District 406 Exemplification
By: Nick Zafer -
Tue, Nov 21, 2023 3:52 PM
District 406 exemplified six Knights this past Sunday, November 19th at St. Catherine of Siena Church in Portage. Congratulations to the four new members of Council 6980 in Portage, and the two new members of Council 15439 in Kalamazoo! The new Brothers from 6980 are Fr. Jacob Sundararaju, Daniel Walker, Justin Stamm and Nicholas Kehoe, and the new Brothers of Council 15439 are Matthew Morgan and Kevin Hall.

The Exemplification Ceremony included District Deputy 406 John Byrnes, Kalamazoo Diocesan Membership Director Nick Zafer, and Fr. Mark Vyverman, the Pastor of St. Catherine’s. Also in attendance were the Council 6980 Degree Team, family members and other Knights from both Councils.
Knights lead Kalamazoo Cemetaries Cleanup
By: District Deputy 406 -
Mon, May 8, 2023 12:22 PM
On Friday and Saturday April 21-22. Bishop Alfred J. Markiewicz Council #1616, GK Dan Barrett, led the effort to clean up two Catholic cemeteries in the Diocese of Kalamazoo
Major contributions from Council #1616 members with the help of Knights from St. Catherine of Siena Council #6980, St. Augustine Cathedral Council #15439, St. Monica-Fr. Adolph Nadrach Council #12998 and the 50 members of the senior class of Hackett Catholic Prep High School, got the job done.

Picture is a group of Knights taking a deserved break.
John Byrmes District Deputy 406
District 406 Award Winners
By: Robert Smith -
Mon, Jul 11, 2022 8:05 AM
Congratulations to the 2021–22 Michigan Kalamazoo District 406 Award winners. The District recognizes Knights and families for their services not only for council and parish activities but for community as well.
The Knight of the Year is awarded to Phil LaVoy of St Augustine Cathedral Council 15439 and the Family of the Year is awarded to Jim and Bonnie Heffernan Bishop Markiewicz Council 1616.

Pictured - Bob Smith FDD 406, Fr. Bob Creagan Diocese Chaplain, Phil LaVoy, and Jim & Bonnie Heffernan.
Old Catholic Cemetery Cleanup
By: Robert Smith -
Mon, May 2, 2022 9:28 AM
Special thanks to Bishop Alfred Markiewicz Council #1616 and St. Augustine Cathedral Council #15439 for working together to perform the spring cleanup at the Old Catholic Cemetery in Kalamazoo. With only 5 Knights the project was completed. Joining the cleanup group was Council #1616's newest Knight, Roger Jones, an E-Member who joined just days ago. Welcome to the District. This project, headed by Council #1616 has been performing this work for over 40 years. Thanks for a job well done!