invited to a potluck desert meal, planned by the Knights of our council, on Thursday, March 14, from 6:00-9:00pm in the Christ the King Parish Center Room 2. We will be hearing from two first-year seminarians from Sacred Heart Major Seminary who will share with us about how they experienced the Lord's call to the priesthood. Voluntary donations will be requested; they will be tax-deductible. Most of the seminarians from CTK are enrolled at SHMS for the last four years of their preparation for the priesthood. 

Desert Meal Pic2

Council 788 - Monday Night Euchre

By: Bill Schaner - Sun, Mar 3, 2019 3:30 AM

Posted For: Council #788

Come out to the Club on Monday March 4th from 6:30 to 8:30 and play Euchre. The event is $5 to play and is open to the public, you don't need a partner to play. So bring some friends down to the Columbus Hall, at 5300 N Grand River Avenue, and enjoy the evening with some friends playing cards. Come out early and enjoy a burger basket for $6.