Weekly Message from Dan Fuller SMD

By: Dan Fuller - Sat, Nov 28, 2020 5:14 PM

 Greetings to all my Brothers that make up the Michigan State Council of   the Knights of Columbus.  Yes, if you are a Knight in Michigan, you are   not only a Knight in your home council, but you are very important to     the  charitable strength of the Michigan State K of C Council and our   Supreme Council.  Therefore, the strength of your home council is   equally important.  Charity is our corner stone and during the holidays it   is needed more than any other time of year.  Membership grows your   charitable strength and is why we should all care for the strength of our   council’s membership.

You may think that all we care about is numbers and you are correct.  We care about how many coats we can provide needy children, how many ultrasound machines and gifts of material items that can be provided to crisis pregnancy centers, how many funds we can generate during our Tootsie Roll or MI Drives to support our Intellectually Impaired brothers and sisters and how many families we can protect through our fraternal benefits.  These are the most important numbers, and they count very very much.

Our Goal is 100% membership engagement and growth by all the councils in Michigan.  Every Council and Every District must be engaged in strengthening their membership and inviting men to join us. 

So here are the key membership numbers as of November 28, 2020

·         616 new Brother Knights have joined us this year, we need to bring in 1554 more

·         28.4% of our State’s membership goal has been met, we are roughly 15% off the pace of our goal

·         Michigan is 24th in the Oder for membership growth, we should always try to be 1st

·         Michigan in 6th place of the Division 1 States, trailing Ontario, Illinois, Texas, New York and Ohio (all these States are struggling with the pandemic too)

·         36 Districts have not added new members, so only 64% of Districts are engaged in recruiting men for our Order

·         295 Councils have not added new members, so only 30% of Councils are engaged and growing membership

Thank you for reading this message and I know we can all support each other in meeting these important growth goals. 

To RECRUIT a candidate in to our Order means to Reach out to ME, Engage ME as a friend, Communicate with ME early and often, Relate to MY perspective, Understand MY availability and offer ME choices, Include MY family and yours, and Thank ME regularly and ask ME to invite a friend.  This is from the Delta Church Drive training by Jon Olson.  Let’s embrace the meaning of RECRUIT to bring in new Brother Knights to strengthen our councils in Michigan.


 I encourage all my Brother Knights to offer the gift of Knighthood this Advent & Christmas Season. This maybe the best gift you can give.  Give him the gift that often strengthens his Faith, grows his effect on Charity, offers the feeling of Unity to his catholic community, Fraternally links him and his family to the largest catholic lay organization in the world, and helps him to protect his family with our Benefits.  


Offer this gift of membership to your family, friends and work colleagues during this Advent & Christmas season. Your gift to him could truly change his life and it is FREE.  Just direct him to kofc.org/joinus and he will be a Knight before Christmas.          Free E-membership through December 31st 2020 promo code MCGIVNEY2020.

A reminder to all District Deputies, our Supreme Council wants to give you $250 for membership growth before December 31st.  All you need is for your District to add 12 new Brother Knights before the end of December.  See the details on our State website https://mikofc.org/resources/Membership-Incentives


The time frame for this incentive is October 1st through December 31st, so all you need to do is make 12 men Knights before Christmas.  Please let me know how I can help you succeed in this membership incentive.

God bless you all.  Blessed Fr. McGivney pray for us.

Vivat Jesus,

Dan Fuller SMD

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