Youth Big Buck Contest
Tue, Sep 29, 2020 5:33 PM
Promoting State Youth Sportsmanship |
Program Suggestions on how to run:
Gentlemen I have been asked how to run a Big Buck Contest. I have found no Councils in the Michigan Jurisdiction doing this, so I have put together some ideas on how to run one. Please keep in mind that these are only suggestions. Councils are free to run this contest any way they would like. Please remember to follow all State and Federal hunting and firearm rules and regulations. This is a program to help get the youth out in the woods to promote hunting. Please think out of the box and introduce a youth to hunting that maybe would not have the opportunity to participate.
Decide what part of the season you will be running the contest. (i.e. youth hunt, archery, firearm, or muzzle loader)
Decide on an entry fee, most of the contests I have seen require the fee be paid in advance of the competition. The Council can use this as a fund raiser. Please keep in mind if the price of the entrance fee should also reflect in the prizes like any fundraiser. Remember that there are going to be fewer entries in a Youth Hunt than will be in one of the other hunts. Councils can come up with their own registration form to fit their needs but I am working on a generic one.
Decide on prizes they can be cash, sporting equipment or whatever the Council comes up with. All State laws must be followed.
Decide on the scoring system. This is where the real work in this program is. Councils can download the Boone and Crockett score sheets online they can be found at this site, The Difference between Boone and Crockett and Pope and Young is that Boone and Crockett allow for scoring of deer regardless of how they are killed. Pope and Young are strictly archery only. There are many types of scoring charts, you want white tail typical and non-typical. I am sure the question of what is typical and non-typical is going to be asked so here is the brief explanation. Typical has matching horns on both sides while non-typical may have a different number of tines on either side. This adds a little more to the scoring work because you will have two classes if you decide to. On the score sheet you will notice that for a trophy entry you need to have a certified judge sign the form. We are only using the scoring sheets for our contest. If you think you have a record trophy Buck please have a certified Boone and Crockett judge measure and submit the form. The scoring is the hardest part of running the event. Decide when you will be doing the scoring, daily during the season, or perhaps only at the end which would take some time. Please make sure your judges have all practiced measuring according to the score sheet. Make sure they are all doing it the same way to avoid any issues. I have been told that a piece of string works the best for measuring with a tape measure set on a table.
Promotion like any other event is the key to a successful program. This program falls under the State Youth Sportsmen Program. Please promote it with the intention of getting the youth out in the woods to continue our time-honored traditions of hunting and fishing we have in Michigan. As with all programs please think out of the box, is there a youth whose parents do not hunt in the council maybe you could take them. The first few events may take some time to iron out all the bugs as with any new program. These are just a few guidelines to help you along, I am sure that many different questions will come up and some problems. I am confident that the membership will be able to figure out solutions to them. As with all Knights of Columbus events please fill out Supreme form #10784. If there is anything, I can do to help please feel free to get a hold of me.
Your Brother in Christ Garret A. Kelenske State Family Director