Ukraine and the K of C

By: Gary Merritt - Mon, Mar 7, 2022 8:21 AM

 The Knights of Columbus have a Jurisdiction in the Ukraine, and Fox News has an interview with their State Deputy . Please spend a few minutes to see this interview with Knights of Columbus director Szymon Czyszek.

 To donate to help our fellow Catholics and Brothers in Ukraine go to This Link for a Donation. Thank you Ben Dandrow DD 513 for sending this story to us!

 Since the Order launched the Ukraine Solidarity Fund last week, over $1.7 million has been raised to support those displaced by the crisis in Ukraine. Many brother Knights and councils have joined in this effort and some have asked how this support can be counted for council activity.

 Councils who donate at least $1,000 to the Ukraine Solidarity Fund may submit and claim program credit in any program category on the Columbian Award (SP-7) application. Councils who donate at least $4,000 may claim 2 program credits in any program category.

 Councils with Lenten fish fries scheduled should know that this is a great way to fundraise for the Ukraine Solidarity Fund. Councils should also view Volume 47 of Fraternal Leader Advisory sent on March 3 to see how they can create their own fundraising team. As a reminder, 100% of donations to the Ukraine Solidarity Fund will go directly to those in need.