Brother Knights of District 517 present donations for ultrasound machine at a new Pregnancy Support center

By: District Deputy 517 - Fri, Aug 4, 2023 8:03 PM

The Brother Knights of District 517 recently gathered at the Cristo Rey Community Center to present a check for $28,270 to CEO Joe Garcia. This generous donation is specifically intended for the purchase of an ultrasound machine, which will be a valuable addition to the new pregnancy support center.

The funds were raised with the Lansing Bro Knights ultrasound checkincredible support of parishioners from East Lansing Catholics, St. Martha Catholic Church in Okemos, and St. Mary Catholic Church in Williamston. Their overwhelming generosity truly touched hearts.

In addition to this remarkable contribution, a check for $19,730 was received from the Supreme Council of the Knights of Columbus. With this additional support, the total amount raised for the ultrasound machine has reached an impressive $48,000 so far.

It comes as no surprise that the Michigan Knights of Columbus are leading the Order in the Life category. We are proud to work together in our mission to improve the lives of pregnant mothers and their precious unborn babies.