Council 788 - March Newletter On-Line
Wed, Mar 4, 2020 3:30 AM
-Posted For: Council #788
-- Lansing Columbian March 2020 (PDF) -- This new issue of the Lansing Columbian is made available for viewing in the above.
-- Lansing Columbian March 2020 (PDF) -- This new issue of the Lansing Columbian is made available for viewing in the above.
The Caro Council #3224 monthly newsletter for March, 2020 is now available.
Read about Knights Who Shaped History in this month's Columbia.…/febru…/knights-who-shaped-history.html
Men! Are you ready to accept the challenge?
Our communities need strong Catholic men to answer the call to lead with faith, protect our families, serve others, and defend our values.
For over one hundred years, the Knights of Columbus has done exactly that: standing for the Church, serving the least among us, and strengthening our parishes and families.
Eligible Catholic men can now join the Knights online in a simple, streamlined process. As a member, you join a worldwide community of nearly two million men, including more than 65,000 in Michigan, who stand together.
Men have a duty to lead, protect, serve, and defend. The world needs more committed, unified Catholic men to anser the call. Will you answer?
Visit to learn more about the many benefits of membership in the Knights. You also will find information there about Knights activities in Michigan, around the nation, and around the world.
Council Officers
Chaplain Fr. Thomas Cavera
Grand Knight Brian Mauric
Deputy Grand Knight Steve Gomez
Chancellor Paul Mauric
Financial Secretary Dan White
Recorder Terry Emiley
Treasurer Joe Keller
Advocate George Mauric
Warden Andy Mauric
Inside Guard Mark Hansen
Outside Guard Larry Manley
Third Year Trustee Todd Gross
Second Year Trustee Ron Thomet
First Year Trustee Ed Bobko
Membership Director Andy Mauric
Newsletter Editor Ed Donahue
Insurance Agent James R. Newman
General Membership Meeting
Every 3rd Monday in the Multipurpose Room at 7:00 p.m....Sharp!
All knights are encouraged to attend.
K of C February 2020 Newsletter
2nd…..K of C Breakfast - Multipurpose Room
14th….St. Valentine Day
17th…..K of C Meeting - Multipurpose Room
1st.…..K of C Breakfast - Multipurpose Room
7th......St. Patrick’s Dinner - 6:30PM Parish Center
16th….K of C Meeting - Multipurpose Room
17th….St. Patrick’s Day!
5th…...K of C Breakfast - Multipurpose Room
20th….K of C Meeting - Multipurpose Room
3rd…...K of C Breakfast - Multipurpose Room
18th.....K of C Meeting - Multipurpose Room
25th…..Memorial Day
World Mission Support
Spring cleaning time is here! This is a great time to go through your closet and dresser and get rid of those things you haven’t worn in a long time. Drop them off in our donation box at the corner of Parnell and 5 Mile Roads - right next to the Paper Gator. Collected items go to support World Mission.
The Queen of Hearts board is ready for the February 22nd kick-off dinner and first drawing. Join us for a royal good time!