Trainers Needed

By: Gary Merritt - Mon, Mar 4, 2019 3:30 AM

My brother Knights,

As you all continue the good works of the order in your councils, parishes, communities and across the great state of Michigan, I would very much like you to consider sharing your knowledge, experience and talents with your brother Knights.

 As Michigan State Training Director, I am looking for experienced, knowledgeable and talented men like yourselves to help me train your fellow Knights.

I need trainers in all Diocese

 KC trainer

 I do travel quite a bit and love visiting different councils and Dioceses.


  • District Deputies

  • Grand Knights

  • D G Knights

  • Chancellors

  • Advocates

  • Wardens

  • Guards

  • Recorders

  • Financial Secretaries (This is a very big need)!

The further away it is, the harder it is for me to get there.


  • Treasurers

  • Lecturers

  • Trustees

  • Membership Directors

  • Retention Directors

  • Program Directors

  • Faith, Family, Community & Life Directors

  • I can use as much of your time as you're willing to provide.  Anywhere from 8 hours a year to 8 hours a month (depending on how much you want to do).

  • Your travel will be reimbursed by the state.

  •  You'll meet a lot of great people.  There are many wonderful men in the Knights of Columbus.

  • You can share what you know to help others be more successful.


  • You will also learn a great deal yourself in the process.

If this is something you might have fun doing, please reply to this e-mail or give me a call at 248-345-8523.

I look forward to speaking to you.  With your help, we can move Michigan forward to great things like we've never seen.   Michigan State Training Director James Escott    God Bless!